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Really will need help today

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    Really will need help today

    Well, let's see. Saturday morning I poured all the rest of the booze down the drain and figured out how much money I have spent in the last five years on AL--$13,000. That's a luxury round-the-world cruise on the QE2 for crap's sake!

    Kept busy but at mid-day heard my little brain say "How dumb to pour out the booze, you could have finished up and started Monday." Thank God we had a foot of snow and news alerts to stay off the road (yeah, like I am going to haul my fat ass outside to hack snow and ice off the mini-car and drive down roads that are higher than my knees!

    So it was not heroism or strength..just a lazy cold-weather hater--but it worked.

    HARD NIGHT with Mommie Dearest. She has gone totally off the deep end, ranting, raging, hateful calls, threats to herself and others. Totally boozed up. Hallucinations, making up stories --on and on and on. All night long, calls back and forth between siblings. To make a long story short, we are going to make the painful decision to have her committed to a mental institution. This will require a court hearing and telling all. I know that what my family has been through is horrid, but this is going to be AWFUL.

    My husband is working all day so I am home alone. I am just hurtingI know she is mentally ill and not my "real" mother, but my heart aches anyway. :upset:

    The streets are plowed, my husband cleaned off the car, and the liquor store down the street is open for business. I am going to fight the good fight today
    and will probably be on and off the site all day--to hell with laundry and paying bills and housework.


    Really will need help today

    SO sorry to hear about your mom .. and as for you great job .. take it easy, but try to stay busy .. do the house clean and laundry and turn the music on loud and have fun doing it it will get so much better as the days go by.. believe me it does .. stay strong and think positive
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      Really will need help today

      upnorth... believe me, I "get" it. My mother is a lot like yours. I drank over it for many, many years. And I knew, all along, that I was playing right into her hands... it seemed as if she was "driving me" to drink... it seemed as if she really wanted to destroy me. And (although at some level I do love her, and always will), I hated her for that. Yet there I was, like a robot, marching along the path to destruction. It was as if I wanted to join my mother... and my father, who eventually killed himself... in the kind of miserable life that alcohol offers to us...

      The truth was, though, nobody was doing this TO me... I was doing all the drinking, myself. As they say in AA (this is one of their very best signs that they put up on the walls of many AA meeting rooms):


      I was reacting to my mother's life, the chaos, the ugliness, the utter craziness, the pain... by destroying myself. I had to stop, because NOBODY ELSE could stop for me, and nobody could stop me when I chose to drink.

      The pattern in your brain/mind (the impulse to drink, the message and feeling that you "need" or "want" a drink) is strong, but YOU are stronger. Your choice: what kind of life do you want? And what do you have to do (and NOT do) in order to get it?

      I do know how hard this is, and my heart goes out to you.


        Really will need help today


        Thinking of you, and sending you good wishes for a sober day, and a healthy future! Sara
        "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


          Really will need help today

          My heart is with you..I feel your pain and i have been where you are and DRANK...
          You already know that it only feels good for a few minutes...please think of the longer effects..find something that makes you feel good, and do that.
          What is your favorite that. Your favorite movie, music, color, smell???Surround yourself with things that make you feel good and you will get thru this..PM me, if i can help.
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Really will need help today

            I have been reading your posts the last few days about you situation with your mom, I don't have a clue what your going through, but my heart goes out to you. Mental illness of a family member is a tough thing and the decision to have her committed must be so hard, but in light of what has been going on...maybe the best thing.

            Please visit often today -- we will be here. :l


            "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
            -Alan Cohen


              Really will need help today

              I'm sooo sorry to hear about your mum. There really is nothing harder to deal with. Do it without AL. AL does NOTHING! stay with us hun, pull your hair out, SCREAMS, WHATEVER YOU WANT just don't drink!!! We're here for you all hours!!!!!!! We love you!!! Keep with us *HUGE HUG* I'm ssoooo F***ing sorry for you paiN!


                Really will need help today

                Hi upnorthgirl, I am holding you in my thoughts today. I just want to say, if you drink today because of your mother, you are allowing her to control you. I think it's time you quit letting a crazy alcoholic woman control you, don't you? If you drink you will be so mad at yourself. Lots of people are here for you. Be the strongest woman you can be today, OK?
                vegan zombies want your grains


                  Really will need help today

                  Hi upnorth,
                  I have a mentally ill sister. She moved in with us for three months, then got housing of hew own through the grace of God. Dealing with her definitely contributed to my abusive drinking.
                  My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                    Really will need help today

                    so far so good

                    Family coming over so I cleaned, did laundry, I am cooking a big meal and made a gallon of tea. Been on and off the sites all day in between. Think I will exercise a bit.

                    WIP--and others--thanks for sharing and the info not to destroy my own life because she destroyed hers.

                    LilM--Took your advice, cranked up the music, cried and screamed..actually feeling better.

                    Will check in later.:thanks:


                      Really will need help today

                      Sorry, that all sound's so difficult. I hope your family is a help for you. Please stick it out with us today, you will feel so much better if you do not succumb and drink the booze. Will check in later to see how you are doing.:lilheart:


                        Really will need help today

                        Hi UpNorthGirl, hope I am not too late, I am in a different time Zone to you. All I wanted to say my thoughts are with you.

                        My Mum ended up in a Mental Hospital when she finally cracked - it did her so much good and it was after that and one more alcohol binge when she came out for a weekend that she was finally given the real help she needed. The Doctor said to her that he couldn't treat any mental problems with her until she stopped drinking as that masks everything, it turns out that with continual AA support and from her GP, she really turned her life around and has been AF for over 6 years now.

                        It wont be the end of the world if your Mum goes into hospital, at least it will be a break for you guys, let the Doctors do their work. Focus on yourself.

                        Take care and hang on in there, you are a strong woman.
                        AC x x x x

