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Two questions - I'm new here.

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    Two questions - I'm new here.

    Hi, not sure where/who I should ask these questions but:-

    1) Can you do the program without Topomax, I wont go to see any Doctor about this and was hoping the Kudzu Rescue does have a similar effect?
    2) I have placed my order for the starter pack - will it get through Australian Quarantine? That is assuming that my order wont be sent if it is known to be a problem.

    Two questions - I'm new here.

    Hi Aussie Chick

    I did the program without Topo and feel the Kudzu helped me enormously. My parcels are always opened and inspected by Australian Customs but they always get through without any probs. Hope that helps.

    Oh - and Welcome!


      Two questions - I'm new here.

      Many people do the program without the Topa - I tried it for a couple months and I think it helped at the time, but I went off it as I didn't like some of the side effects. This time around I am doing without, and am having just as much success (so far at least).
      Good luck - and welcome!!
      xo peanut


        Two questions - I'm new here.

        Hi Peanut & Tawnyfrog, thank you so much for quick replies. I can't wait to get the package now, I only ordered it yesterday though so in for a long wait. I have downloaded the book and aim to get started right away anyway, I didn't drink yesterday for the first time in about 2 yrs.

        My aim is to get back to acceptible drinking levels, i.e. around 14 units per week - currenlty I am on about 50 I think which is a bottle of wine a night.

        Aussie Chick


          Two questions - I'm new here.

          Hi Aussie chick

          Good Luck and hope you feel wells supported on this site.
          Many of us on here have crept to the bottle of wine per day and more!Its horrible to feel self disgust and guilt.

          Use all the hints and strategies you can get on here//i,ve never read the book or done the supplements (yet) but lots of positive outcomes on here from people who are daily moderating or daily alcohol abstainers.
          Keep up the enthusiasm


            Two questions - I'm new here.

            welcome AC and thanks for your honesty, that is a giant first step, a bottle a night is a big no no, take baby steps now and you will get to your 14 units, lots of help here, glad you came xx
            Keeps x:happyheart:


              Two questions - I'm new here.

              Aussie Chick- I also drank a bottle+ a night and am beating the beast "naturally" with supplements like
              l-glutamine and magnesium. I am also taking mega basic vites like A,B,C, etc.
              Daily exercise and the c.d.s from MWO really help too.
              I never got into the Topa or Kudzu as I'm leery of meds with my history of depression. I know alot of people here find help with them, though.
              Blessings to you on this journey.
              Toughen up!


                Two questions - I'm new here.

                Wine and women seem to go together. I used to drink wine like it was freshie. Luckily, I don't have to do that anymore. It is so great to be free!
                I have to admit that I will never be a "moderate" drinker so I had to quit altogether. I threw everything at this disease that I could when I had a moment of clarity. I go to a twelve step program, I went to a psychiatrist and did "talked-therapy", I started meds for a bi-polar condition - so as you can see I was pretty messed up.
                Half the battle is to be gentle on yourself and hard on the disease.
                Good Luck. ps If you are having trouble and the kudzu isn't cutting it - look up Revia 50mg.


                  Two questions - I'm new here.

                  G'day Aussiechick,
                  Like Tawny says, customs opens it but no worries. And aren't we glad that AQUIS is doing it's best to keep drugs out of Australia. If only I had my own personal alcohol inspecotr!
                  Kudzu I found OK. But please, don't be embarrassed about talking to your doctor. I was terrified when I went, but I was worried for nothing... he didn't bat an eyelid. so if you think you may need to go to a doctor, don't feel so scared/apprehensive that you stop yourself.
                  Your package should arrive in about 4 working days... US and Aussie mail is fast!!
                  So, enjoy your stay with MWO.


                    Two questions - I'm new here.

                    Thank you Rags, Tawny and everyone else, I can't wait for the package to arrive now and get stuck in, yep, I am glad that AQUIS does their job just didn't want it to stop legit stuff like this. I do want to try to do it without seeing a Doctor because I don't want to be labelled and I am embarrassed - rightly or wrongly. I know my family has a history of excessive drinkers and alcoholics on both parents sides so I am pre-destined to this and want to reign myself in now rather than have to do it when it is much harder.

                    Yesterday was the first day in over 1.5 yrs that I haven't drunk so I am trying to lay off even now before the package arrives. Apart from not sleeping brilliantly last night and having a bit of a headache today I am feeling ok so far.


                      Two questions - I'm new here.

                      Aussie - great to get a head start on the package and the first day without booze in 1.5 years is fantastic. Plan something for tonight to break your usual pattern - I found going for a drive at my usual "pub o'clock" helped get me past the urges. I also loaded the fridge with different juices/drinks - stuff I'd never bought before.

                      Glad you're going well - not sleeping brilliantly doesn't matter all that much in the short term and Panadol will zap the headache. You have a good attitude re the pre-destined stuff. Keep us posted.


                        Two questions - I'm new here.

                        I'm doing mine without topa. I think a drug like that should be used with a doctor watching. As for the second question, I'm sorry i live in the uk so have no idea!


                          Two questions - I'm new here.

                          Hi Aussie.

                          Just wanted to wish you a warm welcome (even if a little late).

                          Unfortunately I cannot moderate so cannot offer any advise besides to look after yourself. Eat healthy, excersise, take vitamin supplements. It might just make it less natural to drink more.

                          Good luck and keep posting
                          AF since 15th March 2010

                          The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                            Two questions - I'm new here.

                            Hi Aussie Girl. I'm a wine drinker and on day 5 AF, am using a multivit, B complex, and Milk Thistle. I have Kudzu but haven't used it yet. My sleep pattern has been really bad, but I've just flown back to Singapore from the UK so am jetlagged as well. I'm feeling really good today after a grumpy day yesterday. I'm hoping to moderate, and may have one or two glasses of wine tomorrow or Saturday, it'll be interesting to see if I can stop at 2. Well done on your AF day!
                            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                              Two questions - I'm new here.

                              I'm new too!

                              I just found this today and ordered the starter pack of supplements...I don't think I will do the topamax. I am a WINO also. usually a bottle a night but have even done two! I am wondering whether to tell my hubby what I am doing. has anyone ever kept the program and supplements a secret? And I didn't order the book...should I?
                              Part of learning is getting it Wrong.
                              The past is gone forever. Keep it Moving.

