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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey all,
    Hope your days are going well. Just spent most of the day talking to family in Oz- seems like alot of you from that part of the world. Ordered some Chrimbo gifts and included the Jason Vale book for myself. Not sure I need to do it but want to read it as so many have talked about it!
    Time for a nap me thinks! lol

    well done on everyone for not caving into AL last night!




      Newbies Nest

      Good morning, everyone. Waking up happily hangover free! I start my little mini-vacation today. No work until Monday. Work has been really atressful lately so I'm relishing the time off.

      I'm a little worried about spending the rest of the week with family. We typically spend our times together drinking wine from early afternoon until we hit the sack. It's usually great fun, although more times than I care to remember I've drunk much more than anyone else and woken up in the morning a little afraid to head out to the living to join everyone, because I can't remember the night before and have no idea if I said anything inappropriate.

      I'm working hard to change the way I think about going AF. Instead of mourning the loss of our fun times with wine together, I'm remembering to be excited about the prospect of getting to spend some quality time with my family in a different way. Maybe I'll be up later at night visiting, or up earlier each morning in a fantastic mood instead of thick headed and sheepish.

      Since this is just a short little vacation, I'm looking at this as a preview of how I will be able to handle the holidays. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Just going to concentrate on today!

      You are on my mind today, Prairie. With all the stress that comes with my job, I can't imagine the thought of losing it! I hope you get some unexpected good news today. And for everyone who checks in today, stay strong! Together we are creating a momentum that will help us all reach our goal. In these early days we just need to keep our blinders on and do the right thing until it just come naturally.
      ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
      Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


        Newbies Nest

        Hello everyone,

        I am not a prolific poster, but I just wanted to say that I do read in this thread nearly every evening. Your stories have helped me tremendously and I know I couldn?t have made it this far without you. So, once again, THANK YOU for sharing!!!

        Lolab -- I just flew by the 8 week milestone! Today is day 58 for me! You are almost there!!! I think by your posts that we are in a similar ?zone?. Right now there is nothing that would make me open up a bottle. The thought pops in from time to time, but it feels so good to drive by the liquor store knowing I will not be giving them any of my money today. The time is flying by and I feel stronger and more confident in everything I do. But I am also very sad when I remember how I was last year for the holidays, and the year before and the year before that, and on and on... I?m sad for how I was just this past summer. Family get-togethers, camping trips, kids activities, conversations with friends -- all just a blur because everything I did -- especially socially -- was always under the influence. Uggh. I NEVER want to subject myself or my family to that kind of abuse again.

        And Windy -- I have followed your posts as well -- you are also quickly approaching 2 months!!! It?s an amazing thing!

        Irie -- I am also waiting for the day when the urges are all in the past. I would actually love to experience a day when I don?t even think about wine, drinking or alcohol at all. Has that happened to anyone here yet? Lav? Byrdlady? Gregorino? Is booze something that is going to take up space in my mind for the rest of my life? I wish I could just get it out of my head forever....

        Wishing everyone here a happy and successful Wednesday!

        AF since 9/20/2011


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Nesters,

          Glad to see everyone! I?ve been away a few days....I need to take some time to catch up! I had last Friday off as a holiday, then ended up having Monday off due to being in and out of Urgent Care because of some crazy abscess I had on my back. I thought it was going to be a little simple procedure, but ended up requiring 3 trips to the doctor. So I really had a great 3 day weekend (NOT). Anyway, I?m on the mend and feel better mentally. In fact, it was so weird (in a good way) my doctor and I had this really long talk about how I dislike my job, and he told me that he didn?t even become a doctor until he was 50 (and I could have sworn he was only in his 40?s?he looks young). He used to be a chiropractor and said that job was sucking the life out of him?.exactly the way I feel. I told him how I used to be so funny, bubbly and full of life, and now I feel like a bump on a log! He really encouraged me to look into taking classes and getting the ball rolling on a job I?d like (vet tech)?he said ?please don?t wait as long as I did?. So I really felt like my weird ailment happened for a reason. LOL

          Anywhoo, hope everyone here is staying strong, and if you?re not, at least stick close to us. This time of year brings out the Beast for me, a nice fire in the fireplace, cold outside but nice and cozy inside, what could be better than having a few drinks to go along with it right? WRONG. The cozy little scene I?m imagining would turn into me driving drunk to get more, sending texts or having conversations I?d regret the next day, leaving candles burning all night because I forgot I lit them, and then waking up the next morning to a pounding head and heart, shaky hands, but even worse: shame, disappointment, anxiety, regret and embarrassment. No thank you!

          Have a great day everyone?I?ll be checking in throughout the day!

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Newbies Nest

            Wicked... quick pop-in....yes, there will be a day you do not think about AL at all. It is a good place too. It where I call 'MindPeace'. Because I visit this site several times a day, I do, however, think about it. But not to drink it, to try and put into words ways to encourage others to gain control over not drinking it. Not thinking about it however, should never mean that we are less vigilant...because it's always a beast ready to strike given an inch of opportunity. You are getting there every day...Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Hey everyone- Hope you are all staying strong.
              K9- sorry to hear about the abscess but what a Doc! I hope you get things moving in the direction you want. Your post resonates with me.

              Wicked- hey and congrats on getting so far! I am also interested to know if thoughts of alcohol will always be there or will there be a time when i dont really care for it at all. Well done on envisaging a AL free holiday.

              I dont know how I will cope- even this weekend we have a party- albeit a kids party but there will be booze. Normally I would try and get as many glasses in as possible (not responsibly) and then continue when we get home. I am already playing out the scenario in my head as to what I will say/do when offered and how the day will pan out. I like the idea of not being drunk or looking to get drunk- what a headache to hide swigs from the bottle and constantly wondering how to get the next drink in!

              Hitting the witching hour - but at the moment no cravings. I have changed my evening routine a little so I am taking longer/spending more time getting baby fed, bathed and in bed. It ensures she is tired when she is going to bed (as apposed to me sticking a time on it whether she was or wasn't too tired) and makes sure I am not sitting downstairs thinking about a drink.

              Hope you are well and having a lovely Wednesday!



                Newbies Nest

                Hey Nesters,

                Wicked -- It was Nice to see your post today and to read your thoughtful comments. I am in the same boat in that there is not way in hell a bottle of wine is getting in my house, let a lone opening it by me, which is something I did quite regularly. My habit was drinking wine at home. Thanksgiving is going to be challenging as I am hosting. I am not serving wine, so if someone wants it, they will have to bring it.

                One thing I have noticed that I have not been doing is romanticizing alcohol at all. I think the reason why is because I got to the point where it really was not all that much fun in any setting, and I could recognize it before I decided to quit. And that is part of the reason I decided to quit. But...that being said, I sometimes think about having wine with food or when socializing a bit, but I know what path that will take me on. I am after all a self-confessed buzz chaser and I acknowledge that will not change in me.

                Lately, I have felt a little odd and out of sorts with myself. I think I am at a crossroads where there could be much change taking place and I feel like it should be happening (maybe) faster or I should at least know what is going on and where I am going. I don't know if any of you can relate to this...I am confused too.

                Everyone -- Stay the corse.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi everyone,
                  Well, I have an announcement. I had a glass of wine on Monday. (I think I just heard a collective groan.) It was a conscious decision. It was not made out of desperation and I did not fall down the rabbit hole. I won't go into why I chose to have that drink because it will look like I am making excuses but I will say what I am not going to do. I am not going to drink in social situations ever again. That is my downfall. I cannot drink around others in a party atmosphere because my off switch goes on the blink. This I know. We do not go to parties often but when we do, I know I will not drink. I know that no one cares or even notices. They are too interested in what they are drinking and not what I am drinking. I am still accountable to my hubby and I take that very seriously. I feel very confident in my decision. I know that I can have a drink from time to time at home and will be fine. That was never a concern. I just get caught up in the party atmosphere and lose myself.

                  I wanted to tell you all because I feel accountable to you as well. I have learned so much from you and feel so much stronger and better prepared to handle myself in social situations. I needed that time off to get my head together on some issues and I feel so much better for being here. I thank you all for your support and wisdom.

                  I know you have heard this all before and you may be very skeptical in my resolve to abstain at parties and I do understand. I hope you don't feel that you have waisted your time in mentoring me. I have learned so much from you all and I admire you and thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will still be around though. Take care everyone and I wish you all the very best in life. :thanks::h
                  "What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding." Elvis Costello


                    Newbies Nest

                    Ready to stand up and dust myself off and get back in the game. Needless to say that if I had listened up before my vacation to Byrdlady and others who were trying to help me I would be better off right now. No time for self recrimination. Today is day 1. I have printed out monthly calendars online as this seems to greatly help me in the beginning. When I am at work or wherever I am and think of drinking I just think of the calendar sitting on my desk at home waiting for me to check off another AF day. Link to print calendars is
                    Free Calendars to Print - Free Calendars to Print if anyone is interested. Well somewhat motivated facing a stiff headwind I will take the trek on, ODAT for now. Thanks to all for the support in the past and I look forward to re-stoking the fire. Best to everyone in the fight.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thank you MWO. Today is day 30...I made my first goal.

                      No more head aches.
                      No more guilt.
                      No more worrying about driving drunk.
                      Wife is happy.
                      I am am happy,
                      Kids don't have to worry any more.
                      Family time is now well spent....there is peace in the family.
                      On top of things at work.
                      Feeling and looking healthy.
                      Eating healthy.
                      Being productive at home rather than laying around feeling sick.
                      Did it just in time for the fall walleye bite.
                      Basement is done.
                      Garage is clean.
                      Yard is clean.
                      Truck is clean.
                      Sons car is winterized.
                      Christmas lights are ready to hang.
                      Up and ready to go at 5:00 a.m. like I used to be.

                      I am kicking this thing......because of:.

                      Everyone on and old.
                      The tool box
                      Being open and getting support from family
                      Staying busy out side of work.
                      Sticking to my plan

                      Next goal is 60 days and here I come.

                      Good luck to all!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Noal --- CONGRATULATIONS ON 30 DAYS ---
                        Your lists sounds amazing....Good for you. Why don't you stick around awhile and let us get to know you better. And maybe some of that energy will rub off on me.

                        p.s. The walleye are biting...Where?


                          Newbies Nest

                          I think I said 'Good morning' about 3 pages ago :H :H

                          Congrats to everyone making progress, hitting milestones & welcome back to those just restarting.
                          Just keep trying ~ you will make it

                          windy, you are in the process of change & unfortunately we can't make it happen faster!
                          I just remind myself that we didn't get into our messes overnight so we shouldn't expect to clean them up that quickly. Patience & slow steady progress is fabulous

                          Dark & raining here - good day to be busy with work
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lav -- You are so wise and so right. I am not known for my patience...I guess I'll just sit back and enjoy the ride.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Patience is needed to catch those walleye windy.

                              where are they biting? I am catching them right in the center of the midwest.

                              I would never buy enough booze to get me the thru the night so I was always coming up with excuses to go on an errand just to get more beer/vodca....being a handy guy and always working on some type of project allowed be to hide the drinking from everyone.

                              Part of my plan is to have a family member go with me when ever I go on errand or fishing or any short trip that would give me an oppertunity to stop at the gas station to buy a few son has been doing a lot of fishing with me lately....he's 13, loves to fish and the bonding is awesome.....another reason to get it together.

                              Last night I went fishing by myself because my son was not available and it was too cold for the daughter to go. I was only gone for two hours due to day light saving's time but its a great feeling knowing that my wife can trust me to go out once in a while on my own and not drink. Of course I needed her permission to do this so we had a discussion about it and I was granted permission. Part of that discussion was this cannot become the norm...once in awhile might be ok but 30 days doesn't mean I am totally cured or the trust is at 100%. I was very happy being on the water sober and not even wanting to drink...kept telling myself what a good job I am doing at this new me.

                              I quit fishing just before dusk because my hands were getting reminded me of the $600 rod and reall I lost earlier this spring because of too many beers and cold hands....another reason to quit.

                              Things are really getting better everyday. I am so glad I made that appointment with my doctor 31 days ago. He prescribed the campral. The next day I researched it and came across MWO. I know reading MWO is what is making the difference this time.

                              I have replaced that rod and reel and if I stay sober I should be able to hand it down to my son some day.


                                Newbies Nest

                                noal;1209569 wrote: Thank you MWO. Today is day 30...I made my first goal.

                                No more head aches.
                                No more guilt.
                                No more worrying about driving drunk.
                                Wife is happy.
                                I am am happy,
                                Kids don't have to worry any more.
                                Family time is now well spent....there is peace in the family.
                                On top of things at work.
                                Feeling and looking healthy.
                                Eating healthy.
                                Being productive at home rather than laying around feeling sick.
                                Did it just in time for the fall walleye bite.
                                Basement is done.
                                Garage is clean.
                                Yard is clean.
                                Truck is clean.
                                Sons car is winterized.
                                Christmas lights are ready to hang.
                                Up and ready to go at 5:00 a.m. like I used to be.

                                I am kicking this thing......because of:.

                                Everyone on and old.
                                The tool box
                                Being open and getting support from family
                                Staying busy out side of work.
                                Sticking to my plan

                                Next goal is 60 days and here I come.

                                Good luck to all!
                                Woot woot NOEL!!!! Happy happy 30 Days!!!

                                Yay YOU!
                                (please send walleye - they are my FAVE!!!! ;-) )
                                That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                                Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                                AF - August 20, 2012

