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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I NEED WINE!!! EEEEEKKK!!!! Have not taken the bait but man this evening cooking was tempting!

    PF- I hear you on the Sunday habit!

    Right off to clear things- get into bed and will be back on- read through the past posts!


      Newbies Nest

      That Beast will tell you ANYTHING to get back in the game. It will tell you ALL the things you want to hear to get back in. Tell it NO, HELL NO! Get the hell out and stay out. Get your mind on to something else immediately. Get your Christmas list together...go finish your shopping but get out of the rabbit hole! It will pass...just get over that rough edge...we're almost there today. Don't give in no matter matter who! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Hey Steady Hands...glad you joined. I know, girl...when I came on here, I never would admit to my hubs that I was an Alk. I always wanted to leave the door open in case I decided to start drinking again, I wouldn't have to explain all that again... Not only was I telling this to him, but I was telling this to myself, too. Just in case one day I wanted to keep the possibility open for future drinking. After all, you never know. Or so I thought. After so long trying and failing, there is now one thing I DO know...I cannot have a civil relationship with AL. It's just like in the movies...if I were to fall out of the nest, I would drink myself silly or worse. It's just not worth it...all for the sake of a drink?? A dam drink? So, NO, I will not be drinking again and so be it. It is now not such a big deal. At first this is too huge to consider...but as the newbies approach their 30 days, I get worried. All the work we have done together...all for the sake of a doesn't seem worth it to me....but it used to. Not any more. Like any failed relationship, with time you can look back and see that it almost killed you and wonder what you were thinking. With some will become 'no big deal' that you don't drink. THAT'S the goal, right? Hang in everyone! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Wow it is 3:29 on Sunday afternoon.. my day 4... and no wine.... like PF and Mini Star... Sunday afternoon and wine always went together for me.. I tossed and turned last night, had weird dreams woke up with a dry mouth and a head ache... I felt like I had put down a bottle the night before, but did not... I have read enough of your alls postings to know that this is not uncommon.. the nest is so reassuring ... just to come on and say I am at day 4 feels so good, I have really not discussed this with anyone.. and I don 't think I would be on day 4 if I had not found this place... MYO book came in the mail yesterday and read the entire book last night... is anyone actually taking the topiramate..I got all the supps and listening to the cds but am very unsure of this drug... I am not feeling physical cravings I don't think... I am feeling the habit, the witching hour ... so I think I am fine with the program less the top... to all of you my heartfelt thanks for being here...


            Newbies Nest

            On the advice of wiser MOW souls than myself, am posting in the nest. Sadly I've got my head stuck up my arse again and it stills in there! Will hopefully be posting a day one tomorrow. Oh crap!
            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



              Newbies Nest

              Hi Herbie

              Well done for missing out on the wine today ! Like you, weekends and wine somehow went together, but now on day 9, I've enjoyed the last two weekends more than any I can remember for a long time. If it's any help, Im not getting the cravings either so I have decided to turn down my doctors offer of Campral. Can't see much point on coming off one drug and substituting it with another ?

              If its any help to you, I got hold of Jason Vales book, Kick the drink easily. That did it for me and I haven't had a drink since. Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to this week and reaching day 14 next Saturday.


                Newbies Nest

                Byrdlady;1207997 wrote: Hey Steady Hands...glad you joined. I know, girl...when I came on here, I never would admit to my hubs that I was an Alk. I always wanted to leave the door open in case I decided to start drinking again, I wouldn't have to explain all that again... Not only was I telling this to him, but I was telling this to myself, too. Just in case one day I wanted to keep the possibility open for future drinking. After all, you never know. Or so I thought. After so long trying and failing, there is now one thing I DO know...I cannot have a civil relationship with AL. It's just like in the movies...if I were to fall out of the nest, I would drink myself silly or worse. It's just not worth it...all for the sake of a drink?? A dam drink? So, NO, I will not be drinking again and so be it. It is now not such a big deal. At first this is too huge to consider...but as the newbies approach their 30 days, I get worried. All the work we have done together...all for the sake of a doesn't seem worth it to me....but it used to. Not any more. Like any failed relationship, with time you can look back and see that it almost killed you and wonder what you were thinking. With some will become 'no big deal' that you don't drink. THAT'S the goal, right? Hang in everyone! Byrdie
                Hiya Byrdie,

                This is a great post!

                It is so important to always remember WHY we stopped drinking, and where it took us, and will take us again.

                Bravo, and keep it going folk's! Great treasure awaits you, and it's all your's, free.


                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Everyone,
                  I have not read back yet, hopefully I will get time tonight.
                  Cantbeleive....I am sooo glad you came on here....keep your chin up honey, we are all behind you, it is not an easy job being A/F but I truly think that each time we get stronger and wiser. Just dust yourself down and jump straight back up again and before you know it, you will be racking up those days.
                  Well that's another busy weekend over with, sometimes I look forward to going to work just for the
                  I just have to remember not to get stressed out over silly things cause that is a major trigger for me, but I think I am getting there.
                  People now are asking me to do things that they normally would not bother asking me to do as they know I woud give up after a while, it feels so good to be wanted, and even better it feels great knowing that I can now see things through to the end.
                  Remember.......take no notice of that monkey on your shoulder telling you what to do, it is you living your life for the better not the monkey.......
                  One day/one hour/10 minutes at a time.....we can you do this as we are all winners
                  Take Care
                  :dancin: enguin:
                  starting over


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks TinPin... I'll go to Amazon and order the book now... and that post from Byrdlady is so on point..

                    Just had a very stressful conversation with my hubby, my anxiety went sky high.. just the thing that would make me get a BIG glass of wine, then 2 then 3 ... I still have the anxiety but no wine... took my evening supps and came to the nest!!!!


                      Newbies Nest

                      ronnie;1208048 wrote:

                      Cantbeleive....I am sooo glad you came on here....keep your chin up honey, we are all behind you, it is not an easy job being A/F but I truly think that each time we get stronger and wiser. Just dust yourself down and jump straight back up again and before you know it, you will be racking up those days.
                      Thanks Ronnie - I'm afraid I fell overboard on the cruise ship - enjoyed the first leg at least. Never been a good sailor! Can next weekend's party be on dry land please
                      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                        Newbies Nest

                        Byrdlady;1207984 wrote: That Beast will tell you ANYTHING to get back in the game. It will tell you ALL the things you want to hear to get back in. Tell it NO, HELL NO! Get the hell out and stay out. Get your mind on to something else immediately. Get your Christmas list together...go finish your shopping but get out of the rabbit hole! It will pass...just get over that rough edge...we're almost there today. Don't give in no matter matter who! Byrdie
                        Thank you Birdie! i managed to stave off the evil AL. I had dinner and then called a friend to chin wag for like 2h!
                        Once again tonight I thought of you all and how I would be letting you all down by coming on here and saying I succumbed-- and whilst making dinner. I felt pathetic and also reminded myself that I would not be able to have just the one!

                        I am telling people I have set myself a challenge to do 30 days. that helps being in social situations and not drinking. I have said to kinda detox after a heavy October. I have had a few family things going on and then went away on a girls holiday so I have lots to say about when I drank and a 30 day challenge is feasible.

                        AFM- I feel tired as hell. I went to sleep for about two hours in the late afternoon and can still feel sleep. I hope tonight I can. I ache but not as much as earlier in the week!
                        I don't feel the alert wakefulness as yet (worrying how much my body has been abused) but do feel my moods are more settled. Well, at least until the witching hour when I am hungry and cranky for a drink. The most wonderful thing is being able to appreciate my baby more and more. She really is a miracle and I can see things much more clearly without the fog I didnt know was surrounding us. i really do not want to miss anything else of her :-)

                        Once again, Brdie- thank you. I needed that xx:l


                          Newbies Nest

                          CantBelieve- Keep trying hun! We are all here to help. better to keep jumping back on than not!

                          herbie- Well done for coming here- I find it helps- even thinking about coming on here seems to help. I know what you mean about stress triggers. I remind myself that I USED to drink to overcome it but now I am going to take a deep breathe and think about what I will do. It is amazing how these triggers are inbuilt huh? well done for not letting it get to you!

                          Sorry everyone- I really need to go back and read more posts. Hope you are all well and now I am officially on D7. A week since I last had a sneaky shot- ok well 5 of Vodka on a Monday night. I can just taste the neat vodka and smell it and it is making me gag!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening nesters!

                            Looks like it's been quite a day around here!

                            MinStar, I have to agree, the thought, smell & taste of my beloved wine is long gone, thank the heaven

                            CantBelieve, stay put & make tomorrow Day 1. We're looking for progress, not perfection around here! Adjust your plan accordingly - whatever happened to make you decide to drink this weekend needs to be handled differently next time, right?

                            Had an absolutely great day with kids & grandkids around, even my estranged spouse showed up in a decent mood. I cherish these days because they would not be happening if I was still hugging the wine bottle.

                            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest ~ buckle up

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Lav, Sheepish me checking back in. Reckon my head will be heavy tomorrow - so if anyone out there wants a reminder of why it's not a good idea - just ask me! I'm so grateful for the support I've received tonight - hoping to nip this bender in the bud. Day one again tomorrow! I would sooo love to post 30 days - really, really want to change this stupid name! Suffice to say I was VERY drunk when I found this site and now I seem to be stuck with it. Hey ho, the price we pay...
                              You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                                Newbies Nest

                                Looka here, Can'tBelieve....I can't believe I'm still at it either! But here we are. Not ONE of us got to where we wanted to be on the first or even the 10th try...but when you are sick and tired of it enough, you will find your quit. I just couldn't take what I was doing any more...I was sick of me. So grab your stuff and climb back in...I'll pass you the butt velcro. We'll get thru these holidays all of us together!! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

