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Two questions - I'm new here.

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    Two questions - I'm new here.

    Hi Keg and Sweaty B! Brilliant you are on day 5 now SB, I have just woken up for Day 3! Feeling OK, sleep still very light and I am all consumed by this at the moment and don't think about a lot else - guess that is just me, I don't do anythign by halves! I feel really pleased with myself though.

    Not sure when I will allow myself a glass of wine, have a BBQ on Saturday but am thinking of not having anything as it could be the slippery slope back to daily drinking and a bottle a night. Don't think I am ready to test myself yet.

    Hi Keg, I told my hubby last night, he is a very kind and understanding man. I was going to keep it secret and pass the supplements off as a new herbal/detox regime but decided to have a chat about it instead. I also need to stop him just pouring me drinks I haven't even asked for. He was very supportive, I didn't do the "I think I am an alcoholic" routine, I just said I think I drink more than I should and I have decided to try to moderate it and get down to 14 units per week, especially with alcoholics on both sides of my parents families. His attitude was great except he said not to bother with the program and supplements as I gave up smoking 5 years ago with sheer willpower and should do the same with alcohol. I tried to explain that I think the addiction is different, you are pre-disposed to alcohol addiction - cigarette addition is self taugh I think?! I know he'll be supportive though, I just don't want him adding any pressure, it's my decision and I want to do it for myself.

    By the way, I downloaded the book online, worth a read certainly I think, although a lot of it is on the website already.

    Good luck
    AC x x


      Two questions - I'm new here.

      Hi Aussie Girl, This is my very first post. I started MWO this week sups, Topa and CD,s and it has been unbelievable. I have slowly but surely been creeping up to a bottle of wine a night and for the last two nights have only had one glass and have honestly not felt like another one. No problems getting everything from the US and it arrived within 10 working days and that was over the Christmas Period. Good Luck. I feel Amazing and really positive and clear headeded like I have not been for a very long time.


        Two questions - I'm new here.

        Hiya AuzChick - just want to say great to have you here and welcome! This is a great site - has helped me through on many a slippery moment. Hope you get your parcels cleared soon - be interested to follow your progress...All the very very very best x x kap
        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


          Two questions - I'm new here.

          I tired TOPA but the side effects were to bad for me.
          I think it helped but there are plenty of others for you to choose from.
          I use river pharmacy and have no problem getting them thru customs here in the US.
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Two questions - I'm new here.

            Good Morning everyone, Had another great day and night yesterday. Did the clearing tapes 1 & 2, I find them so amazingly relaxing, I often drift in and out of sleep and wake up feeling fantastic. Went to my parents in law for dinner and actually didn't have a glass of wine before I got there and only 3 whilst there ( which is really, really good for me ). The thing is what I am finding on this program unlike other self imposed non - drinking rules I have tried eg: I won't drink during the week, I'll only drink 3 glasses of wine, I will have a week off drinking, I do not feel as if I am going without and that I can't wait until I can have a drink be it the week-end or the following week or whatever rule I have set. My mind is not telling me that. I can only put this down to the facts I have gleaned from the book that explains the chemical imbalances within our brains and the need for them to be both "re-programmed" through hypnosis and through nutritional supplements. I have always exercised extensively, so this part of the program is not a problem for me and I have always reaped the benefits of the natural highs produced form this, but now, even better. Cleaner body, clearer head. I have focused on sipping not gulping and enjoying the wine slowly, not like it is water !!!!! I have also focused on not carrying my wine glass around with me, another of my bad habits,. These are 2 of my statements I say to my self during the tapes. My worst time, trigger time is when I am cooking tea at night. 5pm, Time for a wine or 2 or 3 or............... In 2009 and beyond no more, those days are gone. I feel so confident that this is going to work for me and I am so happy thast some other people from Australia are on this program. I have not worked out how to do the added things up the top yet, will get to that. I know I have gone on alot but this is the first time I have ever admitted any of this stuff to anyone ever in my life. So I better stop now because I am starting to cry and I want to stay positive and happy. Speak to you tomorrow.


              Two questions - I'm new here.

              Hi Summerrose, welcome to MWO. I also got a lot of benefit from the CD's. They helped me immensely, and I used them to help me with my weight loss as well. Keep reading and posting there is a lot to be gained from this website.
              vegan zombies want your grains


                Two questions - I'm new here.

                Good Morning Cyclefan, Thanks so much for replying and sorry it took so long to get back I am still trying to work this site out. Am still going strong but am finding it occupies my mind 24/7 which is normal for me when I start something new I am looking forward to the day it becomes my reality. Thanks again. xx

