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i'm new and need help

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    i'm new and need help

    hello everyone out there. i'm new and would like to first say that i'm glad that i found this web site. i didn't kow if i was going to be able to find a place that i could find help for myself with the support of people who have been through my situation. i would like to have as much advice and feed back from members who have been in the program for a while. it's just great to have a site like this to go to.

    i'm new and need help

    :w Danny!

    You've found a great place to start your new life! Lots of great folks here...first suggestion is to download the book and start reading! And keep reading and posting on the various threads here...we're all in the same boat here--only now it's a lifeboat!!

    Good to see you here!
    "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


      i'm new and need help

      Hi Danny,

      Im also new today and feeling a bit lost. Just wanted to say that i understand and to be honest im absolutely petrified but i so wanna change my life. anyways.. read my thread.. im new and need support and hopefully speak soon.

      Take care

      Lou x x
      "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


        i'm new and need help

        Hiya Danny nice to have another bloke around..Not that many of us.This is a brilliant site and like sujul sez we're all in the same boat.
        All the best mate, hope to speak soon.
        LOOK AT IT THIS WAY.........
        IT CANT GET ANY WORSE.............

