Hi Everyone thanks for all positive postings Ezzmae, I understand about the weekend I am a bit concerned about it too day 8 here a bit 'iffy' this evening but will not drink.
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ODAT Thursday
ODAT Thursday
Holy busy thread, Bat Man!!!!!
Already on page 4 and I am just getting a lunch break here. There are several of us on Day8 today, so obviously starting NewYears day was a good idea!!
I hope things look brighter for Becoming and Sea!
Ezz - I know how hard those weekends are. Last week was my first AF weekend since July and it was ok - not sure how I will do this weekend, but will keep my fingers crossed. That talk of going to the beach and watching the sunset filled me with longing. We are supposed to go to -4C on saturday, but I'll believe that when I see it. If we do, I will spend the entire day outside. Really, you NZ guys, you dont' REALLY want to know what -40 feels like - believe me!!! Snow is nice though!
You facebook comments made me laugh,Witchy. It is amazing how people just request friends on that thing with no real thought. I know people who have huge numbers of "friends", but don't even know most of them. Didn't somebody tell a story about a request from an old ex-girlfriend from like 20 years ago, and they had had an ugly breakup at the time??? (maybe that was on the radio) Why why why?!?!? If somebody requests friendship on my facebook who I don't know, I ckick Ignore.
Uni - watch your calcium intake??? No milk for me = cramps in my feet in the pool .
Nice to see some making some pretty good milestones. Talking about rewards, as someone mentioned yesterday, I have been thinking about how to reward myself. Day 8 today for me so I WILL get to the store and buy some new winter runners. AND, I will buy myself a new matress for my bed. It's about time too. Maybe I will get a better sleep if I get something with a bit more support, rather than the marshmallow I have been sinking into!!
Soup is finished so back to work. I will get my boy to make pea soup tonight. I have the split peas soaking, so he can start after school. I am determined that this kid knows how to cook - I think ALL boys should be made to take HomeEc in school. Being able to feed oneself is a very important survivial skilll I think, and it would sure please their future wives too if the guys knew how to cook (AND clean!!).
Have a great day today!!
xoxo peanut
ODAT Thursday
Peanut, I thought of you as I went through the drive-thru pharmacy to pick up a prescription.
I have been cooking with my stepson since he was 3. He's now 17, a senior in HS and in the culinary arts program at this school; he wants to be a chef. He is a great cook! I also "cook" with my 2 yo -- he puts the green beans in the steamer basket, or helped measure flour when I made Christmas cookies. We used to do a lot of vegetable gardening (which has gone by the wayside since baby, and I desperately want to get back into it! not now though, lol) and that is also a very effective way of getting kids to eat vegetables. If they are involved with the process, whether growing or preparing/cooking it (or both), they are more likely to eat it!
ODAT Thursday
CS - that's so interesting. My son (also 17) wants to go into culinary arts too - after high school!!!! Not sure where he would do it, but I think it is great. He has been working in the same restaurant for the last 2 years, started as dishwasher and then moved onto the food line,and he loves it. Wants to be a restauranteur!! Lots of work to do that of course. Explains why he is quite eager when i drag him into the kitchen to learn how to prepared all the meals I do!!!
ODAT Thursday
I think it is great you guys are cooking with your sons! My BF is unable to cook anything but hamburger helper and cleaning? Forget it.......very frustrating, I have to tell you. I wish his parents cooked with him growing up!
I have had the day from hell........said screw it at 3 and am at home now trying to relax. Have to head to the BF's house soon and chances are I will have a glass of wine. Only good thing is when i'm there I don't finish the bottle but a glass of wine and a hot bath to relieve this tension sounds so good........Going to take a kudzu and start with a cup of tea. Hopefully that will subside this desire right now......Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
ODAT Thursday
Hi all,
Congratulations to all of you, you are all doing great.
I feel inspired, its 4 weeks today since my last drink and I am now even having thoughts about maybe I can go the whole year. Anyway small steps as they say. Have just started the Body for Life challenge (just with myself) and I am up to day 5 so I have to keep off AL for another 20 weeks at least, and I am finding now that there aren't enough hours in the day. I don't know how I managed before.
Peanut & CS, my son also is hoping to be a chef. He started washing up and is now on deserts and food prep, he enjoys the work. I believe there is a great scope for travelling the world if you are a chef.:thanks: AF since 13/12/2008
ODAT Thursday
It's wonderful that you ladies have interested your sons in cooking. I have 2 daughters ... one can cook, the other isn't remotely interested. She lives on her own, and I must say when I'm on my own of an evening, I rarely cook for myself either ... just grab something quick and have a "night off".... don't know that I could do that as often as she does though. She goes from work, to the gym or dance class and then home .. .so its late and she's exhausted.... and she won't even touch raw meat ... finds it disgusting. She comes home most weekends and takes alot of leftover dishes and soups that I make for her here. I don't know how she survived being away at University!
I'm not sure how I'm going to handle this weekend either .... I'm glad I've completed the 7 days (first time), but ..... I'm starting to waver already!
Sea --- good for you ... I understand the stress you're under ... and you being so busy, it's hard to look for another job in the meantime. You've come a long way ... and I'll bet you're handling all this so much better without AL. Hang tough!