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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Hi everyone.

    My foot is feeling better and I can't wait to hit the gym again tomorrow. I hurt it while jumping backwards off a step trying to land on a balance board - what was the trainer thinking of!

    I had a terrible dream last night, that I got drunk tonight. In the dream I was thinking about lying to you guys about the drink but reckoned that I would feel guilty when everyone thought that I was hitting my goals. Scary enough to help me not drink today.

    Also today I tried on a skirt, that just 2 weeks ago was tight, it now fits me perfectly. Probably a combination of lots of exercise and no AL. I must admit I have been eating lots of compensate for lack of AL. Lots of bad things like chocolate.

    I hope that everyone is having a great weekend.

    ODAT - Saturday

    hi ezz, hope you feel better. Yes I am eating lots of ice cream. But I am watching the scale. My silly idea is that wine had no calories hahahaha.


      ODAT - Saturday

      Hi ezz, Hi ocean - how's everybody this morning? Day 10, here. Thank goodness 8/9 are over! whew!!---

      Ezz - am having the same lovely results - 6 lbs gone, and I've only been to the park once this week! woohoo!

      Ocean - you're on like day 17/18 of this journey, right? Congrats!

      And Ezz, you're stacking up the days as well- good job!

      Have a great day ya'll


      "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
      -Alan Cohen


        ODAT - Saturday


        Ezzie.... jumping backwards..... I don't think I have to worry about putting that on my "things not to do" list :H Last night I dreamed I drank too and my first thought in the dream was "Oh s**t, I'll have to tell MWOers". I'm trying to cut back on the junk consumption I got used to over the holidays.

        oceanaocean, ice cream is my vice too. I've read about your divorce but haven't figured out what to say. I'm in the midst of one too and sometimes I'm great with it and sometimes I'm just not. Lately I'm just not. I truly feel for you though. I just don't know what to say. :l

        Belle you're sounding chipper! Keep on rockin' along!

        Morning all to come - have a great day and meet your goals - it's worth it.

        Where the heck is dingbat? Savvy, what are you up to?
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Saturday

          Hi, Ezz, OO, CB and Greenie, I haven't lost any weight since I started this process. In fact, I have gained a couple. I think it is because I am eating more, because I am feeling better. My stomach isn't constantly irritated and upset. I am actually enjoying food! So, it's a good thing, but not! I think I can get the proportions under control. My big problem is the snacking in the evening. I'm going to have to cut that out.
          Anyway, you all sound great and like you're enjoying the upside of AF! Great day to all of you and all to follow on this thread!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            ODAT - Saturday

            upnorth girl is up

            thank you everyone for the replies last night when I was feeling so crappy. :thanks:
            Aidanspappa--yes, I will forgive, relax and release.
            Keg--I am making a list of things to do instead of succumbing to the cravings. MWO and all of you is number one.
            Cinders--I have a great husband (okay, he is sometimes annoying) and I have had him take the keys also!
            --the rest of the vodka is down the drain, first thing this morning. God, it makes me sick how little is actually left!
            --the main reason I started therapy is because of my drinking--searching for reasons I guess, and it is painful but helpful at the same time.
            --good for you and getting skinny too!

            :groupluv: I am glad I came here last night--even though I was trashed, it made me stop drinking at that point and today is DAY ONE again. I will do this. I will come here for support--you will all get sick of me. It is great to have someone to listen and not judge, or who gets sick of listening to the same thing over and over and finally just walks away.

            Hope everyone has a great day. I plan to keep very busy, drink lots of water, exercise and give my husband a sober and happy wife.


              ODAT - Saturday

              ODAT--Day 11

              Hi all,
              Today is day 11 for me. I haven't done this in years. I have been struggling, because I haven't yet experienced the feelings of well-being that I hear everyone talk about. Must be that I need to push myself to exercise, or something more. I have not lost a pound, and am disappointed. But, I do feel that I am eating more, because my body is used to the sugar from alcohol all the time, and gets these cravings for SOMETHING. Do you think these cravings ( for alcohol) I get every evening will go away by the end of 30 days? That is my commitment so far, and I don't want to go back to the way I was, Thanks.


                ODAT - Saturday

                Hi guys,
                Glad to hear everyone so positive. Up North you sound better today - I'm glad we were all able to help yesterday.

                I have not had drinking dreams yet but I hear that they are very normal.
                Nurse - I always eat more when AF as well due to the lack of sugar and my body just seems to crave food.......I hear that eating grapes really helps the cravings and it's a healthy snack as well - I'm going to pick some up today at the grocery store. I think you will always have cravings but that they will lessen over time. Do you have any L-Glutamine? I find that it does help subside the cravings somewhat.

                Late start today but going to be a fairly relaxing weekend. Going to get groceries, have some friends over tonight (AF wine for me) and just kind of laze around tomorrow. Looking forward to some relax time - it's been a while since I've had nothing really to do but read - Looking forward to it!

                Hope everyone has a happy and healthy day!
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  Good afternoon you all,

                  Day 15 today, I am so jealous of those of you loosing weight, mine is not budging. It has been 2 months since I came back to MWO, and I have only drank twice since then, you would think I would loose something, of course it does not help all the chocolate I have been eating. I exercised all week and plan on exercising at least 5 days out of 7. Supposed to go for a hike later, it is going to be freezing to start.



                    ODAT - Saturday

                    weight loss and sugar

                    I am not losing weight either--in fact, over the last several years I have gained almost 50 pounds. I blame booze.

                    Natural sugar in grapes and baby carrots should help. Try FREEZING some grapes--you can suck on that baby for ages!


                      ODAT - Saturday

                      Hey all!

                      I'm not losing weight, either, but that's because I need to get off my butt and exercise more than anything. I tend to eat chocolate when not drinking and that doesn't help.

                      Just finished Drunkard, great book. I'm going to post a thread about it under the Reading section.

                      You guys all sound good and, upnorth, we'll never get sick of you!

                      Yeah, can't get a hold of dingy, either.

                      Take care,
                      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                        ODAT - Saturday

                        Day 10-I'm happy about it & I love my mornings but I am still thinking about my wine A LOT


                          ODAT - Saturday

                          me too!

                          Congrats on Day 10--I am back on day one, had a bad night. Followed advice and dumped the booze. NOTHING is in the house and since we have about a foot of snow, I can't get out for any..I am craving, though. Have been cleaning closets and cupboards and making soups.


                            ODAT - Saturday

                            Morning ODATers,
                            hope it is going well for everyone. I have been feeling unexplainably sad for the last couple of days, I dont know why & I dont know what it's about. Just really sad, I came home on friday night & had some tea & went to bed, last night I ended up watching sad movies till I could go to bed & cry myself to sleep, & I woke up today feeling fine, has anyone else expierenced that, it happens to me maybe 3-4 times a year, i wonder if it is like somekind of emotional detox cause I always feel so much better afterwards, but the best bit ( I was saving this for last) I DID NOT DRINK- normally I would down at least 2 bottles of wine while watching my sad movies (very messy LOL).
                            Today is day 39 AF for me, I had breakfast with my friend Mike (who drinks heavily) he knows I have not been drinking lately, he asked me how its was going I said good & I wont be drinking to get drunk again, he was supportive, even said he sometimes thinks he should cut down on his drinking.
                            so today is a good day.
                            Good luck all
                            Progress, not perfection!!!
                            A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                              ODAT - Saturday

                              Hi all, thanks Cat, it's day 16 for me. I have a trip at the end of the month to go surfing, and I am determined to get on that airplane and not drink, and not drink for my trip. That dear MWOer's is going to be a real challenge.

                              Green Eyes, yes my divorce is really an upsetting thing and truthfully I do not know what is going to happen. My husband is being kind and loving, but continues to carry through with meeting with lawyers and we have our first mediation schedule for monday, my birthday. At therapy the other day I asked him if we could just get the papers all set up and if I drank again we could sign and divorce. He was open to that as an idea.

                              I honestly do not know what I want, may sound crazy but I am doing my best not to get all anxious and upset. I have some good support and just found a life coach yesterday (she has battled AL and won for herself) Anyway we have an appointment on Monday after the mediation. I thought that would help me so I did not go out and drink if I am upset.

                              SO Green Eyes I hope your situation is less confusing. Mine really is complicated.

                              I really am so glad to be able to share with all of you, I am sick in bed with a bad head cold, but it is nice out here (North California)and my husband came and got me and got a mat for me so I could lay out in the sun. I actually had a 1 &1/2 hour sunbath. That was nice!

