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Standard Drinks

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    Standard Drinks

    I like to drink tea. There are all kinds of flavors and decaf if you need to cut down on the caffeine.

    I have now been AF 10 days...starting day 11. Physically, I am feeling better and better. I lost three pounds (I've gained 25 lbs in the last several years due to alcohol), exercised 3x at the gym, and best of all remembered every evening with no regrets.

    Make a plan for your evening...good book, call a friend, find a movie or whatever to distract yourself. There is a toolbox somewhere on here that is really helpful. I think you have to program yourself rather than just rely on chance...I know I have to. My battle is far from over, but this time I feel really hopeful.

    Hope this helps. Remember, there is great support here with people who understand what you are going through. I know I do.


      Standard Drinks

      Welcome Muppett to MWO!!! As you can see you will get lots of help, advice and support here. Keep coming back, especially on your AF nights for encouragement.


        Standard Drinks

        i have to say you are coming down properly,i beleive if you just stop,major withdrawl,not only that you could have a stoke or heart attack,when a person drinks that much,i know when the people i met at treatment came in under the influence they treated them with,different meds,i do wish you well,and by the way you will eventually get sick, of being sickgyco


          Standard Drinks


          I am so glad you are here with us and giving it a try. :goodjob:

          But, I agree with Gyco. If you have been such a heavy drinker for so long there will be effects and withdrawal symptomes. Could you call your doctor and get something to help you through? I have watched my mother go through this so many times. It will be easier with medical support.

          WE ALL WANT YOU SAFE on your journer to an AL free and happy life.
          STay in touch with us..someone is always here 24/7 for you.


            Standard Drinks

            Muppett - being used to drinking hard liquor (in my case vodka and straight mostly), for some reason I find that drinking red grape juice really helps - I'm not sure why, because I've not bothered much with red wine. Bizarre.
            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


              Standard Drinks

              You people are TOO much

              Thank you all so much.
              By the way, a standard drink of wine is 100mls (according to my counsellor).
              Well, something happened last night that I wouldn't have imagined in my wildest dreams. I had an A/F night. Bloody amazing and I REALLY never would have thought I'd have had the guts to do it. Wanna know something was awesome.
              Had a litre of soda water and lemon juice. Had trouble getting off to sleep, but did eventually. I AM A GODDESS.
              Now I'm going to make Mondays my A/F night for this month and next month, it will be Thursdays as well. In 7 months I'll be well under control and A/F (I hope).
              Thank you.


                Standard Drinks

                Hi Muppet. Sorry for the late reply and welcome.

                Well done for the AF night. It is a great achievement.

                It's good to have a plan in place but I don't think (and that's my opinion) when Gyco for instance said coming down slowly I don't think he meant 7 months.
                If you can do it great. But with all the drinking being the same on all the other days I'm not sure you'll stay focused.

                Maybe try one day AF and start cutting down drinks to 2 units a night during the rest of the week? Something like that. and than add a further AF day every week?!

                I just don't want you to disillusion yourself. You sound in great confidence today.
                AF since 15th March 2010

                The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                  Standard Drinks

                  This is a question that only you can answer. The answers that those above have already mooted are intellectually sound and factually accurate and based on experience. I suggest that if you are in any doubt as to the benefits that sobriety or possibly moderating your current input will bring, you try ot for yourself and see. This seems to be the simpliest solution. I dont say that it will be in any way easy, but it will answer for you the question you pose. Which is really whether it is worth while to you. Only you can know that and you can only know when you have experienced it for a few days, a week, a month,whatever you can manage,.

                  Clearly you are concerned at some level or you would not be here and would not be posting this question seeking intellectual responses. It seems you are not satified that the answers above are the right ones for you. If you want an honest response, you are clearly drinking too much regardless of what size glasses they are in for the sake of both your physical and psychological health, but you are aware of this.

                  if you want to address your issues whatever they are you cannot find a better place to do it. The guys here are helpful with information, supportive in the extreme, sensitive but honest and incredibly approachable.

                  good luck whatever you decide to do

                  "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                  but in what direction we are moving."


                    Standard Drinks

                    Hi and welcome. I've asked myself similar questions before, and I'm still struggling with being AF, with what I want, trying to figure myself out, etc. So, I definitely don't have any solid advice ....

                    .... BUT ... I DO know that I want to be "different" than I am now. I have to fully figure out what I really "want", overall ... and I've been working on that.

                    For me..... Ideally, I'd like to have more money (I spend about $20 a day on drinking - so there's an incentive) ... I'd like to be fit ... In fact, I'd like to be one of "those" people who gets up early and goes out for a jog .. who works out at the gym ... who oozes healthy vibes .... I'd LOVE to be like that. I'd LOVE for that to be my focus every day - rather than wondering how many drinks I have left before I need to sneak out to the liquor store ... or whether I have enough to tide me over until the morning, leaving a few for a start-me-up before work.

                    I want to be that healthy 40-something year old!

                    And speaking of health ... I just had my liver tested and it came back showing high enzymes. Not good. I googled myself silly afterward, and what I found is scary. Scary!

                    I just turned 44. Where will I be in 5, 10, 15 years? I still have time to turn myself into the type of person I want to be. Who do I want to be?

                    Maybe a first step for you would be to ask "Who am I?" ... "Am I happy?" ... "HOW do I want to *be*?"

                    ......... Who and how do YOU want to be?

                    Btw, nice to meet you .... I know you found this place and posted because you want to change... That's why we're all here, for many individual reasons .... You can do it. Keep on reading, posting, looking for ideas, and trying new things to fight alcohol away. You can do it. No giving up!

                    P.s..... I drink / drank about 750 ml of rum or vodka per day .... over about a 16 hour period. Never "drunk" .. but never "sober" .... My liver hates me, but I'm trying like hell to make it up to him!

                    ............................ Oops, just realized the original post was from January ... Hope things are going OK.
                    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.

