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This is my day one

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    This is my day one

    My story seems to be the same as most...a slow build up on the frequency of days of drinking wine. Especially now the kids are out of the house.

    I certainly don't like drinking this much and I certainly don't like the headaches that I get after only 2-3 glasses. The older you get the slower you bounce back from a hangover!

    I think my biggest and hardest problem is when I go out into a club, oub situation where large amounts of alcohol is being consummed by everyone and I'm the one standing there with a soda water, watching everyone become sillier and sillier. I'm a bit shy and a couple-6 glasses has helped me fit in....and I don't really want to sit at home.

    So what do I do? How do you all deal with these situations?

    12 months ago I started a health and fitness regime. I've been doing Boot Camp and Gym sessions for 12 months and have lost...wait for it...nothing!! My diet is good, I've stopped smoking, so the only thing it can be is the alcohol. This is the biggest reason for wanting to stop.

    So help!!!!

    This is my day one

    I just wanted to say hi & welcome!

    It sounds like you have made huge progress in other areas in your life. Quitting smoking, good diet and exercise. Way to go!

    The socializing and not drinking. Well I can't suggest much because I haven't really stepped out of my comfort zone sober. I can handle the ocassional party being sober. My friends all go to the clubs and pubs still. I honestly don't trust myself to do it often.... yet.

    Are you planning on moderating your alcohol or quittting completely?


      This is my day one

      Hi Frannymac, welcome. Probably the best advice I can give you right now is to get ahold of the My Way Out book and read it. You can download it from this site or buy it hardcover from here or from Amazon. It will help you formulate a plan to that will give you the tools you need to deal with alcohol in the way that will be best for you. We all forge our own road and hold hands and help each other on the way. There is a wealth of knowledge already posted on the site, a lot of different sections so plunge in, if you need help just ask that is what we are all here for.
      vegan zombies want your grains


        This is my day one

        What I would like to do is moderate my intake, but for three months give up completely so I can lose the weight I want to lose, after that I want to be able to be like have an adult relationship with alochol...

        I really don't like feeling like I'm being punished by having to give up, but that's in my own thinking, if I could just find that same strenght I had when I gave up smoking...


          This is my day one

          HI Frannymac and welcome.

          I am also attempting to give myself 3 months AF to see if it makes a difference to my weight. I am sure that it will. Have you gained muscle and toned up through you exercise sessions? If not, I could consider changing your routine. Weight training is an important part of exercise and a good way to help change your metabolism.


            This is my day one

            Franny the MWO book was written with moderation in mind, but it does suggest going Alcohol Free for the first 30 days and give you tools to help you do that. There is also a thread called Tool Box in the Monthly Abstinence section under Goals that has some handy tips for abstaining. You might want to check that out as well.
            vegan zombies want your grains


              This is my day one

              ezzmae - yes I am feeling generally fitter, but you know what us woman are like it does still come down to losing weight! I do weights as well and have also started running too.

              If you and I are starting at the same time, can you let me know your going? If it's not too rude can I ask your age?

              cyclefan - I will look into those things you suggested.

