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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Hey guys,

    I'm still up so figured I would start the thread.....

    Still dealing with a really sick little girl (nothing compared to what other people have gone through but for me pretty bad)

    So, the second tylenol wears off, back up to 106 or higher......I know, not good danger zone.

    So, for 3 days she is fine when the advil kicks in and then spikes back up. they have determined that it's a kidney infection and given her antibiotics but still the fever.........

    anyway, gonna sleep for a bit but if still bad in the morning, we are off to the childrens hospital.......I'll keep you all posted......thanks for your support.

    I'm sure it's minor, just not liking these fever spikes.........

    Talk to you soon,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - Tuesday

    greetings ODATer's

    Uni - good luck with your wee girl, hope she's feeling better real soon, did the doc's give any idea how long before the antibiotics should kick in, it must be exhausting so hang in there, my thoughts are with you.

    I just want to say thanks to everyone here, I am 41 day AF & could not have done it without the support I have found here, I am enjoying my journey & look forward to coming on line to see how everyone is doing, not just in there AF battle but in there everyday lives, I both envy & dont envy those experiencing the snow, we dont get much snow here in Dunedin, I have always wanted to experience what it would be like if there was a couple of feet of snow (apart from the shoveling) it always look so romantic untill it melts I guess. LOL.

    anyway to all who follow today, have a great day.
    Progress, not perfection!!!
    A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


      ODAT - Tuesday

      Good Morning Odater's!!!!

      Feeling absolutely fantabolous this morning. Unfortunately cloud cover/ fog and a bit of drizzles in otherwise sunny Cape Town. Well.... We can't hav all the good weather all the time

      Hey Uni..... I'm sad to hear your daughter is still battling. When I saw you opened the ODAT thread this morning I was kind of hoping for good news... Kindney infectilon... sounds pretty serious to me. Have they not considered at all to keep her under observation?!! Please keep us posted. I hope you will get some rest too. You must be exhausted.

      Hi Witchy. Very well done for the 41 days AF. I am exactly 1 week behind you. Do you feel that it is getting easier? or are you still struggling quite a bit?
      .. I'm with you on the snow thing. I'm not so fond of the cold but there is a bit of romance in a nice quite snowed in village isn't it?! Plus all the skying and ice skating...

      Have a great AF day!!
      AF since 15th March 2010

      The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


        ODAT - Tuesday

        thanks Johhny
        - I am finding it easier, not only less cravings but how I handle it when I do feel the urge, I dont expect it to always be this easy, & sometimes I worry that I will end up drinking again,
        my mantra for being AF is "Embrace the Challange"
        I like the fact that you are so close to me in AF days, keeps focused.
        Progress, not perfection!!!
        A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Great to hear. I'm with you !!!

          I feel exactly the same. I am starting to be able to manage my cravings but I am also concerned. They say that when you get to comfortable and confident it is the most dangerous time. Because you might start forgetting those many small mechanisms you have put in place to keep focused. (Like going to AA meetings and stopping because you think you can handle it on your own or coming to the MWO forum, etc.)

          Together we'll do this !!!!!!
          AF since 15th March 2010

          The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


            ODAT - Tuesday

            hey odat's. new to this post but johnnyh said i should join u all so ere i am!! im on day 6 and feeling great, been knitting to keep hands busy!!
            making my 12 yr old a funky punky stripy beret!! lol
            hey uni good luck wiv yr wee gal, to help wiv fever luke warm baths and a drop or 2 of lavendar oil is good, my 5 yr old had fever and she felt like a radiator! was scary cos she was hallucinating and all. never been so scared as a mommy, but the sponging down wiv luke warm water rewally soothed her.
            the antibiotics normally take a couple of days to kick in but make sure u finish the whole course even if she appears to be better.
            good luck hun, im an ex nurse so if u need advice pm me yep??

            to cheer u all up i have posted a joke on laughing out loud forum undre" some random facts" very funny for us gals!! lol

            heres to day 6
            lv sweetlipsxxxxxxxx


              ODAT - Tuesday

              Hi all ODAT'rs

              Have been crazy busy the last few days preparing for hubby's 50th birthday party next week-end. Johnny & Witchy you are an inspiration. As an oldie, one bit of advice is to keep going. I have done numerous 30 day stints since joining MWO and then slipped. Sometimes it was that warped thinking of rewarding myself for doing the 30 days!!

              Uni, hope things are getting better with your little girl. There is nothing worse than seeing you kids sick, you feel so helpless.

              Everyone else big hello.



                ODAT - Tuesday

                Hi everyone.

                Uni - glad to see your girl is doing better. WW - wow, 41 days and going strong. Sweetlips - a big welcome.

                I have worked out that I have done 26/28 or 16 days AF. I have been so busy that the only thing I want right now is a good nights sleep. Johnnyh, I feel the same, so afraid that I will give in when I least expect it. It has been pretty easy for me so far, it almost seems too good to be true.

                Rustop, I am already trying to think of something lovely to reward myself when I hit 30 days.


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Morning, all

                  Just checking in before heading to work, and will check back in tonight. Unfortunately, can't log in at work--my boss reads our emails and computer use. Yeah, love my job!

                  UNI--keeping a prayer for your little one. I would insist on her being admitted and monitored. Extremely high fevers can cause additional problems. Sometimes doctors are so arrogant (sorry if there are any doctors out there) they do not listen to we mothers. I know from experience as when my eldest was little and high temps and got worse. I had to fight tooth and nail.

                  Witchy--great for the 41 days, you inspire me.

                  Still dealing with the mother/commitment issue. don't know what will happen. She refused to admit a problem or get help. We have a family meeting Thursday to make plans or decide to just let her go on her own way until she ends up dead. It has been horrid and hateful.

                  On that happy note, have a great day, stay strong and see you tonight.


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    Uni - so sorry your little girl is STILL not well! Sounds like hospital may be a good idea after this much time.

                    OK - now Here's a weird question/comment: this guy I've been developing a relationship with (loosely speaking - more over phone since he lives 3 hrs. away!) said he wasn't sure which person he liked more: The Sober Me - or the Tipsy Me!!

                    And I know what he's talking about... The Tipsy Me can definitely be more FUN. The Sober Me is often too serious...

                    So that's a weird dilemma, eh? To be told you're not as fun when sober...?? And knowing it's probably true, to boot!!

                    Anyway, double-digit day today - Day 10. I know I will make it to Day 14. Ooops, don't want to be over-confident!!

                    You all seem to be doing GREAT!

                    PS - Upnorth - it's horrible what you've been going through with your mother. If she would Only admit a problem, then she could probably just take meds & not have to be committed... Could you approach her like that: Either/OR...?
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      ODAT - Tuesday


                      Uni, Worry and anxiety are two huge triggers for many. You have my prayers for your little one and my admiration for not seeking liquid relief. When this passes (and it will), stay strong. :l

                      Witchy & johnny & ezzie, you're doing great! When I think of a drink (and my friends all tell me I don't have a problem, that extranged one was the problem and that I can drink normally) I think of my friends here and those who have tried to mod or tried a drink and fell on their face. I am quite sure it is not worth the risk to find out which one I am. I am the sober one. It removes the worry. Not the thought mind you, but the worry. Look how happy you are now. Why give it up? Ezzie, ice cream works

                      A big welcome to sweetlips! :welcome:

                      Hey rustop! An oldie....hehehehe. I feel like that too. What's the plan for the big party? the party itself and yours? You gonna jump out of the cake?

                      North, I feel for you with your mom's situation. Stay strong! At least you have the family's support.

                      Savvy, double digits! So damn proud of your boring self :H. Just kidding. You are engaging and entertaining when sober. The new friend's remark alarms me in lack of support. I wonder if he has a drinking problem? You deserve nothing short of a thriving supportive relationship, it that ain't it, drop it. (I wish I'd taken my own advice a long time ago :H)

                      Here's a :l for everyone. Here's a :l for all to come- becoming, sea, etc. and those who don't (like dingy)

                      Off to the hole - no jury duty today.
                      Have a happy day!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        Savon, I think that with more sober time you will find the fun in you without the AL. Don't let anyone make you question what you are doing. You are doing a really good thing for yourself and your life will be so much more full without the AL.

                        Uni, I hope your daughter gets better quick. I know what a helpless feeling it is to see your children sick.

                        Witchy 41 days! That is so great! You are an inspiration!

                        Sweet lips I am right behind you......Day 5.....Keep it up, we will be 30 days and more before we know it.
                        Johnny, I love your posts!


                          ODAT - Tuesday

                          OK - I know this guy drinks. AND he smokes pot! Which I don't ... (well, I did some in college Many yrs. ago & could count on one hand the other times since!).

                          I Definitely don't want to be tempted to do that!! Especially since I'm looking for job - OMG. Soooo, in several ways, he's probably not the right "type" for me --- but he's Very smart, cute, fun and... did I say... Young?! LOL. Ten yrs. younger. Oh dear - could be my last Hurrah!! LOL!

                          These danger signs may even attract me more (sad to say) - always liked a little "naughty" in my men! (Hmmm - could this be why I'm single??)

                          I don't see him as long-term - but it sure could be FUN!

                          PS - I'm meeting a guy for coffee this morning in a while. I "met" him online about a month ago. Now I can't find his picture & barely remember what he looks like!! I figured I had to meet him since I agreed before I even met Mr. Cutie... Besides, how much trouble can you get into having COFFEE?? lol.
                          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                            ODAT - Tuesday

                            Morning ODATers!

                            Oh.. Uni.. I was thinking of you last night - so sorry to hear she's still not better Let's hope the antibiotics will start doing their thing today :l

                            Witchy & Johnnyh - you guys rock! Sweetlips - welcome. Rusty, let's hear about the party! What have you got planned? Ezz.. you're doing great as well - you guys are so inspiring! UpNorth, hun, I really hope that nightmare is going to end sometime soon for you :l
                            Savvy.. you crack me up!!! :H Know just what you mean by 'it could be fun'... as long as you can keep things in perspective and run your own course - go for it! If you think he'll steer you off course... RUN!

                            Blanchie... Day 5 - awesome! I'm on what? Day 3? Watch out, I'm right behind ya!

                            So, happy day to all before and all to come - gotta get moving now!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              ODAT - Tuesday

                              Hello to all ODATer's ----- quick check in, so sorry, I can't acknowledge everyone on an individual basis, but have read the posts and extend congratulations to all of you ... you're doing so well! Keep it up!
                              Uni --- I do want to extend by best wishes for your daughter to soon be feeling better. The antibiotics take a good 24 hours to start to take hold. She should start to feel better very soon. The warm bath is a good idea ... make it plenty warm to start and let her body cool down as the water does. (I'm not a nurse or a doctor ... just another Mom who's been there).

                              So, here I am either on another day 3, or 10/13 .... liking the later count better! LOL!

                              Have a great AF day everyone ... will check in tonight again!

