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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    The Jason Vale book is great - still reading - that one is too important IMHO not to break it up into smaller reads and give it a good think as one goes. At least for me. It's tempting to blow through it - which is what I started doing - but then I wasn't internalizing it as well.

    It is worth every penny.
    That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
    Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
    AF - August 20, 2012


      Newbies Nest

      Hey everyone! Thanks for the support. I do want my Baby to remember me as fun and thats one of the main motivators to kick this. I need to be here for her and support her. My hubby works early and comes home late so I dont really have time to much without Baby with me. Having said that I am a Yoga instructor so I do get some work in. I would love to be able to attend classes and do something more vigourous.. Specially at the begining. I may see if I can get a run in in the morning. Though I feel like I have aged 100 years. What aches I am getting!
      Have a great day peeps. Sorry for Typo's must dash!


        Newbies Nest

        Blonde - I was having a laugh to myself today thinking the garbo guy will wonder why he doesn't hear the usual clang when he picks up the bin...there's not a bottle in there! That's a first after 15 years in this house.
        i am reading the Jason Vale book too and PF you are right as I started rushing through but now digesting a section at a time. He has got to me with the juicing though, fresh veggie juice helps with the post-work mouth cravings.


          Newbies Nest

          Well, Good morning Nesters!
          Happy to see so many here bright & early

          Hello & welcome Julz!
          What's your plan?

          For those who asked here's the
          Lots & lots of terrific ideas in there to help you with your plans

          Lots of work waiting for me so off I go.
          Grateful to be clear headed & ready each & every morning!!!!

          Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Wednesday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            LOL, Lilla, about the bottles. There are lots of plastic selzter bottles in my bin this morning, plus hubs sam adams beer bottles. But we were down at least one bin with all of my biggin' 1.5 liter bottles taking up lots of bulk and noise! I remember switching to box wine just because of the bottle clanking issue. The box wine I could just sneek in the paper trash and hide noise. Then that made me drink even more and not know how much I was exactly drinking because I couldn't see what was left in the box! Then came the sad act of "tipping" and draining the box when it started to gurgle...oh heavens. I'll even embarass myself more on here cause I've got nothing to loose and humor to gain, but at that point I would open the outside of the box, tear out the plastic insert and cut the corner to get the last few drops. Pathetic, eh? Wow, glad those days are over!

            I have to go to a dentist appt this morning so I'll check in with you all later. I always wondered if the hygenist could tell I was a red wine drinker from the stains in those hard to reach areas...I do have great teeth from meticulous care, but she did mention some stains from time to time and I always blamed it on drinking black coffee and never wine! Today she will get rid of the very last staining from red wine as that's it for this wineaholic!
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              Newbies Nest

              PS, I forgot to mention to you all that I had a dream last night that I drank a half bottle of wine and was going to stop at the liquor store for more! In the dream, I was disgusted with myself for having any in the first place. Oddly enough, I was drinking while on vacation with my mother (in the dream) and she and I were going to stop to get some more wine so we didn't run out. If any of you remember from my earlier posts, my mother was instrumental in starting my drinking career as she used to buy me wine at the early age of 18 so I could have cocktail hour with her. She is now in her mid-70's and drinks prolly over a bottle, if not close to 2 bottles of white wine every night. She will be suprised to learn that I have quit for good this time. Anyway, when I woke up from the dream, it took me a moment to realize that it wasn't true and I was so grateful for that. I have read that many of you dream that you slipped after being sober for some time. I guess it is so ingrained in us that we are bound to dream about it now and again or maybe all the time and only remember the dreams once in a while. In this case, it was what I was dreaming about right before waking, so that is how I remembered it.
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                Newbies Nest

                MinS, your body is so used to being numb that what you are feeling is LIFE! And believe me, you will work those kinks out. At least it's your body and not your brain!!
                PrarieF....IT'S THE DAY 13 PHENOMENON!! Something just kicks in on Day 13 and it's like, HELL yeah...I'm here now! I CAN do this!! If you can just get yourself to that milestone, you will see that staying AF is as much a habit as putting on your shoes. Well done! Keep preaching about Day 13 for the newbies, it makes all the difference.
                This nest is a wonderful beehive of positive energy. If the folks here can go AF, there is hope for all! Join in and take your life back!! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  MiniStar: I just wanted to responde to your earlier post about having a hard time getting to sleep. I experienced this the first night or two also, since I was always using wine as a crutch to help me fall asleep, or rather, pass out! What helped me was eating earlier in the night (aiming for 6PM...when I was drinking, I didn't eat until about 8 or 8:30...I wanted more time to drink than eat!). Also, reading before bed seems to help me and lastly, a cup or two of a caffeine free herbal tea that is geared towards sleep. A favorite over here is Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime (I prefer the Vanilla flavor). There are lots on the market so find one you like and start sipping! Have some at least half hour before you go to bed. A hot bath with lavender essential oil may also help and if you don't want to take a whole tubbie, even a hot foot bath sometimes does the trick! I hope this helps!
                  Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                  BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                    Newbies Nest

                    PF...last time I had a colonoscopy, my Dr said, "Guess what, I've found your head, it IS up here!" bahahahah. Don't remember much after that...but it was funny at the time.

                    Blondi...I used to be a hygienist...You can't tell if a stain is a red wine stain or not, it doesn't stain red, nothing does. But cold tea drinkers get stain on the front of their upper teeth and coffee drinkers get stain on the back of their front teeth. But get this...pot smokers get a bright green stain on the backs of their teeth! They stand out like a beacon! And don't try to fool us with the flossing...we know if you are lying!!! Glad I don't do that anymore!! Can you imagine smelling like a wino cleaning someone's teeth? Plus the shakes...oy.
                    Hope everyone has a great day!! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      I always wondered about the flossing "white" lie Byrdie! LOL! I do try to floss regularly but I'll admit, not every day and certainly not 2x a day. Looking forward to coming home after my cleaning with shiny new Even with good homecare, it's amazing what get's "scraped" off! Yuck! But that is good to know about which stains are which. I don't have to worry about the pot stain as I never got addicted to that. Tried it a few times at parties but it never did anything for me except make me wicked tired and really thirsty. And an awful taste in my mouth. No, pot wasn't my drug of choice, AL was. No more drugs for this blonde bunny! I'm only going down the positive rabbit hole, not the negative one!
                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Ok so I?m going back QUITE a few pages to try to catch up this morning! I have to say I read it during the middle of the night when I was awake and I laughed soo hard - still laughing over Byrdie?s post ?We aren?t the Kardashian?s here!? ROFL!!!!!!!!

                        Prairie your post had me grinning ear to ear?I love it! Yes! That IS what happens!
                        Nollie, mightymite, great job - you've reached an important place in my opinion and timpin, you're not too far behind...

                        Turnagain, I?m so happy that you keep checking in and lending the incredibly encouraging words. And our cookie monster daredevil even checked in with us!!!

                        Hey Daisy, how ya feeling darling??? I knew the wellies, but could not figure out the brolly ? LOL! I love how you're rediscovering yourself and gaining confidence in yourself without Al...

                        Blondie 1 week ? you must be feeling great with a day off today ? and the proud feeling of not drinking last night! I read the Vale book ? after stopping AL. It?s definitely a good tool and worth the read. I just don?t think it?s the magic bullet that others say it is ? if you?re still drinking that it can just magically make you want to quit?just my opinion. Good point Prairie. And LOL at Blondie tipping the wine box - if I could have wrung it out I would have! In fact I have taken the plastic bag OUT of the cardboard to make sure every drop was drained?oops,, just finished your post ? YOU TOO! LOL!!!

                        Lilla ? you are doing amazing. Those first few days are difficult and not that you won?t have challenging times ahead ? you will ? but you have crossed a huge hurdle! You should be proud!

                        Hello minstar! You are so strong and wise to be doing this while your daughter is still so young?.add me to the list of folks who look with some regret to the past and how much of our childrens? lives we spent in a fog. Mine is 13, so I feel other pressures now that he knows if someone?s been drinking and has learned that it?s not a good thing. All these years I told myself I was more fun ? more easy going after a few drinks?when now I see what I really was?.falling asleep before he did, short-tempered as he started to interfere with my drinking time?sneaky and manipulative in my attempts to fill my glass in private?unable to offer homework support if it was too late in the evening?there is a thread on here with some incredibly inspiring words??'Timely reminder that time does not stand still waiting for you to get your act together. Where would you be today if you had started 12 months ago???? Where will you be in 12 months if you don?t make that big decision and start whatever it is you wish to accomplish TODAY!? The entire thread is here.

                        Oh and great job on getting a journal. I think it was mightymite who said that she got a notebook and wrote down all relevant info from the toolbox and any other inspiring thoughts and feelings that she might have. So you see? You DO have the beginnings of a plan! AND, there is no ?sensible? alcohol consumption in my opinion. You will be all OVER the place for the first week or longer as far as your moods, how you feel, and your sleep patterns?.My sleep was definitely very poor for the first few days?give it time though and you will get better sleep than you have in a very long time.

                        Hey Windy! Wow, I?m sorry for what you went through with your daughter but so glad that everything is fine. We are on lucky number 7 weeks! Yea! I hear you about forgetting dessert or coffee?I love to cook and to think the number of meals I?ve messed up?.

                        Byrdie, I know I?ve gone back and read your story, but it never ceases to stop me in my tracks. You and Lav ? are such strong cheerleaders for all of us here ? I tend to forget WHY you are such a strong support ? that you?ve been to hell and back ? both of you ? and survived it. :h My sister also went through the hell of cymbalta ? and they kept wanting to give her MORE rather than take her off ?

                        So happy the ?heads up the arse club? :H saw that it?s a bit of a roller coaster ride with ups and downs along the way?.but for each ?down? there?s a huge ?up? afterward. Glad you all stuck it out ? I?m very impressed!

                        CB ? This will be the time for you! I can feel it.

                        Belle, I bet you are right ? getting the AL out of your life will have a huge effect?:l

                        K9 ? you?re too funny ? ?fellow nerd here??.sad thing is I WORK in a library ? so I bring books home on a daily basis! IT?s great but terrible. I?ll never get through them.

                        Windy, your post to minstar made me laugh?..?what is your plan? What are your long term goals?? I?m going to call you Lav?s mini me?.

                        Greg ? I hope things are going GREAT for you I?m anxious to hear more about CB?s question re the liver cleanse

                        and Lav the sweatshirt sounds adorable ? you are right about some little girl loving it.

                        Blondie, thanks for the info?there is a wealth of information on this site ? I see?please keep posting any relevant information on supplements?lucky girl getting free stuff! I?d probably OD on it or something though?LOL!

                        WELCOME Julz! Please stick around and absorb some of the positive energy floating around the nest!!! Yea!

                        Byrdie ? interesting about the stains on teeth!!! At least you probably wore a mask?:-)

                        OK, everyone please stop posting! I am having one HE!! Of a time finishing this post ? LOL!

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Big good day to all!

                          Lola wow, you really do a great job catching up and talking to everyone. You are my idol! I want to be like you when I grow up!:H

                          Just want to check in before I go on a walk with a friend, who I have been neglecting lately due to how I have been feeling. It is a beautiful day and I am determined to get something useful done after the walk.

                          Woke up today actually feeling pretty good...dare I say great? Still a few nagging things in my body, but not enough to keep me down. Had another victory last evening...after a hectic day of teacher conferences, flu shots, clothes shopping, shoe shopping and what not with the bickersons (the kids), I did not have the urge (did have the thought though) to run right to the laundry room and numb the madness. Sat down and had a big glass of water and got dinner ready. Was calm and collected with the kids and they were so cooperative. Hmmmmm....maybe their "behavior" issues were actually my AL issues???

                          Gotta go, don't want to keep my friend waiting...

                          Love you all...not being mushy here, but just want to say you all are amazing.:h I don't think I could have done this without you all.

                          All you newbies keep up the great work. Let's keep our head out of our collective arses.

                          And I realized, being day 17 AF, I am over half way to 30!!! Yay.

                          Alcohol does me no favors.

                          Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Well Done Belle! Great work on the 17 are right, you are over half the way to a 30 day goal. Doesn't it feel great? I am right behind you. I agree, everyone on here is amazing.

                            Gotta get to the dentist...bye for now everyone in the Nest!
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Belle, that's probably my big post for the WEEK and if you look back, the previous several were pretty short - LOL. But you brought up an excellent point.

                              When I was here back in the winter/spring - I actually ended up sometimes NOT posting because I didn't feel up to "mentioning" everyone on the Newbies nest thread. It seemed overwhelming to me - and I felt guilty in only shouting out to some I ended up not posting. Now I realize that anything that kept me from posting here, probably had some role in my not being successful..... some days now if I have time, I'll open up the thread and go backwards to catch up, and make comments - but heck that post took me a LONG time to write! LOL.

                              So please please don't feel like you have to do all the catching up - the most important thing is to do what makes you comfortable and keeps you successful. really. In reality, I was probably subconsciously procrastinating some household task...:H

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters!

                                Wow, everyone sounds great this morning (afternoon, or evening, depending on where you are!).

                                I can?t keep track of everyone?s comments because I have killed too many brain cells in the past, but I know there was some talk of not being able to sleep in the beginning of sobriety. That is completely normal. Our bodies are not used to going to sleep, they are used to going unconscious (2 very different things). One point that hit me like a lightning bolt in Vale?s book was when he said that we pass out because our bodies can?t keep us AWAKE and ALIVE at the same time?.I think of all the times I made my body choose between consciousness and death?that scared the bejeebers out of me! I was blacking out and passing out every single night! I take Melatonin now to help me sleep, although I?m worried that I?m building up a tolerance to it, because I?m up to 9mg whereas I used to only need 3mg?does anyone have any information about that? Lord knows I don?t need to trade one dependence for another!

                                Congratulations to everyone that made it through another day sober! Each and every day, minute, and second counts, so be proud of your accomplishments. I like to give myself a pretty little sparkly sticker for each day I make it, because nothing looks better to me than a whole month of sparkly stickers!

                                Remember, you are stronger than the Beast, so tell that bastard to bug off. You?ll never wake up in the morning wishing you drank the night before.

                                Stay strong everyone!
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

