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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    WoW!! The nest is busy!!

    Blonde - Happy 101 days!

    Windy - Just 2 glases... I am surprised that even on a strong day it slips into my mind!!

    Herbie - Thank you for sharing the story about your family. It is realy messy in my mind and heart. This addiction and love... Every bit of comment and postings help me to figure out what to do.

    Byrdie - Thank you sooo much for your encouragement and celebrating our early, vulnerable steps with us! If you didn't go through this hell, you wouldn't be able to help us...

    WM - Welcome and stick around!

    Irie - Good luck with your family this weekend. We are here for you!

    Timpin - Glad your withdrawals are over. You can pat yourself on the back for biting the bullet! Got me realising that my mouth doesn't hurt anymore!

    PF - No words, just:wd:

    Mama Lav - Thanks for checking up on us.

    I am almost done with day 8.
    12-20-2012 AF
    Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


      Newbies Nest

      Family Update


      My mother came round today and "just wanted to see how I am doing". I put my anger aside and did the polite chat. She told me about all the shopping Christmas specials and then threw in that there is a special on my fav 5L box wine...

      So I told her that I've quit for a week already. Then talked about "a" site with a lot of support and mentioned supplements and medicine that will help you stop craving.( I haven't used any yet). She offered to buy me the sups and wants me to find out the name of the medicine that will make her stop drinking!

      I am so surprised!!:shocked:

      Like PF said...It is surprising how fast one bonds with the people on this site!! How do you handle the fact that you want people to know about MWO, BUT you don't want to be "discovered" ??

      I just thought that if they want help, they will find it the way I did.
      What do you guys think?
      12-20-2012 AF
      Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


        Newbies Nest

        Good Day Nesters,

        Wow Steady Hands, that's BIG news about your mother. In a perfect world you guys could do this together and support each other...That would be amazing!

        PF -- Another awesome post. I love the grit and honesty in you posts. Keep going and keep posting.

        Lolab -- Week 8 Feels Gre8.

        Lav -- Hi there! I feel like I haven't said much to you lately...but you are always in my thoughts. Oh...and Greg get's Bullwinkle duds???

        Bydie -- You are a rock. I always get so much from what you give us. Thank you..

        Herbie -- Have fun in the land of the eternal sun.

        SicknTired--- Six weeks is great.. How did you do it? Stick around and let us know more about you.

        Special Hellos to Pinecone, Nollie, Timpin, Audrey, Nelz, Patrice, BlondeA, Greg, Ronnie, Steady Hands, Unwasted, Belle, K9 -- Wow...we really have a wonderful group here!!. If I didn't mention someone...I am so sorry! We are really assembling quite the team here. How can we possibly loose?? Have a wonderful weekend.


          Newbies Nest

          PF, first and foremost....I can hardly read the posts for my tears...gosh, your story is a lot like mine. I was killing myself and ruining everything...and it turns out I have a lot to live for and give back. I am moved to tears and so happy for you. Keep that anger and that fire...there will be days you need it. That's another plus of this site...write down that post number, and refer back to it when you need a kick in your own words resonate, like you own.
          Steady...I have a friend too who has a problem. But I am not handing her my is hers to find on her own like I did. If she has enough of a problem, she will find her way out. Besides, I share things on here I wouldn't want anyone else to know (see hiding vodka in a hairspray bottle...and there are plenty more). So I totally understand that this is YOUR is OUR place. And thank God for it.
          Well done to all!! And thank you.... this place keeps me going too. t
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Morning All!

            Just checking in on this Friday morning. Last night I had a situation that would have turned out very differently if alcohol had been involved. My ex-boyfriend (it?s been over 6 years!) is still obsessing over us getting back together (I guess the fact that he?s married means nothing to him). Anyway, he started up with the texting, and I was able to just ignore it and go back to my book. That doesn?t seem like much of an accomplishment, but back in my drinking days it would have triggered a long exchange ranging from us still loving each other, to seeing who could insult the other the worst. Ugh, what a merry-go-round I?ve been on with this guy, and I?m so glad to be off of it! It really felt good not to be a slave to my emotions or first impulses, which would have involved being incredibly mean, even cruel. I can?t stand those qualities in others, yet that?s what I was turning in to. So, I?m happy to say that I didn?t have to wake up in a panic at 3AM scrambling to find my phone so I could look at all the garbage I?d spewed out the night before.

            On a brighter note, I only have 4 hours to work today. My daughter will be at her dad?s this weekend, so I have rented 3 movies and will stock up on books later. It?s supposed to rain this weekend, so I think a fire and a good book/movie are in order!

            I hope you all have a great weekend and stay strong. Just remember that Friday and Saturday are just days, not an excuse to drink.

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Newbies Nest

              I know miracles have happened to me too.

              I finally made a choice to take the big step and seriously do something about my problem this time and accidentally came across MWO. I now think about MWO constantly, I am here every day and I can relate to 99% of what you all say.

              My routine was the same every day. Go to the straight to the AL store seconds after work...they would see me pull up and have my pt of V on the counter before I would opening the door. Go across the street to the convenience store to by a 64oz fountain drink and mix it in...take the long way home and drive around for about 45 minutes and that pt was gone. Next stop is another convenience store for two.24oz high around for another 20 minutes to drink one down then go home. Sneak the second high life into the garage, put a piece of gum in my mouth and go in the house to pretend all is well, check in with the family and then go out to work on some type of project....drink the second high life then come up with an excuse to go to the hardware store...pick up two more 24oz'rs and go home and hide out with my project and beer....after those two are gone the vodka has kicked in and I was ready for bed.

              Next day wake up feeling like crap
              Eyes and face all red.
              Whole body shaking.
              Rapid heart beat.
              No appetite.
              Looking at my self in the mirror and saying out loud what an idiot I am.
              Telling myself I need to stop and then do it all over 10:00a.m. I was still feeling like crap but I knew I was going to do again....I don't get it!

              This summer I decided to finish the basement.
              OMG...what a perfect setting for me and AL
              Numerous trips to lumber yards and hardware stores and convenience stores.
              I would purposely forget to buy something just incase I needed an excuse to get more AL.
              Lots of places to hide bottles and cans in a construction zone.

              I now have 32 AF days and its been a very, very long time since I made pass 1
              days....that to me is a miracle.

              Luckily the basement turned out OK and I still have all of my fingers because for those three months there was a lot of heavy drinking behind every ones back.

              Another miracle is that my wife has stuck by me thru all of this crap I have been drinking because if it were turned around the other way I'm not so sure I would have stuck around...god I was stupid!


                Newbies Nest

                K9 it' crazy you're right How much we can act not like ourselves when al is involved....way to be strong!
                Sorry I'm on my phone

                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  Congrats to everyone! 8 days! 32 days!!! Noel what is it about the sneakiness that appealing? I don't get it but I did the same thing
                  How great does it feel to make such great strides?!?! Yea!!!

                  Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                  Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                    Newbies Nest

                    This site is so awesome. obviously you don't have to be a writer to post.... I can post something confusing and I know it doesn't bother anyone...I just love reading my post and thinking what the (#!&^*) did you just post....doesn't matter to me if only half of it makes sense, it feels good just to post.

                    Good luck and have a great weekend everyone!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Wowweeee this thread moves. Not ahd a chance to look through but wanted to come on. Craving hitting me BIG time tonight. Hubby came home and cranky- could have turned into a major row but sister is here so it has mellowed. Waiting for Pizza and am STARVING. Sister has mulled wine, rose open from guests over last weekend... and I JUST WANT TO DRINK. Sparkling water just doesnt cut it when you are wrapping Christmas gifts! I am hoping once I have eating the craving will have gone.

                      I notice as soon as it hits the witching hour I get really tense. almost as if you can see my shoulders crunching up and my stress levels hitting high

                      Hopefully be back on again tonight. I keep telling myself I am not a drinker! And reminding myself of how I will feel tomorrow morning. There is no way I will stop at one drink so I have have to control myself. Arrrgghhh!

                      Thanks for letting me rant and sorry I have not replied or responded to earlier posts!

                      MinStar- The non- Drinker!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Special night locked down for me
                        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                          Newbies Nest

                 sure to eat a little something...wrapping Christmas is no different than anything else, it CAN be done without drinking. It's the fellowship, not the beverage...remember, ONE DRINK IS TOO MANY AND THE NEXT ONE WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH. Today is just another day!! Come see us, we'll talk you off the ledge!
                          Noal...can I ever identify with your post...I hid my booze in my shoes in my closet. You know you got troubles when your EMPTIES become a problem...One day I counted 37 little boxes of empties...and my worry was how to get rid of them, NOT what I had done to my body....OY!
                          I feel much better now. MindPeace to all....Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Here's a little gift from me -
                            I went to Longwood Gardens this morning with my daughter & grandaughter to see the Chrysanthemum display

                            I really enjoy my AF life & all of you will too as time goes on
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              I AM NOT TRYING TO MODERATE! I have no interest in 'modding' if anyone just read the headline of my other post - just so ya know...:thanks:

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                You didn't want me yelling at you lola? :H :H :H
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

