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    Evening all!
    Busy busy day... that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

    Great to hear you guys are all on track.. I am too.. day 5 - definitely a mile stone for me!
    And now.. I'm getting back to work.. will be a long evening here! *sigh*
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013



      Sunshine - good job on day 5!!!!!! woohoo!!

      Stresshead - I forgot to say...WELCOME!


      "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
      -Alan Cohen



        Hey Sunshine!! Way to go on Day 5! Try not to get too stressed out at work!!

        Catbelle!!!! :H :H I know what you mean by towns closing down when it gets this cold!!!!! We all don't know what a snow day is!! If it snows, we take a week off!!!! :H
        Seriously, sister, I agree!!!! WAY TOO COLD for this far south! I'm only about 100 miles North of New Orleans!!! We sweat year around!!!!!!

        Anyway, good to hear from yall! Cat, so glad you are sticking this out.....doesn't it just feel great!?#%&!

        I'm off to cook supper! It's panini night around here and then a litte hot cocoa and T.V.....I know.....doesn't sound too exciting, but hey, I'm likin' it lately!
        'Night yall! :h



          Hi everybody, glad to see more posts today! I'm doing well. It seemed easier today, somehow. I don't know why, but I liked it! I'm not liking this cold weather though. Take it back Peanut! It's 1 degree here right now and will be 10 below overnight. I read somewhere recently that we may be on the brink of an ice age! Feels like we may already be in one!!!

          Keep up the good work gang! You're awesome!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            MWP PRPGRAM STARTERS Week3 JAN 12

            Ice age??? I thought we were entering a global warming phase!! Sure doesn't feel that way around here! I can't wait until tomorrow - going to -8 and then zero on the weekend. Remember, I'm talking Celcius!! So maybe it will be warmer on the weekend here than down south where you are Dill. Oooh!! I can't wait!!!!

            Another day done here almost. Need to get to the gym but am feeling tired. I don't know why I am always so tired in the evenings. Maybe you and hubby are right, USMgirl, about being in recovery mode. I probably was totally exhausted before, but hid it with wine, stayed up late every night. Now there is now wine, I feel the fatigue and just need to go to bed. It really isn't too bad! I like the feeling of crawling into bed, all sleepy, rather than falling into it and passing out!!

            Until tomorrow peeps!!!
            xoxo peanut


              MWP PRPGRAM STARTERS Week3 JAN 12

              Good morning All! Well, here in Ohio we got down to minus 13 Farrenheit last night. It's really hard on my poor husband. We live on a small farm and raise black angus cattle. He has had a challenge keeping water available to them! He has a system worked out, but he has to go out constantly and check to make sure it is still working. If it quits working, I'm not sure what we'll do.
              Peanut, I'm not one that believes in the whole global warming scare.

              I am feeling good, and grateful today. Hope we all achieve your goals for today! Keep checking in. I love hearing from you all.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                MWP PRPGRAM STARTERS Week3 JAN 12

                Helloooo Out thereeeeeee!!
                Where is everybody????

                Dill, Peanut, I honestly don't know how I would be able to live under such cold conditions!!! ( I guess I'm a little spoiled down here in the deep south!

                And Dill, having a farm!!!! My heart goes out to you and hubby and all your cattle too!!!! I hope the water system will hold up!!!! Best of luck!!!

                Peanut, I think I am right about sleep now. It's our bodies trying to catch up from always trying to "make-up" for the garbage we've always put in them!!!! Mine is saying "finally, this chick is going to let me take a break and rest!!!!" Yeah!!!

                I saw my doc this morning and he was very happy that I am doing so well on Campral! He wrote me a Rx for two more months, but did say he wanted to follow closely every month just to keep a check on things!!! They drew blood and we should have that back next week. I'm a little anxious about liver is probably not so healthy and my CHO is probably up too!!!
                But, we'll see!!!!

                I hope you guys have a great week-end! I know some of you may have a long week-end due to holiday, so have fun! Be safe!! And stay close!!!!
                Warm hugs to everybody!!!!!! :l


                  MWP PRPGRAM STARTERS Week3 JAN 12

                  USM, Living on a small farm is great! Just like anything else, it has it's pros and cons, but we both love it. Congrats on the good doctor visit! I'm on campral, too, and find it very helpful, but that it still boils down to my attitude and determination. What is CHO?
                  School got cancelled again today. Instead I went to the Mall. It was NOT closed, but was nice because there were very few shoppers probably because of the cold temps. Anyhow, I was standing at the top an an escyulaytor and wondering if I would consider it to be a "very pleasant escalator" as in the hypno tapes. I looked it over and decided it was not. However, I then realized it's all in the eye of the beholder, because I decided my husband would have considered it VERY pleasant, as it descended into the tool department in the Sears store!
                  Well, that's just the way my mind works these days. I thought of you guys and this thread as I rode the escalator!
                  Where is everybody?

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    MWP PRPGRAM STARTERS Week3 JAN 12


                    Hi all! Dill.. you's a farm girl, too, huh?
                    I went and bought my lil dream farm 6 years ago... never looked back. Strictly hobby, though.. no cattle. Mind you, lugging water buckets in 4ft of snow is NOT fun and hardly a hobby...

                    Ok, really need to get back to work... there really should be a warning at the top of the forum... *** CAUTION: PARTICIPATION MAY CAUSE DEPENDENCY ***

                    Cripes. Not getting nuttn done here! LOL. Have a great Friday afternoon, everyone!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      MWP PRPGRAM STARTERS Week3 JAN 12

                      Hey Sunshine, Dill, Peanut, USM!!!


                      Dill, I'm off today too - no classes or clinicals.

                      I'm staying at home, so tired. I wonder if you are on to something with the body in recovery mode, USM? I have been soooo tired this week. I know part of it is being in class for 9 straight hours/day, the brain can only comprehend so much info. But although I wake up feeling great, im sleepy/tired by 10 am??? Then by the end of the day, I'm just does NOTHING!

                      USM -glad everything is going so well, you sound in very high spirits - I'm glad - and even if it cold, I'll take this over July/August down here. I hate the summers! Yuck!

                      Dill and Sunshine - I'm coming to live on the farm with ya'll - will work for food. I live in the country, in the woods, but farm. My Papa had a farm until he died and we used to go there every weekend. I loved it! The cows, chickens (pee-yew!), peacocks, and those damn little banty roosters. Those things would chase me and my cousin like WE were dinner that night. They were aggressive little bastards. Those are truly the best memories of my childhood...back in the day. go back.

                      Well, I'm goin' to build a fire, and study...some more.

                      Stay warm ya'll


                      "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                      -Alan Cohen


                        MWP PRPGRAM STARTERS Week3 JAN 12

                        Hello all
                        wow what a week! work was crazy and this cold weather didn't make it any better. I'm just glad it's friday. Sunshine glad to hear you're on day 5 AF or is it day 6 today. I've fallen behind since i haven't been able to be around much but i'll have plenty of time this weekend. I have a looong weekend because i'm also taking Tuesday off to celebrate inaugaration day! i'm not going to D.C. but i'll be glued to the t.v. and having a nice celebration brunch.

                        hey where are you Jamms? are you ok?

                        Hope everyone has a nice weekend and may we all reach our goals, what ever they might be. Stay strong we can do this.
                        :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                        ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                          MWP PRPGRAM STARTERS Week3 JAN 12

                          Dill!!!! Please don't think I meant to say your farm is anything but wonderful!!!!
                          I LOVE the idea/dream of living on a farm with all the animals and stuff!!!!! I grew up in the backwoods, girls!!!! (No AC until about 1978!) :H
                          I would have so many animals!!! I'm a HUGE dog lover and I guess I could stand a cat or two IN THE BARN! HA!!! Farm livin' would be the life for me if I had my way!!! I'm SUCH a country girl!!! :farmer:

                          My sister lives in Kentucky and she's out of school today too! (a teacher) I guess that gives everybody a REALLY long week-end!!! Yeah!!!

                          Glad to hear from you, Cat, Sunshine and IMC!!!! I hope yall stay warm!!!!

                          As for me......Give me back my humidity!!!!!!!!!verheated:


                            MWP PRPGRAM STARTERS Week3 JAN 12

                            Nooooooooo! NO humidity!!! I'm meeeeellltinnng........Blah on summertime! I bet summers are great for Sunshine and Peanut...

                            "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                            -Alan Cohen


                              MWP PRPGRAM STARTERS Week3 JAN 12


                              Oh yes.. SUMMER!
                              That week in July and 2 weeks in August! :H

                              btw... where's JAMMS??????? Has anyone talked to her?
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                MWP PRPGRAM STARTERS Week3 JAN 12

                                I'm here....FROZEN but here. My little girl is sick...again. Hubby has a serious sinus infection causing his BP to go up so...Dr. gave him anti bio..AVOLOX...boy htis stuff is strong.....I've been busy keeping a close eye on him and taking care of everything...poor guy could barley lift his head off the pillow.

                                I'm still AF what that like...14AF/2AL I've lost track...

                                Sorry I haven't been checking in...but I been staying in my bedroom..and on my second floor it's warmer up there and there no internet.

                                BTW- did anyone watch "Sober House" last night? I was a big "guns n roses" fan I feel bad for him...but I think he's to far gone..

                                Well...I am supposed to go out with some friends tomorrow night, but if Hubby does not feel good I'm stayin' home.....I would actually rather because I have a reunion on the weekend of the 23...and I would like to have some more AF days before then......
                                Well I've made some home made chicken soup...I'm going to eat it with the famiy then I'm going to bed.....with the cranky, congested, adorable little blue eyed girl.

                                :lto everyone

                                "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                                "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"

