Today I feel blessed.
No - I still don't know about the job. *That's not why.
I feel blessed because I started the 30 Days AF trial by accident. *I started it when I had managed to well and truly screw things up with my SO who I love with all my heart. *I hadn't meant to start the 30 Days when I did. *I wanted to start but I was so terrified to take that step.
What if I failed? *What if I was farther gone than I really thought? *What if I couldn't save myself? *What if I was too late? *What if my strength and will were no longer enough?
All the "what if's" just circled my brain - I couldn't see my way past them...I was paralyzed in front of the red wine bottle of fear.
But then I had a horrible conversation with the SO - too much wine, too much honesty (yes - there can be too much of that) and an old family sitch became nearly the end of the relationship. *Since I had no filters, I didn't know when to SHUT UP.
And the next day he was SOOOOOOO angry at me. *And I was fogged and couldn't remember all of (or even most of) why. *There you have it - going to lose the best man I have ever had over this - this stupid alien - who's habit has snatched me up.
That next night I was so flipped out, felt so sick - physically, mentally - I skipped the vino and went to bed. *Day 1 was born by accident.
Fast forward. *He last saw me on Day 10. *Still had headaches, felt hit by a bus, *was getting some energy back but not much. *And stress? *Out the wazoo.
He got here last night - Day 20. *Side effects *largely gone. *Supplements kicking in - so energy up, anxiety down, skin looking better, slept like a baby next to him rather than up twice in the night...
We had breakfast - both worked from my home office today - had lunch before he headed out on a trip.
He laughed when he saw all the supplements lined up on the counter like soldiers. *He laughed again when he saw the giant load of pills at lunch. *
But he did say he hadn't seen me this happy or relaxed in a long time. He looked delighted to say that. *And it was very clear that he was glad to have much more of the "old me" back.
So here is to Day 21. *A gift that was hard earned - with fear, with hope, with white knuckles and your support. *
This day will be one of those memories that holds me in the darkest hours.
Day 21 - Today I •will• be stronger than AL.