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3 1/2 days.......

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    3 1/2 days.......

    Well it's been now 3 1/2 days and its has been rough.. I am usually home by 3 and having my first glass of wine. These day's I kept busy shopping which I should not have been doing since finances are tight but I did not care. I went online yesterday and got receipes for non-alcolohlic drinks and they had at least 100 receipes. I picked out a couple and tried them and they were good to say least. Today is difficult since we usually leave to go to our second home in NH and we have to stay home due to his work. I am trying to figure out what I will do with my time this weekend. Anytime we stay home I am out at noon on Saturday having lunch and drinks with my girlfriends and I am not ready for that. At least in NH we can go snowmobiling, hot tub and I can't go shopping. My husband and I are fighting due to me being very difficult to live with. Well if I can get through this weekend which tomorrow night he wants to go see a band with about 30 friends I can do anything...

    3 1/2 days.......

    hey scared im on day 3 too, tis fri nite here in uk at 9.30 pm, ive got past my hard hrs ( 7pm-9pm) and now chilling on my pc to keep me busy till bed! i know its hard especially at wknds, this is my first wknd without al for 6 yrs!!!
    feel good bout that and hey if you can get thru tomorrow then u are a star, keep it up and maybe let me know how it goes, i will be on here alllllllllllllllllllllllll wknd for my support!!
    good luck my dear, heres to the wknd
    lv sweetlips xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


      3 1/2 days.......

      Hi Scared....I'm only half a day ahead of you, just woken up to start Day 4 (still not sleeping great but that could have been my husband snorring too!). Know how you feel, I think it's the weekend thing, this must be the hardest time. We are supposed to be going to a BBQ this afternoon which I hope gets rained off as I don't want to be tempted to have a glass of wine. I am determined to do a while AF before trying to moderate.

      I think we have to hang on in there and just get busy doing other stuff. I tried the non alcoholic red wine last night - doesn't taste at all like wine but gave me something to sip (no point gulping it!).

      Good luck this weekend, I don't think it is going to be easy for either of us but hang on in there.

      AC x x:goodluck:

