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I'm New: praise or punishment? Is this progress or not?

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    I'm New: praise or punishment? Is this progress or not?

    I found this site a few days ago after a night of a bottle and a half of wine (typical nightly routine for me..yes, EVERY night). Found this site and had 2 glasses that night, went to bed at 9 b/c I was so tired from hangover; next night went AF for the first time in I don't know how long! WOW... Then last night had a glass and a half of wine and a LARGE mixed drink. I am a little mad at myself now on the one hand but happy on the other because these three nights, I have cut back drastically. And i don't even have my book yet or my vitamins. So would someone please comment on whether this is good or bad? I don't know whether to praise myself or kick myself! I am needing some encouragment! (How long does it take to get the vitamins.....From what I have read, I think I need the Kudzu!!!!):new:
    Part of learning is getting it Wrong.
    The past is gone forever. Keep it Moving.

    I'm New: praise or punishment? Is this progress or not?

    Dive into this site...READ, READ will begin to see what it is that you need to take from all of us.
    Take what rings true to your heart and leave the rest alone.
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      I'm New: praise or punishment? Is this progress or not?

      Hi keg can't comment on your progress except to ask how the past few days fits into your plan. Have you made a plan? It really does help to have one. If you haven't read the book My Way Out now would be a good time to download and read it, also the Tool Box thread in the Monthly Abstinence Section under "Goals". Those two actions will really help you formulate a plan, we all make our own road here that best fits our own situation. I do want to congratulate you on your AF night though, that takes a LOT of hard work and courage for an every night drinker. Lean on us, we're all here for the same reason, read like Evie Lou suggests, post a lot. Don't know how long it will take you to get the vitamins, depends on where you are located, probably up to seven - ten days in the states, I think there is a customer service line you can call to check on your order. Best wishes.
      vegan zombies want your grains


        I'm New: praise or punishment? Is this progress or not?

        i am an every night drinker also drinking the same amount as u are ,ive been af for 7 nights now and before i made my mind up to do the month i got all the supps beforehand so i would be ready to deal with the cravings and yes they are still there in a big way but i cannot praise the supps enough they are such a big help ,i am able to now walk out of work with out a bottle or 2 in my hand and the thought is not even crossing my mind at the moment which is a major mile stone to me plus my energy levels have shot through the roof
        i wish u all the good luck in the world for the journey u are about to begin just try to stick with it and day by day you will feel so much healthier


          I'm New: praise or punishment? Is this progress or not?

          Welcome Keg,
          The kudzu and L glut have worked really well for me in terms of cravings. Other things work well for anxiety, sleeplessness etc. They can all be found in the healthstore.
          best of luck to you and keep reading and posting.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            I'm New: praise or punishment? Is this progress or not?

            hullo keg!

            i drank lots of wine as well, i stopped 10 days ago and have been taking l-glutamine for has worked well for me (along with a highly nutritious diet and exercise). i found the kudzu to give me a bit of a headache, but am planning on trying it later again to make sure it wasn't withdrawals causing the aches.

            good luck and don't get mad at yourself, just continue to read and take steps!



              I'm New: praise or punishment? Is this progress or not?


              Welcome! Kudzu Rescue is fantastic stuff and I can't recommend it enough. So is the All One powder.

              You're here, so this is good.

              Take care,
              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

