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Day #5/ weekend temptations

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    Day #5/ weekend temptations

    Just wondering how others cope with weekends, especially Fridays Here I am on a Friday night, have given up invitations to go out because they involve alcohol, plan on going out for a drive and do some shopping instead of the usual alcohol routine, I am determined to make these 30 days, just Friday gets the best of me, anyone else?
    "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance

    Day #5/ weekend temptations


    I'm on Day 5 also and it is my first weekend in I don't know how long... I'm drinking lemonade.. cooking dinner, doing dishes, doing laundry and posting on here.. It's hard but I want to wake up in the morning and be proud of myself for the first time in a long time.... Hang in there. And good luck.....
    p.s. It isn't easy but it will get easier I believe.


      Day #5/ weekend temptations


      I am on day 13 and this will be my second weekend. I will do anything to avoid AL in the early days. Try to so something nice, that you wouldn't normally bother with. I have oftern wondered what does the non drinking population do with their time? It is summer here so I have been taking the kids to the beach in the late afternoon. I know that 4-6 is my difficult time, after that I am OK.


        Day #5/ weekend temptations

        Day 6 for me

        :goodjob:Yup -- turned down several offers myself but I am determined to make it happen this time. Anyone else still get little bouts of anxiety.

        OBTW -- I took a nap during happy hour, watched the new Howie show, went shopping for healthy food and am now chatting and playing cards on-line. I am turning this into the total health plan to help focus on the benefits -- seems to help.


          Day #5/ weekend temptations

          Thanks TeeHay and EZZ, I rented some movies and am brewing tea, went out for a drive and went to a local store to look at arts and crafts, I am not used to this and all I have done is think of red wine tonight. But it passes and after eating I feel better and I am proud I beat the demon one more night
          "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance


            Day #5/ weekend temptations

            Good for you
            I too am on Day 5 and after work boy did I want to stop by the store but I didn't came straight home, started dinner, cleaned the bathrooms, did some laundry now relaxing.
            We will feel so much better in teh morning.

