hay Mia, sometimes being AF starts one hour at a time, then one day at a time, but you get there, if you really want it, have you thought about going to your Dr, that way you have someone to be accountable to, I also find reading the stories under - Of Special Interest - Family Members Affected by Drinking helps me whwn i get an urge Good Luck, & keep posting let us know what your going through.
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Please help me not have wine for breakfast
Please help me not have wine for breakfast
hay Mia, sometimes being AF starts one hour at a time, then one day at a time, but you get there, if you really want it, have you thought about going to your Dr, that way you have someone to be accountable to, I also find reading the stories under - Of Special Interest - Family Members Affected by Drinking helps me whwn i get an urge Good Luck, & keep posting let us know what your going through.*Witchy*
Progress, not perfection!!!
A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!
Please help me not have wine for breakfast
I still think you're a legend
Kia Ora Mia,
Wonder how you went and how long you lasted.
Three hours was pretty good I think. Trick is...........just extend it by 30 minutes each day. It's a bit like eating an elephant. If you look at the whole elephant, you'll be overwhelmed. If you just eat a little each day, before you know it, you'll have eaten the bugger.
Same with your drinking.
Hang in there girlfriend. You CAN extend a little each day.
Please help me not have wine for breakfast
What worked for me...
The biggest enemy for my drinking was eating(that's why I always waited until just before bed before I ate the whole day, and why I was only 142 pounds and 6'2") They say in A.A. that one of the worst triggers to drink is to be hungry. Don't be worried about the pounds take them off later, lets battle the drink first.
Good luck to you.
I would like to say this if anybody on here is in need to talk to someone I send an invitation to you all to feel free to pm me and I would be more than happy to share my experiences,strengths, hopes and dreams with you (I wish it could be instant) I am by no means an expert but I can listen very well. You see this is a selfish act on my part as helping others keeps me sober and if someone told me to stick my finger in my ear, stand on one leg and whistle Dixie I would do it to stay sober.
Sean...It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice
Please help me not have wine for breakfast
Can Some-One Please Answer Me a Couple Of Questions
Hi, I am just starting out and am on week 2. I have read the book, am doing the tapes, sups and am on to 50mg of Topa and I am already feeling an amazing, amazing reduction in my cravings. I was a 1 bottle of wine a girl night. It went down like water. Just then I had a glass of low - Alcohol wine with heaps of ice and it took me 1 hour to sip slowly and it felt like I had drunk 2 bottles. I couldn't imagine having anymore. My first question is, as I am going for moderation is it ok to stop at 50 mg with the Topa as I have already reduced my cravings and just keep up with the other elements and is it ok to listen to the subliminal ocean tape at night as sleep to sleep learning rather than the water sleep to sleep learning or perhaps alternate nights or am I just being anal about this and should just go for it. Really, I just want to talk to some-one as I have not told a soul I am doing this and I am over the moon that I have found this amazing answer to my twenty year monkey on my back.
Please help me not have wine for breakfast
Hey Mia - greetings from a fellow sober kiwi - hope you have made it through Tuesday. You are sure at the right place, and I relate totally to your drinking. About 12 years ago, when my drinking started getting REAL bad (morning/sneaking drinks etc) I would have the smell of coffee filtering through the house - the pot permanently on and refreshed, to elimante the smell of wine which was EVERYWHERE as I was always hiding glasses of it and forgetting where!
Anyway, today I focus on the Solution - not the problem - and for me that is DAILY maintenance, just doing whatever it takes from taking that FIRST drink which ALWAYS gets me drunk...
Keep posting, keep reading - HUGE WELCOME!!!
X*Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*
Please help me not have wine for breakfast
Hi Mia,
welcome to this haven. Wondering how you are getting along, if you doing ok. Dont worry if you have had a slip, (hopefully you havent, but it is usually the time that I go quiet and tend to lurk here til I get the courage up to get back on the horse and post) get back on and pop back in, you got loads of friends and support here,
neuroLive your life in such a way that
when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
Satan shudders & says...
'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'
Please help me not have wine for breakfast
Well, Mia - I know why II would drink in the morning:
A/ It was THERE.
B/ I liked drinking on an empty stomach - so I could get buzz faster!!
Sad, but True! :egad:
I have to agree with others who have suggested that you go AF for a while (starting with ONE day!!). Make small goals - after a day, go for a few more, then a week.. then 2, etc.
The main thing is to break the Pattern. I'm only on Day 10, but at least now, AL is not the first thing on my mind like it used to be!
Good luck!Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin
Please help me not have wine for breakfast
Oh yes.....the breakfast of champions ! Bad way to start the morning......keep strong ! Fight it ! IAD.
?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. Seuss