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Please help me not have wine for breakfast

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    Please help me not have wine for breakfast

    :new:Hi. I'm new. I'm from New Zealand, it's Saturday night here and I've struggled with keeping my wine consumption today down to only two glasses. Normally I'll get through one to two bottles a day, starting with my first glass (downed very quickly so I don't get spotted by the family) at around 7 a.m. I can't think of any reason why things will be different tomorrow, except that this time I am here on this forum asking you guys for help.

    I'm a sneak drinker mostly - thank goodness for screw caps, they just go back on, the wine bottle can go back into the wine rack and no-one's any the wiser. I don't even care if the white wine is chilled, so long as it's there. Life's challenges and even just the daily grind just seem to much easier with a few drinks under my belt. Even one makes the difference. But it needs to stop!! I need to stop doing this to myself - I'm sick of the headaches, the hangovers, the terrible unsafe decisions I make when I'm plastered, the weight gain, the shame, the inability to drink like a normal person.

    I was thinking of just modding but no, that won't work for me. I'd like to think I could limit to just one glass if I'm out for lunch or dinner somewhere, but I'm not sure - I might have to just go AF. I remember when I could have fun without alcohol but that seems like a lifetime ago.

    Thank you, I just wanted to post and say hello.

    Please help me not have wine for breakfast

    Welcome Mia

    You will find support here because we are all in the same boat. It is recommended that you try to go 30 days AF before you decide to moderate. Moderating is not for everyone, as for some people it is just the first step back to where they were.

    I don't use any of the meds due to medical reasons but other members will be able to advise you what is best, especially when dealing with cravings.

    Try to see how many days you can go AF, taking it one day at a time. The first time I got to 10 before relapsing. This time I am on 13.


      Please help me not have wine for breakfast

      you know what there is this moment when you will realize that Starbucks will make you fatter.... and wine is just a disaster for the day... I suggest instant coffee folger and vanilla dry creamer....
      now... you know you can do it....
      Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


        Please help me not have wine for breakfast

        hi Mia, Yes I was having the same problem, two bottles a day starting first thing in am, petrified to get out of bed,"when was I going to start to drink?" I finally, again, went to my Dr. and talked about Naltrexone and Baclofen and I am on both meds and this is start of day 16 for me. There is a lot of info on these threads so read around and ask questions, I am so glad to have found this site. Now in the morning when I awaken, I am not thinking of my first drink, instead I am thinking,"What's happenning on My Way Out?" Good Luck to you!


          Please help me not have wine for breakfast

          Hey welcome. Well yes, you do have a serious problem.
          To be honest, you can't mod. We all wish we could but very few can. After that first sip, that's it until the bottles are gone.
          YOU need to get rid of ALL the drink in the house. That's the only way. It'll be hard! That way, when you wake up on the morning there wll be nothing for you to drink JUST a cup of tea!!!!!!!! You need to order stuff online so you don't go to shops and you need to grit those teeth and KEEP posting! JUST GET RID OF ALL THE DRINK IN THE HOUSE and own up to your family. You'd be shocked to realise, they most likely know.


            Please help me not have wine for breakfast

            Kia Ora Cuz,
            Althought I don't drink in the morning, I understand your nightmare. F#$ked if I know the answer. Just know I care.
            Kia Kaha
            Muppett x


              Please help me not have wine for breakfast


              I have BEEN THERE!! You need to take the first step. My advice is to make a plan and stick to it. Decide when your last drink will be and commit to 30 days AF. Once you get that under your belt you may be able to get a clearer picture of what the future holds.

              Do you have the supplements? I truly believe that they help. I take meds and am taking supps. I still think about drinking but have the willpower to say no. I am on day 40 AF and still struggle but know that I have to do the hard work to get where I want to be.

              You can do this. Change your mindset, steel your will, and put down the bottle. It isn't easy but you will slowly get back to yourself. If you need help, encouragement, love, or a kick-in-the-rear come here.

              All the best, Gabby.
              Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


                Please help me not have wine for breakfast

                Thanks Ezz. Today is Day 1 for me then of being AF. Its only 4am but can't sleep. I don't sleep well, maybe an AF life will improve my sleep as well.


                  Please help me not have wine for breakfast

                  Hi all, and kia ora Muppett :-) Thank you for your support. To be honest my eyes boggled at the suggestion I go and pour out all the alcohol. I think to myself how stupid that I've got to this point where I can't even have alcohol in the house without it being an issue.

                  And Ocean you are right. I wake up in the mornings and straight away start thinking when my first drink will be so I need a big attitude and mindset adjustment.

                  Gaby I will get those supplements ASAP, and I guess I'd better stock up on alternative non alcoholic drinks.

                  I can't believe how scary it feels to be at the start of something (Day 1) cos of that terrible fear of failing. Oh well, here goes ...

                  thanks all x


                    Please help me not have wine for breakfast

                    Mia67;515821 wrote: And Ocean you are right. I wake up in the mornings and straight away start thinking when my first drink
                    That was me. It still is me from time to time (waking and thinking about a drink - but NOT having one). I actually ENJOYED drinking in the AM. Why? Who in the Heck knows!!!

                    I can honestly say that it eventually ruined my life back in those days.

                    You can do this. It takes time. The longer you go AF the better you will feel and sleep. I promise you this. The hard part is to get started and stick to your AF plan.

                    It does get easier in time.... :welcome:


                      Please help me not have wine for breakfast

                      hi mia,i to went thro what your goin thro,get up at 2am and have a glass of wine,then 2 beers,maybe more,its when you realise your doin somthin wrong,is it any different if you get up and have 5 cups of coffee,the best thing is you reaalise somthin is wrong,now you fix far a pouring the boose in the sink,give it to someone you care about,or put it some where u wont be tempted gyco


                        Please help me not have wine for breakfast

                        Mia- I will say a prayer for you today. I am here and will pray for you anytime you need.
                        Toughen up!


                          Please help me not have wine for breakfast

                          Mia, please get the My Way Out book and read it. It will help you to develop a plan for yourself to make and achieve your goals about alcohol. Also there is a great thread called Toolbox which is in the Monthly Abstinence section of this forum, it is the first thread there. There are some really great coping techniques suggested for people who want to abstain from alcohol. Also use this community to talk about your hopes (and fears). It is very supportive and non-judgmental for the most part. Read and post, people will be here for you when you have question. Best of luck to you.
                          vegan zombies want your grains


                            Please help me not have wine for breakfast

                            10.16am and one thought on my mind ...

                            Crikey, I'm obsessing !!! ... gotta have a drink, need a drink, just a little one.... obsession, for sure. Will try and keep busy doing other things. I wish it was easy but I know it's not going to be. Still haven't had a drink though and it's mid morning - I know three hours isn't much to celebrate but it's three hours more than usual. :l


                              Please help me not have wine for breakfast

                              You can do it Mia! Just hang on. Get out of the house if you have to. Take a walk, go for a bike ride, iron, do laundry, clean the entire house! Anything to get you through this little rough patch. It gets easier. Gabby.
                              Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

