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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Hi ODATers!

    Greetings from the far north. The weather here has been crazy. We went from 45 below to 40 above in about a week. Its just nuts.

    I failed miserably over the holidays but am back on track. Started antabuse again. I am determined to make 2009 a better year for me and my son.

    Sending good wishes to you all.
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      ODAT - Thursday

      Hi guys!

      Too funny - thread goes on for 2 days! LOL

      I am struggling right now - glad to hear everyone else is doing well. I think now that I have shared my struggles with the BF I will be able to get some more AF time in.

      Ah well, here we go again!
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        ODAT - Thursday

        Greetings, ODATers!

        Ya know.. we are some whiny bunch! Half of us complain about the cold, the other half moan about the heat! Sheeesh! :H I'm with the cold bunch! Still minus 30C here.

        Upnorth, Blanchie, ezz... man you guys are doing GREAT! Everyone before, too.. but I don't want to scroll back now! LOL

        Anyways, really no time now... TONS of work today.. which is good.. I'm finally starting to be able to concentrate a little better and not feel so down and tired.

        Uni... you ok, hun? Send me a pm or call me if you're not, ok?

        Luv ya all! Ciao for now!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          ODAT - Thursday

          Hi, just checking in, now it really is my day 21 AF. I have some nervous energy running chemically through my body, maybe I need to eat something. I have been straying off my normally good diet. Need to get more vegetables but although I love my veggies and salads they are just not appealing to me, and my body is suffering as a result. I will go make a good salad.

          On that note, a while ago in my life, my liver test indicated I had some slight compromise, I was able to change that by milk thistle tincture and daily salads with dandelion green as the primary base. After two month of this almost daily program, when I retested my liver, it was normal. That's a good thing.

          So in North California, the weather is beautiful, I even had a sun bath on Sat and Sun, this is after the most crazy cold spell we had here. But we should be in our rainy season and we are experiencing the driest year every recorded. I love the rain in the redwoods, and I get tired of thinking I need to go outside, just because it's a beautiful day, does not quite fit my mood right now.

          Hope you are all having a good day, whichever day it is!:heart::heart::heart:


            ODAT - Thursday

            Oceana... 21 days.... Oh man, you ROCK!!!!! That's 504 hours!!!!!
            That's wonderful... what does hubby think of that?
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              ODAT - Thursday

              Sunshine, it's a drop in the bucket for him, he's looking at a year and all the years after that. No, he thinks I can not do this. Thanks for asking.:goodjob:Terry you can do it!


                ODAT - Thursday



                  ODAT - Thursday

                  winter sucks

                  I hear ya, Dill! If you want to feel better head north about 10-12 hours--it will feel like summer to you! Rock on and stay strong.

