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What Do I Do

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    What Do I Do

    Posted 2 days ago that I had 24 for hours AF. Then had 2 drinks yesterday and now I am up to 4 tonight. I am taking all of the suppliments and listening to the c'ds. however, I still want a drink. I have ordered the topiramata and hope that makes this easier.
    If you have any info that could help me see the end of the tunnel...that would be so helpful.
    Thanks to all of you that responded to my first post..
    this is a wonderful way to share all of our fears and hopes.

    What Do I Do

    DMB... Your name says it all.. Do your best.... I have no answers.. I'm on day 3 and struggling right now.. But I'm sure you'll get some great advice.. My thoughts are with you.. Just keep reading and posting. That is what I'm doing.....



      What Do I Do

      DMB, I hope the topa makes it easier, too. And I think it's going to be important to realize that even if and when the medications and supplements work very well, there will still be times when you want to drink... and you'll have to find ways not to drink, despite wanting to very badly. Making a good plan, learning ways to develop other coping mechanisms, is extremely important... Have you read the "tool box" thread? Some great methods in there. Look in the list of Forums > Goals > Monthly Abstinence. It's up at the top.

      Welcome, and best wishes!


        What Do I Do

        I have an idea that some may balk at, but it is just one way you can start.

        Put down the drink you have right now and pour it out. Pour out the rest of what you have in your house and talk to us. Ask us questions, we will be honest, even if you don't like it. We will share our horror stories with you, even if they hit too close to home. We will be funny and witty and make you laugh at yourself even if this is no laughing matter.

        But it can all start with you putting down that drink for today, and tomorrow we will work on tomorrow. Just start for right now.

        I know that you can do it, it takes one move on your part, and we have all been there believe me.
        "The one true thing that I know about myself is that I will never stop learning things about myself!":nutso:

        AF SINCE 5/23/2007 - MINUS 3 DAYS!!!!


          What Do I Do

          Hi hun.
          I'm really sorry to say this but there is NO magic cure. If there was no one would be on this site, no one would struggle.
          You need to get up, brush yourself off and start again. When you get cravings, keep busy. Do something, ANYTHING but not drink. Run a bath, go for a walk, dance, go to bed. It takes a lot to get over this illness, a lot of teeth gritting, hair pulling, tears and sweat BUT it can be done.
          So start again!


            What Do I Do

            AKMOM, love you're icon *lol*


              What Do I Do

              Hi Doing.

              I think it's been sad on top. Don't expect the meds to be a magic cure. They help but you need a strong mind and focus. Keep yourself busy and if you can try and spent some time with non AL friends (if you have. I unfortunately don't really). They'll encourage you. It does get easier after a couple of days. the First couple of days are the worst. Good luck
              AF since 15th March 2010

              The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                What Do I Do

                as someone said your name says it all,thats all you can do,even in long term sobriety ,you have your bad days,a freind of mine has been sober almost 40 years,when he has a bad moment coming on he goes to a meeting,for him it helps,geico

