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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Hay Ocean, we dont always have to know what we want, dont put to much pressure on yourself about it, i appauld you for getting a life coach, that way you can explore some options untill you find what is right for you, I hope things go well with you & your husband, its sounds like he still really cares about you. good luck
    Progress, not perfection!!!
    A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


      ODAT - Saturday

      Thanks Witchy woman, GOOD FOR YOU 39 DAYS! I imagine you feel really good.
      Keep at it, I hope to be there sooner than later.:goodjob:


        ODAT - Saturday


        You rock! 39 days is amazing!

        Sorry you are sad, though--maybe it is the weather or hormones or whatever. But it is GREAT that you did not drink--and look how proud you are and what an inspiration to all of us. You always have such good advice and positive comments.

        So pat yourself on the back girl! :good:


          ODAT - Saturday

          Oh, one more thing!

          Ocean--hang in there. Divorce is tough but you are strong. Going through that and 16 days AF is super.


            ODAT - Saturday

            Hi Guys

            Another day here, another stupid AL dream where I am drunk, and then waking up in the morning feeling like I have a hangover till I remember I didn't drink. I hate those phantom hangovers.

            Ocean - up are doing so well, staying AF in hard times, you must be so strong.

            WW - wow 39 days, what changes have you seen, does it get easier or harder.

            Girls - I haven't really lost weight, just lost some of my excessively bloated belly (this time last year I was getting asked if I was pregnant), it probably disappeared around the same time as my bloated face. I don't know if beer causes more bloating than wine or if the level of bloating depends on each person. My husband who drank the same as me never had a bloated face.


              ODAT - Saturday

              hay Ezzy,
              I personally have found it getting somewaht easier, but then I think my addiction was more of a physical addiction that emotional, not that I dont have issues I do, but I dont think I drank because if them - I think I drank because it was a learned behavior (from my father he drinks every night one of my stongest childhood memories ws the sound of his bottle against the glass 1st thing when he would get home) & possibly cause I was bored, How sad is that!!!
              I would love to be able to enjoy a glass of wine to enhance a moment or special occasion, but at this point I know thats not possible, one I get two to three month's AF I am going to look at Modding, it very possibly wont work, I am prepared for that but I know I need to know for sure either way, but I am so commited to never drinking to get drunk again ever.
              The changes I have noticed are: - I feel so much clearer, - more energised, - will start exercising again once my knee gets better. my skin is looking even better than before (I am lucky to have great skin, I am 38 but was still frequently getting ID'd when buying AL) i can do things in the evening cause i can drive ( ie had to go the the grocery store late one night to get some cat lollie treats for my Phoebe cat, shes so addicted LOL, she even wakes me up in the middle of the night by sitting on the bedside cabinet & knocking things of it untill I give her some.)
              I am a very spiritual person & am finding my path again, - its impossible to mediate when you are drunk, - I need to feel conected to the energy of the universe & the elements, again something I could not do drunk or hungover, - I have started writing again,
              life is so much better. how about you chick, what are you enjoying about being AF,
              Progress, not perfection!!!
              A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                ODAT - Saturday

                thanks UNG & ocean, Its support from everyone here that keeps me going, it inspires me to be the person I actually am, not the wine soaked version
                Progress, not perfection!!!
                A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  I am enjoying everything. At the moment not having to lie to my friends about why I can't exercise with them. Only my husband knew I drank that much. I am off to the gym now.


                    ODAT - Saturday

                    Day 2

                    I know I would probably want some red wine tonight, but there is none in the house (except expensive stuff), we have almost a foot of snow on the ground, and I am not going back out.

                    I did well (AF) last night, partly because I went to an AA meeting at 9:30 (yeah, on a Friday night? me??) Tonight we had a "wine" dinner, and hubby had some white. Asked me if I wanted any, and I said "not right now" but that's not true. We still have to take the lights off the C-mas tree, so a good chunk of evening left......

                    I may take a bubble bath (as soon as the lights are off the tree, and I clean the bathtub! LOL). But I am antsy.


                      ODAT - Saturday

                      [QUOTE=CS04;516316]I know I would probably want some red wine tonight, but there is none in the house (except expensive stuff), we have almost a foot of snow on the ground, and I am not going back out.

                      I did well (AF) last night, partly because I went to an AA meeting at 9:30 (yeah, on a Friday night? me??) Tonight we had a "wine" dinner, and hubby had some white. Asked me if I wanted any, and I said "not right now" but that's not true. We still have to take the lights off the C-mas tree, so a good chunk of evening left......

                      I may take a bubble bath (as soon as the lights are off the tree, and I clean the bathtub! LOL). But I am antsy.


                        ODAT - Saturday

                        upnorthgirl;516281 wrote: Ocean--hang in there. Divorce is tough but you are strong. Going through that and 16 days AF is super.
                        Thanks, But I am taking Naltrexone and Baclofen and I believe it really is helping me. I was unable to break the cycle no matter how strong my commitment to not drink. I have only had a breath of desire to drink and it really passes...I am so glad to be almost at the end of my 16th day!
                        I think the Baclofen is helping to suppress anxiety. This is how Dr. Olivier Ameison The End Of My Addiction explained the use of Baclofen(and much more info in his book.) Maybe that's why I am able to not be so entirely stressed with this divorce pending, of course it may be that I am just not really accepting the fact that he just might really go thru with this.

