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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Byrdlady;1210787 wrote: sure to eat a little something...wrapping Christmas is no different than anything else, it CAN be done without drinking. It's the fellowship, not the beverage...remember, ONE DRINK IS TOO MANY AND THE NEXT ONE WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH. Today is just another day!! Come see us, we'll talk you off the ledge!
    Noal...can I ever identify with your post...I hid my booze in my shoes in my closet. You know you got troubles when your EMPTIES become a problem...One day I counted 37 little boxes of empties...and my worry was how to get rid of them, NOT what I had done to my body....OY!
    I feel much better now. MindPeace to all....Byrdie

    Jsur a quick one before I hit bed. Did ge something l to eat and didn't cave in. Just written about t made me feel better. Thank you. X


      Newbies Nest

      this is my first posting in any chat room of any kind and my very second day AF (as you guys say) and it is weird but in a good way, I am kind of out of it,. so I laid down and took a nap. I am not currently working so it is a good time to work on this problem on mine which I have had for some time. I keep switching substances, get clean for a while then try something else and fuck up again. Drinking has been an escalating problem for the last few years now. I am a very controlled drunk but lately I have been losing more an more of that control and it is scary. I am weary of the fight. I have wearied of the 12 step rhetoric. I am ready to put down my glass and your approach seems very sensible and holistic.
      Am I doing this right Is this you post?


        Newbies Nest

        A good excuse to use for parties

        Hey all, I was looking at a couple other threads today and I have gotten some pretty good traction out of saying that drinking triggers a migraine...Is that a lie? Well, if you consider it in total, the last 25 years of my life have been one huge headache...NO! You might get a couple of questions but most will dismiss. I've also said that it aggravates a couple other things I have going on ...(I don't mention it's my liver and my marriage). I also used that I was detoxing for a few weeks and felt so much better just decided to keep the healthier lifestyle. If nothing else feels right, you can always say you're driving. I've only had one @$$hole press the issue and I got him good. I DO have ulcerative colitis...and when I declined a glass of wine one night, he pushed it and said, OH COME ON...ONE glass won't hurt you!!! And I looked our over my half specs and said, 'It isn't YOUR colon...". Not another word out of him. Most people don't even ask...don't stress this point too much, but do have your plan in place..and try to be consistant...
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Hi hopeful & welcome to MWO & the Nest
          Congrats on your decision to take back control now, we're here to help each other!
          A good way to start is by downloading the MWO book from the Health store here on the website. It has a lot of good information.
          Also, look in our for lots of great ideas to help yuo put your plan together - we're all different with different needs. Please check abck frquently & ask if you have any questions.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hey Nesters,

            Happy Friday to you all! Posted this morning and as usual, lots has happened here, I barely feel as though I can keep up!

            Welcome Hopeful! Glad you have joined us. Look forward to getting to know you better!

            Wow, today was busy at work as expected but I really looked forward to the challenges and seemed to tackle problems easier and more creatively without the haze of AL clouding my mind. Loved that about today!

            Byrd, those are great comebacks for telling people why you are refusing a drink when out in social settings. I sometimes say simply that it doesn't agree with me and people don't go any further, or that it is a "school" night if I am working the next morning...or that I have too much to do the next day and don't feel like drinking. Whatever your reason...have it in your mind so you don't stumble and succumb to pushers. Remember, Fast Forward to Hungover!

            Taste tested the eggnog selzter folks and it wins my approval...even hubs and he doesn't really drink it!

            Tomorrow will be balls to the wall busy at work as it's the last Sat. before Thanksgiving and when you're in the food business, that mean BUSINESS. So, I'm off to bed a little earlier than usual as I need to be up at the crack of dawn and opening the store by 7:30. I'll be thinking of all of you tomorrow and wishing you a wonderful sober weekend! Stay strong everyone and make sure you use your butt velcro and seat belts if needed!
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              Newbies Nest

              Hello EveryOne... happy Friday night... happy no wine night!!

              What a miracle this site is... just reading all the post, and how everyone's life is changing in such a great way... I found this site by googling nutrition and AL... I just had a feeling that the body was missing something from a nutritional standpoint from the AL and up popped MWO... like PF said here we are gaining day by day, no rehab no AA ... I look so forward to logging on and reading all your post.. there is something here that hits home everyday... and you say I am not the only one, I am not nuts!!

              Lav you bring so much insight
              Blonde -- wow 101 days
              Windy 2 glasses and stopped how great is that
              Byrdlady so strong
              K9 -- I know all about drunk texting...OMG..hope you are enjoying that book and fire
     happy you didn't get hurt remodeling the basement... construction and drinking not a good mix .. you must feel soooo much better now and your wife must be too
              lolab you get right to heart of the matter
              PF you just kick a---

              Nollie, Timpin, Neiz, Patrice Steady Hands, Unwasted, Pinecone, Audrey, Greg, Ronnie Belle, and everyone else.. hope you are having a good evening and looking forward to seeing you in the morning


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Nestmates! Another busy day...had some appointments and got stuff done. Husband working late, so it's me, the kids & the dawg. That's OK, 'cuz we are another day AF here. Couldn't be doing this without you all here.

                Still trying to figure out Thanksgiving. Since it will be just us here, hubby may want to open a "nice" bottle of wine. Wine collecting has been his thing. Not sure how this will play out. Keeping my eyes and ears open here.

                Hope all of you have had a good day.
                g'nite all...

                Alcohol does me no favors.

                Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                  Newbies Nest

                  PS, holy crapola, how did I get to over 500 posts????!!!! I know some here have thousands but geez, I just realized that I have over 500...that's a lot of writing...
                  Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                  BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello Everyone,
                    I'm new here but recognize a few of you from starting to post in the "Just Starting Out" section. So I'll try to keep it short.

                    I have been drinking every night for about 20 years,(wine) have had many many horrible situations that made me hate myself, denied to my family that I have a problem, during the last 1 1/2 years have tried over and over again to stop and met with failure each time. I'm feeling very discouraged right now, tired of living this kind of life.

                    A few sober days have shown me how wonderful it is, but I seem unable to beat the "cravings" and keep going back. I recently ordered Topamax online without an RX and have been feeling really hopeful about this possibility. Today the pharmacy called and said that they now have to have RX to ship out of India.

                    I'm in the healthcare field and am too scared of losing my job to ask my doctor for a prescription, things are not as confidential as we would like to think.

                    So, I'm thankful that I have found this site and believe it or not, I have never ever talked about this to anyone in my personal life, this is the first time that I have been able to share these thoughts and feelings and OMG I'm so thankful to finally have to all to share with.

                    I am looking forward to being an inspiration to others just as you are being to me.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening nesters!

                      Blondie, the posts pile up - keep going

                      Herbie & Belle, yuo are both doing great - I am very happy for you guys!

                      playland, happy to see you here in the nest! Please make yourself comfortable!
                      I think most people here opt out of taking Rx meds for one reason or another - I didn't use any either. The Kudzu & L-Glutamine help with cravings - you can pick them up just about anywhere.
                      I used L-Glutamine to help control the sugar craving I developed when I went AF & it did help! I'm retired from healtcare ~ know all about that issue.

                      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest. Don't forget there are plenty of nest belts & butt velcro available if you need them

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Lav, thanks for your support, I have the Kudzu and am starting it now, nice to know that others have not had to use the medications, I'd rather not if I can just do it. Gee, I will take the sugar craving, never had that, but it can't be as bad. Yes, I feel like the nest is a nice place to rest my head tonight, feel pretty secure tonight.



                          Newbies Nest

                          playland;1211078 wrote: Lav, thanks for your support, I have the Kudzu and am starting it now, nice to know that others have not had to use the medications, I'd rather not if I can just do it. Gee, I will take the sugar craving, never had that, but it can't be as bad. Yes, I feel like the nest is a nice place to rest my head tonight, feel pretty secure tonight.

                          I didnt use to eat cookies before bed every I am the daredevil cookie monster..........LOLz But yeah, 4 m/m choc chip cookies and a glass of milk is better than 10 beers.
                          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                          DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                            Newbies Nest

                            I'm baking CC Cookies tomorrow, haven't done that in years, and have decided to have an AF night tomorrow, cookies and milk by the bed until midnight. Here's hoping that I follow thru!!! Will let you know.



                              Newbies Nest

                              lolab;1210750 wrote: Noel what is it about the sneakiness that's appealing?
                              I have a pretty lousy relationship with my husband and the sneakiness was almost a way of saying in my head 'Ha. Didn't know about THAT did you? Up yours'. Except of course, he didn't understand how bad my drinking had become and the only person I was hurting was myself. A bit of a control thing perhaps?

                              Drinking at 6 am before the family was out of bed so no-one would know, buying cartons or plastic bottles of wine so I could burn the empties rather than have a box of empty bottles for the binman , topping up whisky and wine bottles with water so no-one could see how much I'd put away (and very weak-coloured whisky it was too, God only knows how no-one noticed, or perhaps they did). Having a 3/4 full wine bottle of water (because I'd drunk all the wine) in the fridge, the mad dash to the supermarket to buy one with the same label to replace it, knocking back 1/4 bottle so no-one would notice I'd demolished the first one. Drinking in the car, one of the few places I would be on my own. On the way to pick the kids up from school. On the way home with the supermarket shopping. Oh yes, I can do a good sneaky.
                              AL free since 24 October 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Byrdlady;1210880 wrote: Hey all, I was looking at a couple other threads today and I have gotten some pretty good traction out of saying that drinking triggers a migraine...Is that a lie? Well, if you consider it in total, the last 25 years of my life have been one huge headache...NO! You might get a couple of questions but most will dismiss. I've also said that it aggravates a couple other things I have going on ...(I don't mention it's my liver and my marriage). I also used that I was detoxing for a few weeks and felt so much better just decided to keep the healthier lifestyle. If nothing else feels right, you can always say you're driving. I've only had one @$$hole press the issue and I got him good. I DO have ulcerative colitis...and when I declined a glass of wine one night, he pushed it and said, OH COME ON...ONE glass won't hurt you!!! And I looked our over my half specs and said, 'It isn't YOUR colon...". Not another word out of him. Most people don't even ask...don't stress this point too much, but do have your plan in place..and try to be consistant...
                                I use the fact that I've had breast cancer & there is lots of new research linking it to even moderate consumption of alcohol. You could use it if you've had cancer in your family too (there are plenty of us). The good thing about the dreaded 'c' word is that people are generally quite scared of it and rapidly change the subject.
                                AL free since 24 October 2011

