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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    It's been a late night nesters - but I took an excercise class (hard core actually - it seriously kicked the arse my head has been inhabiting) followed by a lengthy discussion with the owner about a work out plan and then dinner with a girl friend.

    keeping busy kept the monkey chatter to a minimum until I got home...but once again - GABA/Glutamine/amino's to the rescue - and it's all good.

    Day 14 - done and dusted.

    That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
    Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
    AF - August 20, 2012


      Newbies Nest

      Oh - and I did order the custom Hypnos- will let you know how they work after they come in.
      That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
      Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
      AF - August 20, 2012


        Newbies Nest

        Morning Nesters. Wow, there's such a lot to catch up on, I guess I'm in a different time zone to most of you. I can so relate to Min & Bellestar about the problems starting with a young baby (and problems conceiving). On my Day 18 today, I love coming here, it would have been a lot harder getting this far without you lot. For everyone starting out hang on in there, it's soooo worth it.
        AL free since 24 October 2011


          Newbies Nest

          Thank you for the hellos and encouragements. Yes, the time zone makes it odd for me too, but I have just got in from work and can spend the danger hours now reading all the posts and gaining strength from them.

          Big test tonight (day 5) as I am out for my first social dinner (an occasion where the wine flows freely), but my mind is clear about my goal. The weekend is a bit more worrying as am going away with friends, but one day, one hour at a time.

          My immediate goal is set at ten days as I read somewhere it takes that long to get out your system, and when I reach it I will reset the goal. Small steps but all your help has got me further than I have ever achieved before.


            Newbies Nest

            Morning all!
            Wow this thread moves! I am fast out of the door as Baby has a Hospital Outpatient appointment. I am going to try and also take her to her Music classes so busy day for me. Good in some ways. bad in others as I normally succumb from exhaustion and treat myself! Fingers crossed. I will be back by the witching hour!
            Nollie and Lila- looks like we are in the same time zone!


              Newbies Nest

              Ok Nesters!

              Up and at 'em! Cold and GROSS here - going to have to scrape the windshield. But I slept the sleep of the dead (or in this case the sober - I sleep smack all night long sober - WHO knew?!!!) and I had my flannel Jammie's and Hypnos on all night.

              The more I think about the custom Hypno's - the more excited I get. I have great hope that it will retrain the brain - not just on being AF since I had the abs version added - but all the things that would make me healthier/happier/more able to deal with the problems life throws my way with picking up a glass.

              I gulped at the cost - really basically $400 - BUT - given what I was spending monthly on AL - ok. If I can take the ABS message - and make it stronger JUST FOR ME - to increase my likelihood of success, happiness and reinforce being AL free in a way I personally need? Well - if it works - that's priceless. And far less than my AL costs.

              So - I am crossing my fingers. But I did have fun the last couple of days sorting through the scripts of the premades to find 4 more that would make my quit stronger, healthier and more productive in a way that most met my own needs.

              Anyway - wishing you all a good day!!!

              Day 15 - feeling better/stronger every day since Day 13. And my skin has suddenly vastly improved. How fun is that?!
              That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
              Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
              AF - August 20, 2012


                Newbies Nest

                Sorry - wanted to say to those before Day 13 of your quit - Lolab and others kept saying some kind of switch seems to throw around that day and you make a turn for the better.

                It's true - at least for me - I white knuckled night after night - until Day 13. The things that got me through the first days was this site, the Hypnos, and OMG the supplements saved my bacon. If you are in the first couple weeks - you can get a B-vit supplement anywhere - but have GABA/Glutamine/Amino's on hand - and the white knuckling will not be so bad.

                But stay close to the nest - and when you are ready to crack - say so. Someone will be around this thread to help pick you up and cheer you on.

                Ok - off and running.
                That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                AF - August 20, 2012


                  Newbies Nest

                  good morning everyone! I keep meaning to ask Windy how her daughter is,...and Byrdie how her husband is...and now minstar if her little one's ok? and on an aside, PF - how are you liking your new hair?

                  Everybody have a great day. I woke up this morning feeling the best that I have in all of the 45 days or so of being AF. I haven't felt rested upon waking up in - well- I can't ever remember waking up and feeling rested. Being sober, I end up feeling ok as the day goes on, but never first thing in the morning. :-) But today I did. I wonder what other wonderful surprises lay in store for me?

                  Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                  Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning Nester,

                    LolaB -- My daughter is doing okay with followup appointments to come with GP and Gyno. She is 19, was at school (college) and they called the ambulance to take her to the hospital due to low heart rate and feeling faint and nauseous . Long story....but she is back to her beautiful self...but we still need to get to bottom of this. So, thanks for asking as it has me a bit unnerved this week, but I am not hiding my feelings with alcohol.

                    I am glad you are starting to feel rested and looking forward to a wonderful AF day. There is so much waiting for us out there. Isn't there? It's great to have such a new outlook on life. I used to visualize what my AF life would be like before quitting, but I had no idea of the energy and clearheadedness I was in for. What a fog I was in; I am so appreciative of the choices I am making and able to make due to my good health. Some people don't have choices...we Do. And I am choosing to make mine with a clear head, void of any substance abuse. (except coffee!).

                    Yeah Byrdie -- How is your husband getting along? Is he chipper and able to get around much?

                    Ta ta for now you wonderful Nesters.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all, just joined today. Posted in General Discussion a couple of times and found out about this thread. Look forward to talking to you all.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning Nestlings!

                        Seems like everyone is doing A O K! Today is Day 9 for me and oddly enough, I woke up feeling a bit "hungover" I had a slight headache and just felt kind of crummy. I believe that part of that is detoxing from has been 9 days as of today. Second part of that is that I read a novel from front to almost back cover (not a very long one but long enough) from the time I got off here last night at about 7:30 PM to 11PM. So I think the headache may have something to do with eye strain. Lastly, and I think this is really most of it...I have switched over to an all vegan, mostly raw foods diet in the last couple of days and I think my system is adjusting. Getting all the poisons out and that's supposed to make you feel like crapola. I have given up all dairy (yikes, dairy was a huge part of my diet) and red meat. I am eating mostly raw veggies, some fruit and raw nuts. Lots of water mixed with wheat grass powder which makes it an ungodly green color, but supposed to be very cleansing. So I can tolerate this feeling of not waking up so great know I am detoxing instead of not waking up feeling so great due to a hangover! Just confirms my notion of not drinking even more!

                        Ronnie-I like the tail gate party idea thrown out by Lolab...I'll bring the veggie and dip tray And my special wheatgrass lemon AF martini's We'll all be detoxing bigtime after throwing back a few of those.

                        Capn Greg: Good to see your post, best of luck with the 2 day sail! Maybe one of our weekend parties can be on your sailboat...there's an idea!

                        Lav-Sounds like you are ultra busy with your embroidering business. How do you take orders? Local folks or over the internet. Good for you for having the wherewithall to run your own biz...I had one (a retail store) earlier in life and it was unbelieveable the commitment and time it took to keep it going. I had to give it up, it was actually too much and not profitable in the long run. After paying everyone and everything else (expenses, inventory, etc.) it turned out I was making less than minimum wage and working 7 days a week. Glad I did it but it wasn't for me. Much happier working 40 hours running someone elses store and getting 2 days off a week plus paid holidays and a week's vacation! Tell me more about your business, I'd love to hear about it.

                        This morning, I'm heading downtown to a tea shop to meet with some ladies from work...we all have the morning off, to talk about starting a monthly group to study The Course in Miracles. Earlier this year, we all got together to watch and discuss Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret" and it turned out to be a very valuable session. We've met a few other times to watch similar movies and we all have an interest in this type of philosophy, so we are looking into Course of Miracles now. Should be interesting. And these ladies aren't boozers so it will be good to build some stronger relationships with those who don't drink!

                        Speaking of that, I have been invited by a friend for a dinner party at her house this Saturday evening. She is a pretty heavy drinker and I think she might actually have a problem with wine. She mentioned to me once when she started a diet and walking program that the wine was "the next thing to go". Anyway, since I have stopped drinking this will be the first social outing where booze will be freeflowing. Hubs will come with me if we go and he does still drink, so I will probably be the only guest not drinking. I am considering bagging out on this but I promised her I would go and bring something so I would feel guilty for not going and we have absolutely nothing going on that night anyway. So, send me strong support to not cave in, although right now, the thought of drinking does not appeal to me whatsoever. If we go, I plan to bring a few bottes of chilled seltzer and I will just tell her that I am working Sunday (which is true) and can't drink Sat. night. I don't think she is a pusher but it will be the first time I will be in this situation since I have become sober. Wish me luck!

                        Well, I'm off to do some housework before I head down to my meeting later this morning. Stay strong everyone! It's good to see you all beat the cravings and rack up those AF days! Tomorrow will be day 10 for me and for whatever reason, that is a huge one for me...maybe because it's double digits !
                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Willow23 and:welcome:

                          We look forward to hearing more from you, but for now take it easy and enjoy the view from the Nest. I understand you are about 4 days AF and that is fantastic. Don't give in to the cravings on Day 5 as it will be restarting the whole ordeal. So stay strong and come here and talk to us if you need to. We can help you fight the beast. We are BAD beast beaters and it is scared of us.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks Windy.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Willow! Welcome to the nest! Tell us more about yourself when you are ready.

                              PS, Hi Windy! Glad to hear your daughter is doing alright. That must been quite a scare. I'm a coffee lover too by the's the only vice I have at the moment. On to my second cup right now
                              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                              BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi BlondeAFAmbition. I'm 31, married with 2 children. Been married 6 years. Been binge drinking on and off for 9 years, I don't drink every day, but usually every other day. Can't go more than 4 days and today is my day 4. So joined here for support.

                                In the past 6 weeks I've ended up in hospital twice - I have gallbladder problems, waiting (hopefully) to have an op to have it taken out. Anyway, AL doesn't cause those problems, but it does aggravate them. I just came out of hospital Tuesday, I actually spoke to a counsellor there cos I admitted how much I'd been drinking. He was really nice and said he could arrange counselling for me, but it's too much for me right now.

                                I'm really glad I joined, although right now I feel so anxious and tight-chested - I can't believe I'm here. It's frightening. But I know it's the right thing to do and it's great to know I'm not 'abnormal' or alone. My husband is lovely but he HATES drinking because of what it's done to me, so is teetotal these days. He would listen to me and want to support me, but he can never understand it. It's caused a fair few arguments over the years too, which is horrid for all of us.

                                Phew, sorry, went on a bit. Bet you wished you'd never asked, lol!

