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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Belle ~ surviving kids & all their dramas makes us stronger people
    My kids are frown but they still make me worry (at times).

    Blondie, Irie, good for you both ignoring the mind chatter. A glass (or 10 glasses) of wine won't change a damn thing about what happened at work today but sure will leave you feeling like hell tomorrow :H
    Thoughts are just thoughts & you don't have to act on them......very important to remember

    OK, calling it a day. Rain moving in over my portion of the nest tonight - oh well.
    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest & cinch up those nest belts

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Morning Nesters!
      How are you all today. Me? Still tired. Really when does this lift! I slept well but need more sleep. Babba going for a nap so I will join her. Am I sleeping too much? Is that why I am so tired?

      Belle- sorry to hear about your daughter. I do hope she is feeling better now. I am so proud you didnt give in!
      Irie- Well well done! those little nagging voices are a B@sta$d! just keep telling them to bugger off. Keep reminding yourself you can not give in!
      Blondie- Good on you for not giving in. You have two days off now and they are better done AF!
      I agree on the post about Moderating. I am really beginning to think I am not one of those people who will be able to moderate at all. Maybe the first time I drink I will, but I know myself too well and there will be a slip up when I think I am moderating and then BAM it will hit me and I will go into a stupid drunken splendor! NOT NOT NOT going to happen.

      I perused some of the posts on her yesterday evening. Started reading some of the Long Abstinence ones! Phew some people have done years and years. It made me realise- I WONT EVER BE ABLE TO DRINK AGAIN. and you know what? That made me sad! I was actually thinking- 'Shoot! Can I really do this! It is forever!" Then I read a line that made me realise I am still at the beginning of my journey and thinking that far ahead is going to be scary and frankly undesirable. I will think only one day, one week at a time. Heck one hour if I have to. The future without AL seems scary but the future WITH AL is even worse!

      Hope everyone is doing strong.



        Newbies Nest

        Evening/morning nesters!!
        I'm confused about time..In Australia is 9 p.m., in Europe is about noon, in USA i even cannot guess
        Here are almost 30' and Christmas decorations on the street!!!! So, this year i' m having 2 summers and 2 springs I was in Latvia in mine spring and part of summer too..
        Very, very tired today..but feeling good about myself..only 2 days without AL but my head starts working again...
        Took the first tablet of antidepressant this morning and felt dizzy but more calm. Some result i can wait only after 1 week i know.

        Lavande - i know - you' re 200% right that i have lack of socialization which could help..but when i drink i feel very low and i don' t want to communicate with people especially in foreign character is shy too.. But i enrolled English course for foreigners, will try to get volunteer work (i can' t work here with touristic visa, even some volunteer job i can' t do)..everything for me is to get back confidence..i have some friends artists here but they really aren' t friends just known people..BUT..we know - when we drink (i think most of us) we go in our world, inside and don' t communicate others..i don' t speak about people who drink socially some glass of wine and have fun..
        I was like that some years ago, maybe 4, 3.5..than i started to have only really one "friend" - bottle of wine..

        I have to come out of this and renew NORMAL communication skills again..At first - communication with myself..AL reduced a lot of my self-confidence and gave me a lot of negative toughts about myself..
        The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
        /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


          Newbies Nest

          Just stopping by to say good morning and wish everyone success with their AF goals today.


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Everyone,
            Have not had time to read back yet.
            Just wanted to share some good news (well for me anyway)
            All 3 of my boys have got into their teeball clubs state teams and they have asked me to coach the under 12's team. I am soooo proud of my boys xxxxxx
            I must admit if I was stil drinking there would be no way that I would be capable of state coaching, I have got so much more confident since being A/F.......BRING IT ON.........
            Hope you are all having a good night/day
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              Newbies Nest

              Happy Wednesday - today may finally be the day - who knows?!

              It is what it is.

              But today - no matter what happens - AL won't make things better. It won't change results. It won't find a different job. It won't give me anything but a headache and a tougher start to tomorrow.

              Today I •will• be stronger than AL.
              That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
              Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
              AF - August 20, 2012


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters!

                PF, imagine us forming a human chain of strength & surrounding you today ~ we will be here for you :l

                MinStar, I've been a poor sleeper for many years, hormone related. If after working to get my hormones balanced, I just don't sleep great BUT I do sleep better if I make sure to get some real exercise in each & every day

                Hi Unwasted & ronnie

                Audrey, I can't imagine being in your situation - must be very difficult.
                I hope you can find some opportunities to get out & meet people - the English class is a great start. Congrats on your 2 AF days!

                Well, I have lots to do today so I should get started!
                Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey. It's Wednesday AM here in the US Audrey!

                  I hope everyone's feeling strong and if you're not? Please don't keep the feelings inside! Post and ask for help....the members of the heads up the arse club can attest to the fact that it WORKS! And I bet if you're interested in building up your numbers, you could do some active recruiting...hey, we have to keep a bit of a sense of humor right?

                  Today is day 52 and yesterday, I forgot my water bottle to take to work - so after work, on the way home, I really really had thoughts of wanting to drink. I knew it was my thirst talking and I didn't even consider acting on them - that is the difference that time makes, I think. I've definitely become more logical! :H "hey dummy, you haven't had anything to drink today - of course you're THIRSTY!"

                  I was just thinking....earlier in the year (yep, here I go again) when I quit, I kind of knew in the back of my mind that at a shower that I went to - following my 30 days, I'd allow myself a glass of wine. And I did just that. I stopped after a glass and felt very empowered. However the next week was my birthday, and I had a couple glasses, and the next week, another birthday and I got quite snowballed over the course of the next few months.

                  Now, there are some true "tests" coming up - with the 'holiays'.....if it was like last time, I'd already be planning on what I would allow myself. But I'm not. I'm imagining - envisioning - actually getting excited about how it's going to feel to not drink. At all. Having my wits about foggy mornings...(well other than my 'usual' fog) and how incredibly happy I will be with myself come early January when I've spent vacation time at home - with my family - completely sober. I'm going to be fixed to my phone reading things here - because I do still expect the voices to still talk to me...for the stresses to call out to alcohol - but my plan is to turn up the Christmas music and turn to all of you to drown them out.

                  Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                  Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning's hump day for most of you but the start of my mid-week weekend!

                    Feeling better this morning...was sort of "blah" last night but didn't cave in to AL...Lav, you are right, wine would have only made things worse and I would have felt like crap now instead of my sober, full of energy self upon waking!

                    Have lots to do today and have to limit my time on here this morning or else before I know it, it will be noon and I will still be sitting here in my PJ's, not getting a stitch of anything done around the house. Although you know I love you all !

                    Starting to really kick off a diet today...I haven't seem to be able to shed my AL weight as quickly as I did last time I quit but I haven't been as strict as last time either. I've been eating lots of raw, vegetarian foods latley but maybe too much of them! So, I'm back to the diet plan that worked for me earlier this year, which is low carb. But I'm not sure if just plain old calorie counting and more exercise would just do the trick. According to all the online weight tools, I have a healthy BMI of 22, which is well in the normal range, but I just would like to shed a few pounds and get back to where I was earlier in life..., about 10 pounds. I just think I would feel better about it.

                    Glad to see those of us who were struggling last night didn't cave in to AL. Well done all!

                    Hoping my coat and boots arrive today...that will give me something to look forward to! Also, those dang CD's which were supposed to be here yesterday...I love my music! These are Christmas ones

                    Hang in there peeps and make today wonderful...afterall, it's all yours!
                    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                    BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Blondie, I love your color coordinated posts.... Great job on getting through the tough night last night. :l

                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi PF, Lolab, Lavande, Minstar, unwasted, ronnie et al

                        Its just great being part of this gang.. I am back on Day 3 and just had a fab 2 hour reflexology and traditional chinese massage... took all thoughts of AL away and I feel suitably relaxed.

                        I'm eating well and drinking coconut water.. I'm just taking it ODAT but realise that this month I have had more AF days than days drinking.. was quite amazed when I clocked it up - thanks Blonde for the idea.!!

                        Audrey, I really understand your situation as I am in the same one. I moved from NZ to Malaysia 3 months ago and I don't know a soul and yes I am that single parent with the 6 year old.. Its very difficult moving to a new country.. I have also started a new job teaching English as a Second language so if you need any help or just to chat I'm really happy to support you- we can do a skype or something as I am more or less in the same time zone ( you are 2 hours ahead!)

                        Take Care all


                          Newbies Nest

                          Patrice, that reflexology and massage sound like pure HEAVEN to me! And I think my head is going a bit random this morning....after posting about Blondie's color coordination and I also have to tell you that every time I see your avatar, I want to get out my smart phone and scan it!:huh:

                          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            LOL, Lolab! You're too funny! Yes, Patrice's avatar is "wicked cool"!

                            As for my color coordinated posts, I wasn't really trying for that but I just looked back and you are so right !

                            Back to Patrice, yes, isn't it rewarding to tally up all of your total AF days over the course of time? It's even more motivating to me. Now I just need to make sure the I keep all those days strung together from now on!
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                              Newbies Nest

                              running late this morning, so I am just saying good morning all... sleep like a rock, hopefully better energy today...I want my CDs... I ordered them last week and they are not here (the ones recommended by MWO for self hypno)... hope you all have a great day or evening and PF thinking of you and your mates today... Off to day 7 and I will catch up later


                                Newbies Nest

                                Herbie, Day 7 is a huge've conquered all the days that life can throw at you! Including the wicked and famous Friday afternoon Quittin Time!! Good for you!
                                Audrey...every time I see something about antidepressants I worry. I went to hell and back trying to get off of Cymbalta. I wish that I would have taken mine for, oh, say 6 weeks, gotten over the hump I was having trouble with (Hurricane Katrina and the aftermath of the people in New Orleans). I found that for 5 years I was just numb on that stuff, and topping that off with excessive AL (see post on my book title, if I ever write one, 'Numb and Numb-er"). It's a wonder I was up walking around!! I never felt so good as when I was off antidepressants and then off AL! No AD in the world feels as good as being sober!!! I'm finally alive and kicking! But that's just me....I'm for taking as few pills as possible as the ones I've taken in the past have kicked my a$$ (no room for my head up there!!). Sorry to go on...I just worry....that stuff affects a body more than I EVER realized. Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

