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Newbie's Nest Wednesday, January 14th

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    Newbie's Nest Wednesday, January 14th

    Nu, Boys? Girls? One of each?
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      Newbie's Nest Wednesday, January 14th

      Thank you for clarifying that LTG!

      Well, I see no reason why it shouldn't remain a safety zone for all new comers and seasoned veterans alike. However, I must scoot for now.. back laters!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Newbie's Nest Wednesday, January 14th

        2 girls, one 5 lbs (Lilly) the other 6.5lbs (Avery)...the best lookin girls on the planet!


          Newbie's Nest Wednesday, January 14th

          Awwwwww! Beautiful names. And good sizes for twins!
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            Newbie's Nest Wednesday, January 14th

            Hi Wally! We met here...LOL!!
            LTG AF January 13, 2011


              Newbie's Nest Wednesday, January 14th

              We had it looking quite fabulous at one point with the espresso lounge and all...LOL!!
              LTG AF January 13, 2011


                Newbie's Nest Wednesday, January 14th

                That was probably O2M and myself - trying to gain weight...LOL!!
                LTG AF January 13, 2011


                  Newbie's Nest Wednesday, January 14th

                  I have always liked this thread even though I am not a newbie. Keep it up. And congrats on being a grandpa to twins...double the joy!!
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Newbie's Nest Wednesday, January 14th


                    Jeez, you guys are making me all nostalgic....this is Renewal...I started 'The Nest' many months ago....and it was a very special place to be. Just happened to pop in and take a peek at it today and saw your 'nostalgic posts'........I wandered away from here after going AF for 31 days, feeling I could mod on my own....this was around 4 or 5 months efforts haven't been great. If any of you want me to help 'revive the nest' and get it hoppin again, let me know as I'd be happy to help......wishing all of you a great day.


                      Newbie's Nest Wednesday, January 14th

                      Hey Sunshine, love reading your posts - think you are like Bridget Jones (take that as a compliment please).

                      Just wanted to say, I gave up smoking over 6 years ago and it doesn't take very long until you are pretty much free of it and feel like a non-smoker. When I did lapse at a party, I had a drag of a cig and it tasted revolting, enough to make me not want to do it again. You can do it.

                      I am just starting my 9th Day AF - how abou that!! Sleeping so brilliantly.

                      Have a great day.
                      AC x x


                        Newbie's Nest Wednesday, January 14th

                        Completely agree with AC - just give yourself sometime! I quit over a year ago and love being smoke free. My hair, clothing, skin and my car smells oh sooo good and fresh and yummi! ....I think first month was the thoughest for me - but definately worth the effort. I love it now and will never go back!
                        ....if only I could kick AL same way I did the sigs!!!


                          Newbie's Nest Wednesday, January 14th

                          Renewal!!!! :armsaround:

                          Oh yes, master - please do work your magic again! I know, I'z a brat :H - get used to it!
                          No, seriously - I think you should stick around a bit more

                          Hiyas, Wally, Beaches, Aussie, Choice! Everbody doing ok???

                          Thanks so much Aussie... hmmm.. Bridget Jones, huh? Well, I'm developing the rear end, that's for sure! :H God, I eat and eat and eat... just so I won't drink or smoke! And 9 days for you! Awesome!

                          Ok folks, best be making dinner now.. then off to the gym! Have a grand evening!
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            Newbie's Nest Wednesday, January 14th


                            Hey ya Sunshine!!!!!!!!! And thanks for the welcome! Do some crunches at the gym for me too while you're there. Wally and LookingtoGrow, wonderful to see your wonderful faces were a couple of my first ducklings way back when...Aussie Chick, great to meet you and congrats on your 9 days AF....that's fantastic!!...and I can see you're already noticing the benefits. To the rest of you, I probably haven't met you yet....but look forward to that opportunity. Let's make this nest flourish with an acceptance of newcomers to help them, while we help ourselves, live the life we are meant to live. It's a pleasure to be back.

                            p.s. Just a thought...would anybody be offended if we simply had one Newbies Nest thread rather than starting a new one each day? By having just one, I think newcomers could better look through past pages and see who we all are....AND, WE could better look back and track our progress throughout this journey, instead of having to search for past day's postings....anyhow, just a thought, but please give me some feedback.


                              Newbie's Nest Wednesday, January 14th

                              Renewal, I agree with you about one thread. It's helpful for all to look back and reflect and also provides info to someone that may be just joining.
                              BTW, it's great to have you here again! :h
                              LTG AF January 13, 2011


                                Newbie's Nest Wednesday, January 14th

                                Morning all. I would like to jump onto this thread, have been lurking, looking for somewhere to land. I'm day 4 after doing 5 days then modding at the weekend. I think day 4 was my grumpy day last week and I'm Grumpy today. I'm totally obsessing about drinking/not drinking and having big cravings. Eating tonnes of chocolate and not much else. On the positive side am managing a fairly normal sleep pattern. Am going to start Kudzu and get some L-Glut today. Does anyone know if I can take L-Glut with prozac? Couldn't see any interactions flagged. I'm missing my friends and family after being home at Christmas. I need to get out of the house and have some human interaction, will book a yoga class for tomorrow. Going to hop on the exercise bike now and see if I can get some endorphins going! Have a great day everyone and keep posting - I need to keep on reading! B.
                                Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:


