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Newbie's Nest Saturday, January 10th

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    Newbie's Nest Saturday, January 10th

    Boy, am I late today!!!!!!

    In my defense.. it IS weekend.. meaning, Mr. Wonderful and I don't get out of bed until noon or so and there were tons of other things on the agenda.

    Unfortunately, one of them was/is wine. I kinda knew first thing in the morning... not sure how or why... but I just knew I would cave. I also smoked a butt from the car today.. like 3 drags. *Sigh*

    HOWEVER... weak as it may seem... considering that I drank a big bottle or more EVERY day and smoked a pack of 25 or more EVERY day.. dammit, I'm still doing pretty darn good. So there. And, I'm not hammered and don't intend to be by the end of the night.

    Enough about me.. how is everyone doing? Nestlings, let's hear about your goals and successes!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013

    Newbie's Nest Saturday, January 10th

    Hi ya Sunny and all to follow
    I am late today too. I worked all night last night and just woke up. I have not decided what to do with my evening yet. We are expecting a snowstorm around midnight. I left a message on my friend's voicemail to see if she wants to do an AA meeting. I may drive to Massachusetts and pick up my dog from the Ex and keep her with me for a couple of nights. It would be nice to have my doggie snowed in with me. We kind of share custody of the dog, but I got the kids no Lets see: 68 days AF, still taking Chantix, still smoking. Tues is quit day and I am a nervous wreck.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Newbie's Nest Saturday, January 10th

      Hey Sunshine --progress, girl, progress !! 3 butts beats the hell outta 25 cigs, AND you cut down on the wine, baby steps...all in good time. Just curious, are you taking any of the supps or ALLone? They have helped me alot. Anyway, I enjoy reading your Newbies nest---pls keep the thread going!

      Day 10 here, barely eeked out the last two days....whew!!

      Have a great night Sun! time to cook!


      "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
      -Alan Cohen


        Newbie's Nest Saturday, January 10th


        You are all amazing! I really get help from reading your posts and just want to say you are doing great. Today was back to Day one for me, vodka down the drain this morning, keeping VERY busy but it is "that time" and the cravings are real. Godd thing there is nothing in the house and tonds of snow (with more to come). Even I wouldn't go out, shovel and scrape to go to the store! :H

        Never got into the cigs, thank heavens..I have enough addictions as it is.

        have a good night/day


          Newbie's Nest Saturday, January 10th

          Good evening gals, and Happy Saturday!

          Hope you are all doing well - I'm so-so, ok but not as good as I wanted to be. UpNorth, I do NOT envy you and all your snow... we have been spared this week (well.. pretty much)... and Cat.. noooo.. not 3 butts.. LOL.. just 3 PUFFS off a butt! Sheeesh. Make me out worse than I am! LOL

          Sea, hun... not sure what to tell ya.. the first couple of days were a walk in the park for me... today has been a real nail biter!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            Newbie's Nest Saturday, January 10th

            What a cool post. I think it is a great support to have on Sat. This is usually my biggest party day. I start at like noon and pretty much drink until I drop.
            This is day 2 for me. I almost snapped like 100 times, but, I did it! That makes 3 sober days in one week. I got completely hammered Thurs night. I got upstairs into my bedroom and actually missed my bed and went SLAM onto the hardwood floor. It was a big reality slap for me......I don't know if I should say this, but....Now thinking of it I am laughing. What a dope!
            Anyway, I think that is what kept me sober today.
            Sunshine, you will be ok. Be proud of what you have done. It was brave of you to be honest.
            Hang in there everyone, we can do this!


              Newbie's Nest Saturday, January 10th

              OMG!!! Okay...please forgive me, because here we all know we have got to give credit where it is due...3 PUFFS FOR SUN!!! :yay::cheering::cheering: LOL !! HEEHEE!

              "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
              -Alan Cohen


                Newbie's Nest Saturday, January 10th

                Hi guys - 10pm here and haven't had a drink - I do however have a very sick little girl so that sucks. I'm tired and would love to go to bed but I need to wait till she falls asleep in case she needs anything - and need to wake her up in 4 hours to check her fever - was up at 106 at one point - down now to 102 - hope it stays down or it will be a long night at the emergency department.

                Hate it when kids are sick........

                Glad to hear everyone else is doing okay! sunshine - keep on trucking girl - you have done well. :l
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

