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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Hi ODAT'ers

    How is everyone going today? Seems a bit quiet around here at the moment.

    I have just completed day 17. Feeling great. I don't want to start getting complacent but it seems like drinking is just a distant memory. I find myself naturally making plans without thinking about AL. Maybe I will feel different on Saturday.

    Have a great day everyone.

    ODAT - Wednesday

    Ezz and all to come, Good day! Hope all achieve their goals for today. Ezz, I'm so happy for you at day 17! And you sound so good. It gives me hope. Yesterday I struggled through the witching hour, but it was so nice to wake up today AF, yet again. I am 10/13 for January and hoping to keep it going!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      ODAT - Wednesday

      Hi Dill

      Congrats on your AF days. I do like that way of counting your AF days. I am on 27/29, it sounds great but as I am a weekend binge drinker it is easy for me to rack up the AF days. I only really need to worry about staying sober 2-3 days per week.


        ODAT - Wednesday

        Happy Day

        We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. Carlos Castaneda

        Hello, all. made it through another day so today is Day 4, or 21/24 with the new system.
        :goodjob: to everyone who struggled and succeeded through another night.

        Bitterly cold, sub-zero temps here. Hate to go to work.Therapy appointment after work today and then dinner with my eldest daughter, so one more reason to be AF.

        Still waiting for the "looking pretty" part though!!!!


          ODAT - Wednesday

          Miserable here. I thought this boat was bigger!!!!! off to work the sailing club aint happy to have ANOTHER displaced captin apparently Im not the only one living on board and thrown out of his nest!~!!!!! we are becoming as displaced as the regular sea gull WAKKKKKKKKKK give me a home Ill give anything to go home!!!!!! I miss my Lucy soooooooooo much I really miss her I miss cuddling my daughter so much it breaks my heart!!! I just miss her so much !!!!!sitting here all i can think about is how much I adore and love my daughter !!!!!


            ODAT - Wednesday

            Hi guys,

            I'm sorry Captn - wish I could make you feel better. :l Here's a big hug from me to you.

            Everyone sounds like they are doing great - we are supposed to have bitterly cold temperatures here today too (around the minus 15 kind) so no one better come on here complaining about the heat! LOL

            A big :thanks: to everyones kind words yesterday. My daughter is feeling a bit better this morning - still really tired and blah but it looks like the fever finally broke overnight (knock on wood that it doesn't come back). So I think we're over the dangerous passing out dizzy stages! Mommy feels much better now - she scared me yesterday morning. You guys were awesome!

            Hope everyone has a great day - mine will be AF - going to add another day to my count.

            Take care guys
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT - Wednesday

              Thanks uni you just made me feel alot better THANKS and youre daughter has the best mum


                ODAT - Wednesday


                Ezzie, north & dill keep up the good work!! Yer lookin' good!

                Capt'n... I'm so sorry you are sad. :l:l Keep your chin up.

                Uni, do you know about probiotics for your daughter after the round of antibiotics? The beneficial bacteria in her system needs to be replinished when the antibiotics are over. Thy will have wiped out ALL the bacteria, and the good is essential for the immune system.

                Happy hump day to everyone to come! No more jury duty this week so I'm off to the hole and trying to keep out of the drama between estranged one and his GF. What a wierd feckin' life.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT - Wednesday

                  Good morning all,

                  Uni, I am so happy your daughter is doing better, I am a mom of three and know how scary it can be. Capt I am sorry to you are feeling so sad! So glad to hear everyone is doing well on those AF days. 19 here but I am not letting my guard down, I know those urges can pop up at any time, like they did last time after going 33 days.

                  My hubby has finally realized he to needs to cut down, he told me last night he was going to limit himself to one drink (glass of wine) at night during the weekdays. I have been praying God would open up his eyes to the amount he drinks , same amount as I did.

                  Have a happy AF day everyone and everyone to come!!


                    ODAT - Wednesday

                    I forgot to add this, It's amazing how when I drank, I dreaded the afternoons, now I look forward to them.



                      ODAT - Wednesday

                      Hi everybody, Got a bit confused 'cos Thursday was up but here in GB it's still Wednesday so I'm signing on this one. Don't think I've visited since Christmas but hope all of you are well and happy.
                      Short term goal 7 days AF


                        ODAT - Wednesday

                        Morning again (Wednesday, yes?) - I was scratching my head, too.... figured I musta missed a day somewhere this week!

                        Captn.... :l
                        I'm so sorry your situation has deteriorated to this. When will you see Lucy?

                        Uni... whew - good news! Did you finally get some sleep as well last night, hun? Read what Greenie said about pro-biotics, too... funny, I JUST read about that this week. Btw... hush up about minus 15.... woke up to minus 30 this morning. Pffhhh. Canada. What was I THINKING?

                        Dill, ezz, upnorth... you guys sound great - keep inspiring!
                        Greenie... I don't think I ever quite caught on... exactly what/where is "the hole"???

                        Twosox - 19 days rocks! You're doing great! And, isn't it wonderful if our loved ones follow suit? Mine is not a problem drinker... yet, I noticed him cutting back as well. Haven't seen him have a drink since wine with dinner on Saturday

                        Hi Patricia and happy hump day to you and all to follow, too!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          ODAT - Wednesday

                          I blew it last night. Got drunk. My son lied to me and went out and got a lip ring. I felt helpless so I got drunk. Now he's at school feeling all happy and cool and I'm here feeling miserable and hungover.

                          I guess I need to do more than read books. Sorry for being so down but I'm very upset at myself right now. I'm really PISSED OFF at myself is more like it.

                          Take care,
                          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                            ODAT - Wednesday

                            Be my beautiful BE BE dont be what you dont wanna be you be i would be pissed off too LIP RING for christ sake whats going on there !!!!! if i had some one to be pissed off with!!!!! at (AHH watch it just gave my self a whack) moment I would....... well just be pissed !!!!!!. WHOA I just gave myself a left hook:upset: I need to see my daughter:upset: Sunny hopefully tommorrow Ill see Lucy i cant wait I love her so much!!!!
                            Be your the BEst lay off the piss sober night tonight and yada yada yada love you Cap


                              ODAT - Wednesday

                              :l Be

                              My son pulled that stunt, too. I don't recall exactly, but my reaction was likely the same as yours.

                              You know, they don't think (especially BOYS) and have no clue that they actually really upset us. In any case, pick yourself up girl - today is a new day. Ground his butt for lying and make him wait on you!
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013

