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starting over again

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    starting over again

    starting over again... I drink about 1/2bottle of wine to bottle or bottle and 1/2 a night. talked to a rehab clinic and they said it is very dangerous to quit cold turkey. any thoughts on this? she said as last resort wean myself off gradually. help!!!!!!!

    starting over again

    Why would it be dangerous to quit cold turkey? I did. Not having any issues. I am only into Day 8, taking the supps, but nothing that I would call very dangerous happening here.


      starting over again

      Hi Kendall, welcome to you..
      I quit cold turkey too...some of the symptoms were unpleasant but nothing I would say that was dangerous. I think with very hard core drinkers that stopping can cause seziures. But I have heard many people at your level of drinking have quit cold turkey and been fine.
      But from what you say here, it sounds like it would be more unpleasant than dangerous. Do you have any plan or have you read the book at all? I found the supplements like kudzu and lglutamine very helpful with cravings, also drinking lots of water to keep yourself hydrated will help. If you can eat light and nutritious foods, that will also keep your energy stable.
      I am not a doctor, so you will need to be sensible and if you start getting terrible symptoms from withdrawal, then you will need to contact a doctor.
      I hope this helps a bit....
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        starting over again

        startingover;514978 wrote: Hi Kendall, welcome to you..
        I quit cold turkey too...some of the symptoms were unpleasant but nothing I would say that was dangerous. I think with very hard core drinkers that stopping can cause seziures. But I have heard many people at your level of drinking have quit cold turkey and been fine.
        But from what you say here, it sounds like it would be more unpleasant than dangerous. Do you have any plan or have you read the book at all? I found the supplements like kudzu and lglutamine very helpful with cravings, also drinking lots of water to keep yourself hydrated will help. If you can eat light and nutritious foods, that will also keep your energy stable.
        I am not a doctor, so you will need to be sensible and if you start getting terrible symptoms from withdrawal, then you will need to contact a doctor.
        I hope this helps a bit....
        thanks for your response. the dr. said seizures are more common the more times you try to quit. i think this is my 3rd time trying to quit. she said seizures could happen about 72 hrs. later. i have two kids and don't want them to see a seizure. do you think cold turkey or wean off of alcohol? i am scared


          starting over again

          Well, I drank at your level or more and quit cold turkey...I had nausea, sickness, anxiety, headaches, shakes and sweats...but I treated it like I had the flu and it wore off...
          When was the last time you had a drink?
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            starting over again

            If the doctor is concerned and has suggested you wean down; please follow the Dr.s orders.

            Maybe just have a glass of wine for a few days and then a half.... Many of us have been lucky that we didn't have a seizure going cold turkey. I have had hallucinations in the past the first time coming off - and frankly I could of had a seizure. I was a drink until black out then. Vodka was my poison of choice. It was utter hell. It didn't stop me from drinking though. The other times I tried to quit, I wasn't drinking as much or as often, so it was the typical withdrawal symptoms; which cause their own discomfort.

            But as Starty has said in her post; do eat healthy foods, get lots of water in you and take some vitamins /supplements.

            My personal belief is that if a doctor recommends you to do something; it is best to do it.


              starting over again

              Good Advice, Accountable, we're not docs here. myself, I've never had a seizure, and have given up many times. Once I had 7 years AF, now I'm on day 4 again. The only fear I would have with weaning off is that we can easily talk ourselves back into drinking again. Our mind is the enemy when trying to stop. Just think, you're lucky now, haven't caused much damage (I guess) if you were to have another go at drinking, you may not be so lucky.


                starting over again

                It sounds to me as if the rehab clinic might be deliberately trying to scare you to get you to enroll in one of its programs. Alcohol withdrawal can be dangerous, but the proportion of heavy drinkers who suffer from life-threatening DTs is so low, I wouldn't worry.

                You describe drinking a lot, but from personal experience I am willing to bet that 1 to 1.5 bottles of wine per night will not result in any serious symptoms if you quit cold turkey. I myself (as my username suggests) often consumed 750ml of whiskey daily for months on end, with very few AF days in between, and I never suffered any serious withdrawal symptoms, just minor physical discomfort for about 5 days. I find that drinking lots of water helps, even if you feel mildly nauseated. Flush the toxins out of your system as quickly as possible!


                  starting over again

                  It is different for everyone.

                  I would follow doctor's advice. Wean down. Not easy but doable.

                  Either that or go to a doctor and have them give you a week's worth of Librium or Ativan. Those will keep you from having seizures.

                  You can do this!!

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    starting over again

                    I was a heavier drinker than all of you have described here and I stopped cold turkey and I had no seizures, nor anything else ... headaches around 4-5 weeks and that was it ...

                    I am now 20 months + sober ....
                    ?We are one another's angels?
                    Sober since 29/04/2007


                      starting over again

                      I don't think you have to worry with the volume you are drinking.

                      Now if you said those bottles of wine were vodka, then I would say you may have an issue.

                      Many will tell you that cold turkey is the only way for success.
                      Starting over again 09/06/11

                      "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                        starting over again

                        The doctor didn't prescribe any thing for the withdrawal ?
                        AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                        Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                          starting over again

                          hi k j it is very dangerous,your body has to have,like meds,a time slowly to withdrawl,most dont no that,when you get put in a hospital,they ween you off with meds,then get off the meds,stroke ,heart att,can result if you just get off,im living proofff,gyco


                            starting over again

                            Sorry, but weaning does not work. Anyone who has given up smoking will tell you how useless it is to have a fag just to make you feel better..

                            one fag leads to a packet and one glass leads to a bottle..

                            I think that you need to find new doctor..


                              starting over again

                              you must be very young my dear,were not doctors,and many doctors havent a clue,

