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Why am I doing this?

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    Why am I doing this?

    Hi Aussiechick. It is just AL trying to be sneaky and get back in your life.

    It is recommended that you go 30 days before considering modding or drinking again. 30 days totally changes your perspective and I would try to do 30 days before taking another drink.

    Besides, you are already on day 5. Why not go the rest? What do you have to lose?


      Why am I doing this?

      Hi Aussie Chick, I agree with all the other posts, just think how great your body will feel with the detox!! I can't wait to drive my family home soon. xx Summer09


        Why am I doing this?

        Hi Guys, you are so supportive and enspiring. To be truthful my aim is to go 30 days AF before even trying to moderate I just don't want to put too much pressure on right now so just ODAT. I am now on Day 8 which is a real result to have achieved over 1 week and I am not finding it too hard either.

        I've read the book, not got my MWO pack yet so no supps or CD to help. Any day now I hope.

        Mohun - thanks for the moderating advice.
        Summerrose - nice to have another Aussie pal!
        Summer - yes I am enjoying the detox effects and feel really proud.

        My hubby is pretty proud of me too but he still doesn't think I have a problem just needed to cut down a bit. He's drinking less too, but he's not a big drinker anyway.

        Take care y'all.
        AC x x


          Why am I doing this?

          Well done AC!! A week AF is something to be proud of!

          My hubby also thought I didn't have a real problem with AL and I should just cut back -- hmmmm easier said than done. It was only after doing 60 days AF that I felt strong enough and informed enough to make the decision to mod.
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Why am I doing this?

            My husband also thought that I should only cut back, well that we should both cut back together. I knew for me that was going to be harder than going completely AF. Since I have been AF, he has cut back and we are now both much happier with life. My husband told me on Sunday how proud he is of me, probably because I am just bought him a 6pack of cider in the bottleshop.

            Aussie - I found once I got passed the first 2 weekends it got easier.


              Why am I doing this?

              Husbands are funny

              My husband seriously knows I have a problem--he has picked me up off the floor too many times not to.
              But he still says that if HE just mixed the drinks it would be okay. I have to keep telling him that is not the issue--I am an alcoholic who can NOT moderate.


                Why am I doing this?

                Hi everybody,

                Aussie Chick your scenario is almost identical to mine but I know why I'm here (and I'm not saying I'm winning all the time) but a bottle of wine a night no matter how unaffected your life is - is just not normal and we are running tremendous health risks. My happiest time in the last year was when I did 30 days straight off but I can't seem to achieve it again. Like you, life treats me fairly well and I've got a wonderful husband but I think my brain is warped - I was going to try and have a go at another 30 days from today but something stopped me when I realised that I'd asked people to lunch on Sunday - can you believe it - I can't but I can't trust myself either. There are so many degrees of alcohol abuse but I suppose we're all here because we know deep down that we drink too much and we're not happy with that. I haven't got any answers - I wish I had and I wish that I could just chuck the AL and live AF. Anyhow, hope all are well and happy and succeeding in goals.
                Short term goal 7 days AF

