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For heavy drinkers, drinkers in the morning ect ect

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    For heavy drinkers, drinkers in the morning ect ect

    I posted a message on the general discussion board which i'm worried some may miss.

    THIS REALLY IS FOR THE HEAVY DRINKERS, The drinkers that start at breakfast and stop when they are passed out, the bindge drinkers.

    My uncle died a month ago. He was a drinker. For all those who really don't understand what will happen to you if you CARRY on... Here.

    They found him dead on the front room floor. They said he's been throwing up blood in his bedroom as they found bowls full of it, he then managed to get downstairs into the living to get to the phone, a trail of blood followed and he got the phone but he couldn't call, he collaspe. He died. No one found him until a few days later.

    Cause of death AL!

    PEOPLE.... This is a true story and can happen. He was ONLY 42 and had only been drinking 10 years or so.... Wanna see if this will happen to you... CARRY ON DRINKING, IF NOT, JOIN ME in 30 AF!

    For heavy drinkers, drinkers in the morning ect ect


    Thanks for the reminder that if we continue on this treacherous path, it could kill us.

    I am so sorry for you and your family. Let's keep your story in mind.

    Thank you for sharing it to help us THINK--I know it must have been extremely painful for you.


      For heavy drinkers, drinkers in the morning ect ect

      Yes thank you for the post. I am sorry about your uncle, it sounds uncomfortably familiar.

      It could end up being me. I stopped because I literally want my life back.:thanks:
      AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
      Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


        For heavy drinkers, drinkers in the morning ect ect

        Thanks LilMichelle. Here's my bro-in-law's story. He had an alcohol-related seizure and his liver pretty much stopped working. He was also bleeding internally (there's a word for it -- varices? ) . He was just under 50. He was in intensive care for weeks, at first given not much chance of survival, but did pull through. He has some neuro-motor problems because of the seizure and takes about 20 different meds a day.
        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


          For heavy drinkers, drinkers in the morning ect ect

          Like I said in your other thread about this; it is a wake up call. Dying due to alcohol can happen to anyone of us.... not just binge drinkers. It depends on your body and how much it will tolerate.

          Again, thanks for sharing.


            For heavy drinkers, drinkers in the morning ect ect

            Thanks for sharing this michelle, my BIL was 32 when he got pancreatitis due to AL (he drank at least 24 500ml cans of beer a day), he was in a bad way but he pulled through. He hasn't had a drink for 3 years.
            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


              For heavy drinkers, drinkers in the morning ect ect

              My bil wasn't even a heavy drinker, has a binge, fell, choked on his own vomit. He as 33. Sorry to everyone for their losses. At this stage I am only waiting to see how my father will end up.

              I think putting these stories out will help shock people in re-evaluating their drinking. I know it has mine. It can happen and it does.


                For heavy drinkers, drinkers in the morning ect ect

                I remember when I was in grade 8, a grade 10 girl went out to party and passed out in the back seat of her friend's car. She choked on her own vomit and died.


                  For heavy drinkers, drinkers in the morning ect ect

                  Sorry lilmichele for your loss, but thanks for posting that. Like everyone here, my uncle almost died of cirrohis, had three very close calls, in the hospital for a long time. My father in law - dead as a result of AL. A woman I worked with years ago had two beautiful twin daughters - now has one due to AL overdose.

                  We are not immune! No one is no matter how much money you have, how smart or talented you are . . .

                  We need constant reminders of these dangerous possibilities.
                  Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                    For heavy drinkers, drinkers in the morning ect ect

                    Hi All
                    The first night I came here and was in chat I was told this is the most important thing in your life, to not drink.I was told it is a matter of life or death.Yes from that day I have viewed it as life or death.I am sorry for all who have lost family members to al.I have abused my body with al for a long time.For those in their 20 30 40 realize that the years pile up and the sooner you get al out of your life the better.I only wish I could turn back the clock but this is life.I am doing now what I should have done 40 years ago .

                    Stay Healthy and keep Fighting
                    AF 5-16-08
                    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                    AF 5-16-08


                      For heavy drinkers, drinkers in the morning ect ect

                      I also had a friend at church who had been in rehab twice, after the second time she started drinking again, over a litre of vodka a day. She'd only been out 2 weeks when she was drunk and fell out of her bedroom window. When some friends found her, she'd somehow managed to scramble back up to her room and was on the bed. They got her to hospital but she died of a brain hemorrhage. She was 42.
                      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                        For heavy drinkers, drinkers in the morning ect ect

                        And a relative of mine, who despite having stroke and liver problems said he'd never give up drinking. When in hospital, he was so weak, died when he contracted c diff. He was 58.
                        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

