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Not giving in, not at this moment....

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    Not giving in, not at this moment....

    Having major craving right now, I am trying to resist! I went to the gym, cleaned my fish tank, drank two glasses of water. I am home alone right now, day off of work, I have to pick up my kids after school, I have an appointment with my therapist this afternoon....I can't drink just now. Because I KNOW I will not stop at one. Just needed to vent, thank you. :bonkers:
    :crazymonkey:Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.? -George Carlin

    Not giving in, not at this moment....

    Good for you Laurel for keeping yourself busy through the craving! You can do this!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      Not giving in, not at this moment....

      Keep posting, reading, distracting yourself! Good job - you're doing it!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Not giving in, not at this moment....

        Hang in there, Laurel. You are doing marvelous!


          Not giving in, not at this moment....

          Good for you, Laurel! Maybe when you talk to your therapist you can develop a plan for the rest of the evening?


            Not giving in, not at this moment....

            Well done Laurel!
            Have you tried Lglutamine for cravings? I find it really does help
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Not giving in, not at this moment....

              Just read your post and it has helped me enormously I too have a major craving! All of the 'what ifs' have come tumbling in but then I saw ur post and I thought Laurel could do it so can I so hopefully I will be ok to night. Tried the chat thingy but dident undestand it!


                Not giving in, not at this moment....

                Hey Laurel, imagine how great you are going to feel by getting through this craving and not giving in to it. Cravings are temporary, they pass....get distracted, do something around the house, prep dinner, paint your nail.....any thing rather than sit and listen to the craving. You can do it.
                AC x x


                  Not giving in, not at this moment....

                  You vent as MUCH as you want to hun! Well done for being strong and not giving up!

