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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Wow this thread moves fast!! I am still reading most comments but just wanted to say thanks to those who wrote to me. I know I need to learn names and write to all but thanks!
    Better feed madame and let the witching hour begin.

    So glad to read so many are doing so well and AF. It really is inspiring. K9Lover- I like the extract you mention. Does shock me too to think I did that so often At least our poor bodies are not going to have to make that decision again


      Newbies Nest

      You are right Minstar...this thread does move fast and like Lolab, I felt overwhelmed in the beginning and didn't post for a while because I felt I couldn't keep up with the pace of the thread and all the names. But I do try to read through everyone's post here because I can always pick up a piece of sage advice or sympathize with what someone said because it hit home to me. So, if I don't mention all your names, please know that I am thinking of you and try to respond in the best way that I can. Sometimes I will literally write down on a pad of paper highlights of the threads and then write a post mentioning everyone (sort of like what Lolab did earlier today...thanks girl!) and sometimes I don't have the time to do that, but I am always there in spirit! Bright blessings to everyone for posting and sharing your stories. And I also think of how many that are out there and haven't joined us "officially" and are in the "lurking" stage, and how are posts are helping them, folks we don't even know...yet. Hey, if you're reading this and haven't introduced yourself, come on in...there's lots more room in the Nest!

      Bye for now. PS, back from the dentist and took a long walk with doggie. It's too pretty out to stay inside so I might take a walk downtown. I have some books on hold at the library. Reading has become my new obssession and takes the boredom out of the evenings. I used to read lots when I was a kid...always had my head stuck in a book. Gave that up when I drank and now I find myself longing to stick my head in a book A much healthier addiction then AL. Well, no cavities and I passed my dental appt. with flying colors. I also bought a new automatic Oral B toothbrush...kind of a practical "splurge" and it was only 20 bucks. That would have been 2 nights worth of wine, but now I will have cleaner teeth and no hangovers...hahahahaa!

      Ciao for now peeps!
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        Newbies Nest

        I am a newbie, and today is day 1 for me. I hope to feel up to sharing more of "my story" at a later date, I am not ready.

        This place is amazing with so much support and encouragement.

        Mags Mom

        May 2, Day 2


          Newbies Nest

          BlondeAFAmbtion - loving your positivity! Enjoy your walk and congrats on passing at the dentist :P


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks Min! It's easy staying positive with every passing day that I am off the booze . You'll see, trust me
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              Newbies Nest

              :welcome: MAGMOM! A big hug to you on Day 1, congratulations! You've flown into the right place in the universe :h. You'll get loads of support and love here :h. Meanwhile, when you are ready to tell us more about yourself, please post! We have all been there at day 1 and know what you are going through. It helps to post and read other's posts often in the beginning. It has made such a difference in me staying sober, I cannot tell you. Have a strong Day 1 and soon you'll be waking up to a brand new sober Day 2 and it just gets better from there, honest!:l
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                Newbies Nest

                Thanks BlondeAFAmbition! I hope so. I am flaking. Just had a bowl of salad whilst dinner is cooking. I think I would crave Wine at this time as I am hungry. I always have my bigger meal in the evening and today I never cooked anything as my friend was over for lunch. I tend to cook just once and that is the evening. Making any sense?
                It got rid of the demon for now anyway!


                  Newbies Nest

                  MagMom;1205926 wrote: I am a newbie, and today is day 1 for me. I hope to feel up to sharing more of "my story" at a later date, I am not ready.

                  This place is amazing with so much support and encouragement.

                  Hi MagMom, a big welcome to you!! It won't be long before you're chirping in and feeling comfortable. Read as much as you can about the boards. Look forward to getting to know you..........
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey k9 I have the same experience with melatonin
                    Doesn't continue working for me and I have heard that it's not meAnt for long term use
                    That you should use it to kind of encourage your body to make it and if you use it for too long your body wont learn to do it on it's own
                    BUT I've only heard that from

                    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      Oops sorry on phone

                      One person

                      I have struggled with sleep for longer than I can remember and tried everything but nothing has helPed like the calms forte and also the nerve tonic
                      I switch off between those now

                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        I received my 2 new bread books today!!! I got Artisan Bread in 5 minutes a Day and Healthy Bread in 5 minutes a Day...Heck in 10 minutes it sounds like I could have a big party of bread!! I can't wait to read thru them tonight. Something I wouldn't be saying 11 months ago. Nightime was for drinking and passing out at 8:30...(dam..seems like a lifetime ago...I guess in a way, it was) So happy to see the new folks. You will never be alone in this nest. Whatever you have done in the past...well, it's a new day today. It only gets better, to say the yeast...(get it?) OY, Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          say the yeast..

                          You are a funny Byrd. Let me know what you think about the bread book. I've made one batch and the one thing I will do differently next time is keep it wet. I added too much flour thinking it was too sticky. It was great, but I think the key might be a wetter batter for a better wetter batter.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Min, you got me thinking today. I believe that the road to my drinking problem started when my first born was a baby. We waited for him for a long, long time...went through infertility treatments to no avail and adopted him as a very small infant. He was and still is the love of my life. I was 40-ish at the time and had many years of career under my belt and was used to living life a pretty free life. Lots of international travel, extended work trips to Paris, etc. etc. But then baby comes and everything changes. Baby is there 24/7. Life is structured around baby. I think I was like you and very much into baby being on a schedule. Stressed about that and everything else so much. Husband very supportive when he was home, but I reduced to part time and husband worked more hours to keep up with the bills. 3 yrs later baby #2 came and life became more stressfull, I took a buyout to stay home with the kids and they were my whole life. I wouldn't change a thing about the way they came about, however, I was so anxious most of the time, the drinking at the witching hour began. Never to the point where I couldn't care for them, just to relax me so that I had an appetite for dinner...

                            Someone (I apologize for not remembering who) posted last week about "falling into the rabbit hole". I think when my kids were young, the soil around the rabbit hole was soft and I just started a slow slide in. As time went on, kids grew, bigger stresses, moving to another state, husband changing jobs...I fell deeper and deeper. I remember reading somewhere that problem drinking, especially for women can be an extremely slippery slope. How true that is.

                            And now I am climbing up that slippery slope, and trying to get out of the rabbit hole hoping never to fall in again.

                            I am happy to see that you are recognizing a problem now. Because, believe me, it can only get worse. I wish you the best in your journey to AF. Your baby deserves it, just as my kids deserve it. As I said on another thread, my kids are so much better behaved when I am not drinking! Who would have thought that!!!

                            Alcohol does me no favors.

                            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                              Newbies Nest

                              BelleGirl, OMG- it seems like I'm mirroring you. I also spent around 2 yrs getting pregnant and going through horrendous miscarriages and even losing a fallopian tube. I had a career and stopped and out all my focus and energy into getting my fertility up. Baby is all I wanted and she is fantastic. Up until then I did have some episodes of heavy drinking but I have noticed the anxiety I feel recently has made it worse.
                              I am on D2 and not feeling as antsy as I thought I would. Mostly when Baby goes to bed and I am waiting on Hubby. However, if I take a closer look there have been several episodes where I have had anxiety and have turned to AL. eg When I got married 4 years ago. I would wait for hubby to come home as I would be home first. I would have a cocktail - you know Cocktail hour- before getting dinner ready- where I would then again have a drink. I think there were, for me, tell tale signs.
                              I am honoured you are sharing so much of your journey with me. And I can't thank you enough or tell you how much of a difference it is making!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi everyone!

                                Had a great day today and the best part is that there is still plenty left of it! Hubby has gone to teach tonight and I have a new pile of books that I checked out of the library and am trying to decide which one to dive into. The old wino me would have been well into a bottle by now and passing out by 8:30, doing nothing but standing around, drinking, and feeling sorry for myself. Not any more!

                                Did quite a bit of walking today...walked to the dentist's office and back, about a half hour there..took doggie for 2 walks, another half hour there, and down to the library and back which is about another half hour. Tomorrow morning I am meeting up with some folks from work for coffee and to talk about starting a group to study The Course in Miracles. Anyone familiar with it? I'm not too much but I am curious to learn.

                                Minstar-Right before dinner was always my weakest time too. It's when I seem most hungry and it's the assumed cocktail hour for the world (how sick am I from hearing "It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere"??? Enough already!!!). I even saw this saying on a christmas ornament when I stopped into a gift shop today. It said: It's 5 O'Clock At the North Pole! I mean, come about programing us into a life of addiction...puh-lease! Sadly, I bet it will be a best seller this year.

                                Ok, enough of my soapbox. How is everyone else doing? I'm feeling great and in 2 more days, I will be in double digits. I just wanna get there and stay there until I reach the triple digits.

                                Have a lovely, safe, healthy evening Nesters!
                                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                                BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

