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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters!

    Cloudy, damp & cooler over my portion of the nest - oh well!



    I hope both of the birthday kids have a great day!!!
    Enjoy it with a clear head, no guilt & remorse!

    Hello to everyone! Welcome back Mauri.

    Hello & welcome If Wishes!
    Glad you came to the nest, lots of support available here. If you never read the MWO book I suggest you do so now. It has the info you need to get the most from the program. Download it from the Health store here & get right to it.
    Get rid of any AL left in the house. The only way to be serious about quitting is taking these first important steps. Use the Tool box link above & make yourself a good plan.

    Have to run for now, will be back later!
    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest


      On your next order over the internet, try they ship overnight for free and if anything is wrong they pay the postage for the return..


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning everyone - just wanted to say hello and wish everyone a wonderful AF day.

        Strength and peace:l


          Newbies Nest

          Steady....great going. Day 6 is a B___. But Day 7 is've conquered everything the week can throw at you, including Friday night! You are on the road to recovery, my dear friend!!! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Happy Birthday Belle and Greg! Gosh if yours is like mine, it was my first sober one since I was 18 (I am 52). Back then we could get AL at 18 so I took full advantage. Well done you two! For making it look easy. All the best today and every day!! B
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Here I am again... I just checked the last time i was here, and it was July of last year. Usually try to really stop drinking once a year.. Thinking it may be extra difficult since the holidays are nearing.. But i can definitely say, it just keeps getting worse.. I wish i could read my posts on this website from last year, to see just how bad its gotten. I am a big wino, the whomever posted about the bottles getting bigger and cheaper is so right. I go thru about a magnum a night, swigging right out of the bottle mostly or drinking from a wine glass so fast, i cant even taste it.! I am just so disgusted with myself, no matter how much I drink or dont drink i can never remember events from the evening before . I am a mom of 2 young children... I hate this way of life! and its going to STOP! TODAY! i wont stop at the store to buy any....I wont stop at the store to buy any.. I wont stop at the store to buy any.....Today will be the 1st day AF in a very very very long time ....Any suggestions are more than welcome!


                Newbies Nest

                WM mom click on your name and then click on find all posts by actually can see your previous posts.

                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  Just a quick check in from the boarding gate at the airport. I hope I can make it through the next few days with family. I hate that it's 8 in the morning, I'm off on a quick vacation, and the primary thing on my mind is worry about whether I can do this or not. Argh!!! I hate to have to tell my family this early on that I've quit drinking. I guess I'm afraid if I don't make it I'll look foolish. Sorry for the negativeness this morning. Just feeling a little fragile.

                  I will keep checking in as often as I can over the next few days. This site has been my lifeline. I hope everyone else is daring well.
                  ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                  Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Irie, while you're on that plane, use the time to work on changing your mindset. Imagine yourself casually drinking selzer or soda - and not making a big deal out of it. Picture yourself saying something like "I'm trying to behave and get in good shape before the new year" or "I'm just getting tired of how drinking makes me feel the next day"...Push that "if don't make it" right out of your head! Allow room for "I WILL make it - I DESERVE this - it's not punishment, it's a good thing." And continue your "imagining" right through to the next morning and how fantastic you will feel remembering everything. If you allow yourself those thoughts of not succeeding, you're setting yourself up to fail. We'll be watching for you to boost you up! Show everybody it can be done!

                    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Unwasted - left you off my list this morning - sorry! Hope you're having a happy day.
                      And Noel - fabo on your 30 days!

                      I'm off out this evening and so far I'm not worried about it - tis progress. I will be in a piano bar and then restaurant. Wish me luck guys
                      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                        Newbies Nest


                        Thanks! That sure is an eye opener.. going back to read all my posts from June 2008 and any post since... I have been struggling with or surrendering myself to alcohol for over 3 years now. Time to wake up, I see how i have progressed or digressed... I say today!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi All

                          I just want to share my experiences with you all today. I am now completing day 13 without having any AL.To start with, the shakes and tremors were a nuisanc and also couldn't sleep properly. Now all of that is behind me and I am sleeping like a baby every night ! I feel really good in myself and feel ten years younger. Best of all though, NO CRAVINGS! The last few days I have just not wanted to drink AL. I have spent two nights in hotel bars this week happily drinking Blackcurrant and soda drinks. I can't believe that just two weeks ago, I was a committed wino knocking back two bottles a day and had done so for the last ten years or so. Now looking forward to doing my first 30 days and hopefully the rest of my life alcohol free.

                          However I know that there are dangers lurking and it might only take one drink to change everything, so I intend to be strong and try to resist that happening to me. You will be able to tell from my tone that I am ecstatic that I have got this so far. However there must be many like me who have got this far and then fallen back and I don't want to do that. Can anyone offer any advice about things to watch for ?


                            Newbies Nest

                            To WhiteMarsh: The "I Have a Plan" speech

                            If this works you will have witnessed a second miracle (the first being I don't drink anymore) the second...a copy and paste:
                            Originally Posted by Byrdlady

                            4me. Well, I guess the master plan (or it was for me) was to quit drinking. But this is way too much to grasp at first. It's sad to even consider...besides it doesn't even seem possible. Lav will offer you her trusty wing as I think her plan is more structured than mine, but here is my take. Get your story together on what you are going to tell people when they look at you in disbelief that you aren't drinking. I'm enjoying "it was a New year's resolution to cut down and when I did I felt better so I just stopped. ' I've also enjoyed, 'it was aggravating a couple other things I have going on' (my liver and my marriage). Now if you are committed to stop drinking or trying to moderate, your plan will be different. I had to quit. (tried mod...couldn't..all or nothing) So I can't speak to a successful plan to moderate. But if you are committed to stopping...take it one day at a time. Day 3 is a huge step, this is when AL doesn't show up in bloodwork. Day 6 is a bitch, but then day 7 is monumental...a week without booze and that includes a weekend!!! For me, on day 13 I had a change of thinking...I felt better and I got a sense that I could actually do this. Day 30, consider yourself well on your way. Then the days and weeks actually add up before you know it. Then there's the 100 day club. Now that's a big one. You get a hat and everything....eheheh. not really. But you do get kudos from the nest as that's a big thing. Plan to take yourself out of tempation's way. Plan what you are going to drink or order before going to the restaurant...this helps...visualizing it makes it more real. Set yourself up to succeed. Get your butt out of that wine aisle..stop longing because you are the only person on Earth not able to enjoy a cocktail...when you anticipate these things, they are easier to overcome. Someone suggested gummy worms as a way to ride a crave...I found solice in Charm's Blow Pop's ..that sugar rush kept my mouth happy and out of trouble. When you have a will pass and eating will help it. Somehow this has to do with your blood sugar. Know and make provisions for a mighty sweet craving. Do not worry about a pound or 2 right good to yourself. Get the AL out of your home. We are all watching you and we will see if you sneak some!! eheheh. (glad nobody saw me sneaking it...) This is just a rough thought of what my plan was and continues to be. Visit this site as long as you want to keep your quit. Out of site out of mind..keep us close. We are here for each other..there is no question you can't ask and get an honest answer from someone. I hope that helps you in your plan for a plan. Hop in, we'll drive!! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Byrdlady, wow!

                              There's alot of momentum in that post, I love it! You have helped me today.

                              On day 6 here, and it actually is a little harder. Why is that? That's funny to me, but I am glad for the challenge. I'm fixing a snack and hanging out here today. I'm going to cruise right through it and onward. You're right, I'm going to work on my plan.:thanks:
                              "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                              AF 11/12/11


                                Newbies Nest

                                A Few Wise Suggestions


                                Here are a few things I'm learning about that might be of help.

                                One of the best tools for not caving into cravings is the concept of detachment. If you can just "name" the emotion -- say to yourself "craving, craving" and then just let it go, it becomes less powerful. We have all kinds of emotions throughout the day - "anger, anger" "irritation, irritation" etc. The Eastern way of looking at things is to not judge them as bad - just recognize them and move on.

                                I'm trying to summarize from a book, so hopefully this makes sense. It's worth learning, though, because detachment becomes our biggest single tool in winning out against alcohol. It's not that detachment prevents upsets, it just renders them less overwhelming. Detachment involves letting thoughts and emotions come and go, as they will anyway. In Japan, they say that "feelings are as changeable as the Japanese sky." I think that's a lovely metaphor for the essence of detachment - notice, honor, enjoy, or don't enjoy. You do not need to do something special or immediate about the upsets, losses or cravings. Let them be, and they just might let you be. Practice detachment and it can become your core tool in propelling you along the path to a drug-free existence (from Tao of Sobriety).

                                Also, think of a craving as a wave, and just ride it out. And, use self-talk. Phrases like "I can and will stay on track, no matter what" can keep the mind demons at bay. And, the AA saying "Fake it till you make it." To take a stand for something different and liberating, you have to keep repeating this self talk - don't worry about being repititious.

                                There are probably ideas like this in the toolbox, but since I'm reading about them and they're fresh, I thought it would be good to post them here.

                                Sending you all peace and strength.:l

