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just saying hi xx

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    just saying hi xx

    Hi :new: I'm off to see my Doctor tonight. I hope he has an open mind about the program,
    I am really excited about getting started but scarred about the appointment. This site seems really great too.

    xx Summer09

    just saying hi xx

    Hi Summer, welcome to yet another Aussie. I hope it goes really well with your Doctor tonight, if he/she is worth their salt they should be very understanding and not scary or judgemental at all - you are one of the people who is actually trying to sort themselves out, plus you can bet they will have seen a lot lot worse than you and should appreciate you being proactive.

    This site is brilliant, I am now into Day 6AF, can't believe that by tomorrow morning I will be 1 week AF - that is a first in over 6 years. It is so nice to be able to bounce thoughts, ideas, questions etc off people and compare experiences.

    Good luck.
    AC x x


      just saying hi xx

      Hi Summer09! Welcome!

      If you have a good relationship with your doctor; don't hold back. Your doctor is there to help. You deserve the help!

      All the best and I hope it turns out well.


        just saying hi xx

        Hi Summer09 and welcome:welcome:

        I always find that if I gather info to share with my Dr. about various drugs and helpful info for my "problem" she is usually more than eager to assist me in my "quest."

        I am so sorry for people that are unable to share with their doctors the facts of their drinking problem. Here in USA many people are afraid of discussing it because of insurance reasons, or they are embarrassed to talk to their doctors. That is sad and crazy.

        So go for it and get the help you need. If your doctor can not help you, find one that will. WELCOME!

