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    2 WKS AF

    Feeling fantastic!

    As usual, when I walk away from alcohol, I'm wondering how I ever let it get such a hold on my life. Feel like I've got rid of a really stink boyfriend - but I've never had a relationship with any guy that's lasted as long as the one I had with alcohol!

    Have been drinking lots of water, getting heaps of exercise, eating healthy food. Not worried that I'm off to bed so much earlier now because 1) I'm exercising so much more, 2) I probably ran up a big sleep deficit when up late drinking and 3) I never achieved anything when I was drunk every night, anyway.

    Hang in there and good luck to you all.

    2 WKS AF

    Great outlook. Saty positive and keep up the good work.


      2 WKS AF



        2 WKS AF

        That is awesome, Monica! Keep it up. It feels great doesn't it?!


          2 WKS AF

          Yes baby, yes, do it!

          One word of advice if this is your first time AF. Prepare yourself for week 3. There will be some urges to go back. Fight them hard and don't give in. It does pass and you are back to feeling great again.
          Starting over again 09/06/11

          "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



            2 WKS AF

            WOW...I think 2 weeks is amazing !!! AND ... It keeps on getting BETTER and BETTER !!!
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              2 WKS AF

              Thanks for the support, guys.

              Changemylife: This is definitely not my first attempt at quitting. I'd say I've sworn off alcohol about twice a week for most of my adult life. But thanks for the reminder about Wk 3, as I haven't lasted that long in quite a while - it's been more like 3 days, usually!

              I am being extra-vigilant about staying hydrated. Often, in previous attempts, I've had an incredibly strong urge to drink that I've acted on before stopping to think. Looking back, they've been times when I was just tired-out, feeling flat, at the end of the day, or dehydrated after exercise.

              I quit smoking by going cold turkey, 15 yrs ago, and never looked back. That's how I want to feel about drinking - like I just don't give a damn about it, even when others around me do it.

              My drinking has sort of arisen out of laziness - it's easier to drink something to feel good than to get up and DO something to feel good. That's why I'm just loving all the exercise, now - I'm crashing out at night due to exhaustion, not to inebriation.

              Again, thanks for all the encouragement. This is a really lovely, safe place to read and post.


                2 WKS AF

                "I quit smoking by going cold turkey, 15 yrs ago, and never looked back. That's how I want to feel about drinking - like I just don't give a damn about it, even when others around me do it."

                I feel the same way. Let's do it together

                Really just wanna lay it behind me and don't look back. It sure is tough in the beginning, but I'm sure it gets easier and sooner or later we get there!

                I'm on day 9! But I was never a daily drinker, more of a binge drinker! I feel the pull now it's weekend, but I'm not gonna do it I took a nap earlier and I dreamt that I was drinking and telling my friend that "this is the last time!". Haha...And I wonder if I'm alcoholic. Pretty sure I am, but the battle in my mind is...well..mindblowing!

                Good luck to you!:l


                  2 WKS AF

                  Congrats on your outlook, very positive way of dealing with an addiction.
                  "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance


                    2 WKS AF

                    Welcome. I just wanted to say well done on being Af for two weeks. Awesome!!!

