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Newbie here, not new to trying to quit

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    Newbie here, not new to trying to quit

    I'm just starting out... again. During my days in college I began drinking very heavily and eventually I got into some legal trouble so I entered a program for drug abusers (alcohol is my problem) which I had to legally commit to so that any charges would be dropped. For 4-5 days a week I was required to attend meetings at night that lasted 3 hours long, pretty intense and at random times I would have to submit to a drug test... Well I had already realized prior to this requirement that I had a problem so I figured this would cure it, because if you failed a test then you would have to spend a week in jail or whatever, and of course I didn't plan to do that, so this would fix my drinking. Wrong, this lasted about 1 week before I began drinking again, but I was able to get away with it because mostly they checked for illegal drugs which I wasn't doing. Then I got caught as apparently the breathalizer caught me from the night before so I was sent to Bradford in patient, a typical rehab, so I thought after I left there that I was in great shape and ready for a new life, that lasted about 2 weeks, then I was back at it and after a few more months I was caught again with the blow test, so this time I was sent to a 6 month halfway house type of place where I could still go to school etc... and with this I stayed sober for 6 months and completed the program, but I started drinking again because I was "cured" and could handle it. About 4 months later I was very very deep into it again and my parents discovered this and cut off all help with school forcing me to move back home, so... I quite drinking for a while and finished school there and started a great new job, this has been about 3 years now. There have been maybe 4 or 5 times since then when I got deep in the bottle (can't get out of bed, throwing up, etc... for 3 or 4 days). It's been maybe 2 years since I've been that way, but I still drink daily and the weekends are just a drunken waste of a weekend.
    So here I am, I've just ordered the meds from some place in mexico and I'm anxious to begin this program. I greatly desire an alcohol free life with interests in something other than drinking non-stop. I used to have fun and get excited about things when I was sober, now I only get excited about them after drinking, but I'm too drunk to do them. So, here I go.

    Any suggestions about this program are greatly appreciated

    Newbie here, not new to trying to quit

    Hi Jam, I've reposted a lot of educational stuff to help in the research forum that you can read. There is so much more to this than's a physical problem as well and needs a full-pronged nutrition program as well as changes to your diet so that your cravings don't drive you nuts! Please go into the research area and read some of the posts. There's one there with a quiz about what type of drinker you are so that you can really fine tune your recovery and repair your body too! You can do this!

