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ODAT Monday

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    ODAT Monday

    Uni, when I had a physical in early Dec. my white blood count was low. Normal is between 4-11 and I don't know if that is for my age and gender. I repeated the test last week and it was 4.5 so it was acceptable for the MD. I have no symptoms but wonder if it is inflamation which I would like to research more. I lean heavily towards alternative medicine.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT Monday

      Shame. My thoughts are with you. Maybe they're a bit more realaxed on a Monday and will hopefully offer some better advice/ prescirptions or whatever is neccessary. Weekends are quite hectic at ER's aren't they?! I hope for the best!!

      Like I said we've been in the same situation when we were in Mauritius. went back to the docs 3 days in a row because fever kept spiking up. way up...

      good luck. let us know how it goes.
      AF since 15th March 2010

      The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


        ODAT Monday

        Uni - is there another hospital you can take her to or another doctors clinic. You really want to get a second opinion, afterall a sick girl does not want to be carted in and out of hospital all the time. My daughter had the same thing a few months back, they said it was just a virus. Luckily it only lasted about 3 days but she was exhausted the whole time. When her temps peaked her hands felt like ice.


          ODAT Monday

          Good day all ODATer's ---- Uni, I hope you get someone to help your daughter soon ... I know it feels like you're hands are tied and it gets very frustrating just to be sent home again ..... I don't understand why the doctor's don't want to treat her given a 3 day history.

          Everyone sounds so great about their fight with AL ... you're all to be congratulated. I however, slipped over the weekend, but rather than start back counting from the beginning (I would be on day 2 again).... I'm taking a suggestion from another thread and counting my AF days out of the month(or I may do it out of the year).... so today is 9/12. Much more encouraging. I'm doing that because for the first time every, I went 7 days AF and it would feel like it's been taken away from me if I start counting all over. I hope everyone's okay with that.

          Wishing you all a good AF day!


            ODAT Monday

            Hey ODATers!

            uni, my son was about that age, a little younger, when I brought him in the emergency room and his white blood cell count was up. That means an infection. They couldn't find what was infected so gave him a shot of antibiotics and that was it. It was so weird and never happened again. I hope this helps.

            Great AF day yesterday and a good night's sleep. Can't ask for more than that, right? You all sound so good and positive, what a great way to start a new week!

            Take care,
            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              ODAT Monday

              Happy Monday, ODATers (uuugh)

              Great, it sounds as if most of you had a decent weekend and managed just fine! Congrats!

              Uni - yikes... that doesn't sound good! Can you get her into your family doc today? And he/she can get her into the hospital?

              Newday, I do the same. And I had an 'episode' on Saturday as well. But yesterday was good and today will be good - and that's all I'm after right now.

              Ok, work is rearing its ugly head - have a great day all!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                ODAT Monday

                Uni, I am so sorry your daughter is still sick, and the dr's have not been cooperative.

                Sorry I have not read this thread in a lot of detail this morning. I am on day 4 and sleeping like shit. Last night was better than Sat. night, but still when I woke up, I was yawning and wanting to wait it out till 2 yo would nap and I could do the same. (BUT at least I'm not hungover!!! At least I'm not hungover, at least I'm not hungover....) But I've had some coffee, and I called my sister to see if she wants to bring over her 3 yo, so we can hang out and the boys can play. So now I feel like I have something to look forward to, and I feel a little more energized. I guess those little things ought also to be part of "my plan."

                New Day, I am with you on keeping a more "fluid" counting system. To go back to the beginning, I think, just takes away from your positive AF time.

                Now here is another question. I like to drink beer, but my "downfall" is red wine, which I especially love with Italian style dinners -- pasta, etc. I have such a dinner planned for tonight. Many people have suggested great alterna-bevs, and I drink water all day long; been switching to lemon water at witching hr and herbal tea at night. What to drink in place of red wine with dinner? I like cranberry juice, but think that will be too sweet with dinner. I haven't tried any AF wines yet. Any suggestions are appreciated!

                Thanks guys and Happy Monday!


                  ODAT Monday


                  my heart goes out to you I am going to hug my two boyz and send our best thoughts out to you and your famiily. dont stress I am sure they will figure it out soon but dont hesitate to get a second opinion if you are not happy all my best



                    ODAT Monday

                    Uni - hope your daughter gets well soon. I hope they figure out what's wrong.

                    CS04 - I bought cranberry juice for the first time in a Long time to change from my usual lemonade. I'm finding it too sweet. I was thinking about buying some fizzy water to mix it with, maybe with a slice of lemon.
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      ODAT Monday

                      Hi guys,

                      Thanks for your thoughts - update.....finally got to a doctor who would listen to me - they did a bunch of tests and found out she has a bad kidney infection. Thank god! I"m okay with that - sucks for her, no wonder she has been complaining of a sore back, headache and had such a high fever but at least we finally found out what is wrong and she is on antibiotics now. Phew......

                      New day - I like that way of counting as well. I find that we beat ourselves up so much and by the way - who said all our AF days have to be in consession? I think that any we get are positive and they should be looked at that way......

                      That's my theory anyway. Okay, off to do a temperature check!

                      Talk to you guys later - thanks again.
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        ODAT Monday

                        So glad that they figured it out Uni. Sorry you wasted your time with the other idiots. There are some clowns out there. She should be better in no time with the antibiotics.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          ODAT Monday


                          Hey, Uni, I too am glad your daughter is properly diagnosed--finally--and getting the treatment she needs. We can only pray that the doctors who blew you off get a nice urinary track or kidney infection and no one gives them anything for three days!:b&d:

                          Savon--I have never like chocolate or any sweets, but now find myself scarfing down tons of M&Ms, cake and trail mix. what's up with that!

                          CS04--not sure about a red wine replacement. I tried some of the fake wine and it tasted like shitty old KoolAid--and face it, if I drink wine it needs to taste good and give me a buzz or I might as well just drink tea or water. I can't really believe it is the taste that makes me want to drink--it is the feeling from it. I like Vodka and whatever--plain juices taste pretty much the same without adding vodka, so obviously I wanted to get drunk.

                          Well, hanging in there. Father and a couple siblings approached Mommy Dearest--not a pretty scene. I really do wonder why neighbors don't call the police or emergency--then they'd cart her away and we would have some legal proof for the court. I just don't know what is going to happen. Don't know if I can sit in court and "tattle" on my mother, even if she is destroying herself and eveyone else.:upset:

