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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Morning ODATer's,
    Uni - hope your wee girl is doing much better, I do not have kids, but when I babysit for my freinds who do, I am so paronoid I check on them every 15 minutes, I would be one of those embarassingly overproctective partents who hovers,
    Savey / Cat - Rock on, your both doing well. its helpfull having someone at the same stage
    Sea - Animals are so funny in the snow, one of my cats is such a baby - she walks outside until her wee feet touch the snow then its streight back inside with a disgruntled look on her face. LOL.
    Ezzy - dont moment's like the one you had with your kids beat any amount of time with AL, cause you actually get to be present in it & enjoy it, not drift thru it in a haze.
    hay Greenie / Be - hope all is well.
    I am giong to go back to bed for a hour or so before I get up to go to work, (its 6.10 Monday morning here in NZ - looks like it going to be a nice day)
    Progress, not perfection!!!
    A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


      ODAT - Sunday

      Yeah! Her fever broke finally and she's eating.......I think she's on the mend.....

      No i can do some laundry and relax - no worrying anymore today!

      Thanks for all your help guys.
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        ODAT - Sunday

        Hi all,
        Uni, glad your little girl is better! How old is she?

        Savon and Cat, back in June I really caved at day 14. Thought I would just have 1 or 2 with my dad; oh you know those light beers are nothing more than the AF beer. There have been others here too who for some reason hit that halfway-to-30 mark and slip. Not trying to sound like doomsday, but it was bad for me.

        Sounds like everyone else is doing well. I am on day 3. Went to AA meetings Fri. night and yesterday afternoon -- I don't really like it but it's something, and also I would like to connect with someone local. There is a women's meeting tonight that I may try. Hubby seems supportive but somewhat skeptical. He is out at the store right now, and I hope he doesn't bring home any red wine. We played with our 2 yo out in the snow for the 1st time, on the sled that was mine as a kid, and I want to keep today as a nice memory. It has been sooo nice to wake up not hung over -- although sleeping like shit. I thought staying up late to finish a book last night would help -- no go. At least I'll remember the book!

        Have a great Sunday evening guys. I am liking ODAT but someone once said here that ODAT can be a bit of a slippery slope, and I really have no plan, so I don't want this to backfire on me. I have a house full of AL and hubby drinks. So I will be checking in later.


          ODAT - Sunday

          Hi CS - I too have slipped once I got halfway through, it is hard. Try to get a plan, whether that be AF wine in the house when you get a craving.....whatever works for you. Not that I'm an expert cause lord knows I have had my falls but i like to keep AF wine and beer in the fridge "just in case". I find it helpful.

          I'm glad you had such a good day in the snow! Isn't it great when you can go out and do things with your kids and not feel like crap cause you're hungover? And I can totally relate to reading a book and not remembering what the h.....I read the next day.

          You're doing great!
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - Sunday

            Uni -- yes! And he loved the sled. The snow came up to his poor little thighs! Thanks for the reminder about the AF beer -- I have a couple in the basement (leftover from summer's AF stint) so maybe I'll go get one.

            Part of my "plan" is trying not to overanalyze drinking, or not drinking. This is a suggestion from another MWOer who has just reached 30 days. Maybe it's reverse psychology, but I'll take whatever works. I am also trying to be truthful to myself with regards to AL, so that I can tackle some of the other issues in my life (money, work, marriage) with honesty and clarity. And realizing that all these factors are interconnected. I am not really sure what that truth ultimately is, regarding AL, but I am sure not gonna find it if I am loaded every night. Some AF time -- ODAT -- is it for me now.

            That's all I got. I'd better get off here or my family will never eat tonight. Later guys. xoxo

