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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    day 9

    Good morning!

    :welcome: Hopeful & Playland

    Like all the ideas to get pushy people of your backs. And have a good laugh with the sneakyness!!:H

    I am going to spend 10 days in December with ex-family-in-law not to miss precious time with my kidz. This family was my addiction haven / heaven the past 5 years!
    AL is always available, especially on vacation. From 10am it starts...
    So...I think I am developing a severe case of colitis....

    A thought that helps me with not drinking AL is that if you try to life healthy and look at the recommended amount - it boils down to nothing!! Have any of you ever poured a 125ml glas of wine??? Thats a mouthful!! The second would be too much.
    It just helps personally. In social situations there is a gap to be pushy.

    Have a good day!
    12-20-2012 AF
    Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


      Newbies Nest

      Morning Nesters. What a buzz around the nest. Well done to everyone for another AF night and welcome welcome newbies. I am on D12! Can't believe it will be almost two weeks. Having said that still quite tired lol.
      Newbies- this is a wonderful place to be- lots of sage advice and support when cravings hit. I keep thinking that I will hae to start back at D1 and come back and confess if I drink. At the moment that is enough to keep cravings at bay. Also, eating and making sure I am not hungry at witching hour is a MAJOR help.

      Last night was probably one of the worst nights of craving so far. Wrapping presents and Mulled wine smelling through the house. Also hubby came home and bickering with him would normally make me pour a glass. As someone mentioned above (Nollie- i think) I thought- well it isn't going to bother him and I will be the one disappointed tomorrow morning. I can't flake on D11!!

      Hope you get lots of rest and help in the nest newbies! AF life is something we all deserve!

      p.s Blondie/Byrdie. Thank you for those ideas to combat social situations. I have a children's party this afternoon- where adults get grown up drinks. I would normally knock a few back and then come home and continue. I am visualising not having anything and coming home to get Baby ready for bed - sober and fully present!

      TC and happy AF Saturday!


        Newbies Nest

        Anyone feel like SPAM for breakfast See post right before mine and I think we can dish it out! Grrrrrr.

        Steady-I laughed at your post about the little amount of wine that is the "recommended" allowance and yes, it is like a spoonful to us in my mind! Just another reason not to drink as you can imagine we were well beyond what the very small "allowed" amount per day or else you have a drinking problem is!

        I will admit to you that although I have remained AF for these 18 days straight, I will not lie and tell you that it's been all fun and games. I still have that devil on my shoulder at 5PM coaxing me to have wine. And it's a struggle some nights to put that damn thing to rest. Simple things are effective...EATING for one. Number 2, thinking: "Fast Forward to HungOver"...God, I love that visual. Third, I'm on a strict low carb diet which prohibits AL for the first 2 weeks anyway and I'm only on week one, 4-Not wanting to let you guys down , and 5, thinking about how much better I will feel the next day if I don't...6, Knowing that it will cause me to downward spiral back into my old days, no matter what. There are lots more reasons like now I have so much more energy and I look 10 years younger and have lost about 5 lbs in the last 2 weeks but those 6 are the biggies for me. If it helps anyone else on here, I feel GOOD.

        Playland, nice to have you aboard the Nest! Make yourself comfy and hey, pass those cookies, Ok? Virtual ones won't have an effect on my LC Try also ginerale with a squeeze of lime or lemon at night in place of works really well. Or flavored selzter if you like fizzy drinks. That's been my latest craze lately.

        Nollie-Great posts from you...the description of "sneaking" it around...aren't you so relieved to not have to do that anymore. I never had to sneak it cause hubby drinks but doesn't have the problem that I had. There is still his al in the house but nothing that I would like. I was a pure wino at heart!

        I'm off and runny early this morning to work so another cup of coffee, breakie and a shower and then I'm headed out the door. But had to come on here and say hello and happy Sober Saturday first! Be well everyone and I'll check in tonight. I'm sure there will be another busy busy day in the Nest!
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          Newbies Nest

          Good morning nesters,

          Welcome Playland and Hopeful, this site is a lifesaver. There is such a homely feel to it and it Really helps us all stay on the wagon. I'm on day 34/35 now and I feel fantastic. The monkey is still on my back but I guess its just a matter of learning to ignore it. I haven't taken any meds or supps and I'm doing fine. I 'm going to buy the supps though as I could do with controlling my sugar cravings. Everyone here is inspirational and the power of people is amazing. There is always a post/posts that we all can really relate to and this is def the best time I've had going AF. This is undoubtedly down to all you guys, Thanks so much. I'm off to visit friends today but I'll be back later to catch up. Wishing you all a great Saturday and weekend xxx


            Newbies Nest

            Congrats Mrsg - you are racking up the days..I do take lots of vitamins but no l glut or anything myself either. You are so right about the power of people. I'm glad you're here.

            Blondie, if I had to go to work today, your place would be one I wouldn't mind, I think. I can't get my mind around eggnog flavored selzer...I even looked at the store yesterday but it's probably good that I didn't find it...LOL.

            minstar, wow, you are doing great in some tough situations! I'm so happy for you and your little girl...:-)

            hey Steady - whatever it takes I say....a little fib to stay AF??? heck yeah!

            oh nollie, good thing we couldn't share "sneaky" ideas....we'd probably not have made's very scary looking back.

            I saw playland on the previouspage - welcome to the nest! Hey Lav, Byrdie, Windy - everyone else here! sorry I can't stay on long....

            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters!

              Glad to see so many have had a safe night in the nest, makes a nest mum proud

              mrsg, just keep ignoring the mind chatter, you are doing great!
              I still get an occasional 'thought' but I quickly turn it off & move on to something else. With some practice you develop that new, healthier habit

              I seriously need to sweep out my portion of the nest today :H
              Wishing everyone a great AF day!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Morning all!!!!
                Had a hard time getting to sleep last night, finally dozed off at 3.. so I am getting a late start this morning..
                I am starting day 10...last night around midnight I had this feeling in my stomach that felt like anxious ... I was wondering if it was a craving so I ate some yogurt and felt a bit better, but sleep would not come for several more hours..looking forward to falling a sleep when I feel tied at night... I used wine to help me sleep for a long time.. I have replaced it with calms forte, water and sleepy time tea... but last night it did not do the trick... but I did not get any wine.. so aside from feeling I did not get enough sleep, I am happy with a no hangover Saturday morning
                Everyone is doing so well.. hope you all have a great AF day... I will check in later when I have more time


                  Newbies Nest

                  Herbie, things get much better - I still have my nights where my sleep is not what I'd like it to be, but it's not like before....when drinking, I swear I would go weeks of limited sleep - only every few weeks would I actually get a decent night and never a good one. Since you are using the calms, i will also throwout there that Hylands makes something else called Nerve Tonic. I take one of those before bed...I can barely keep my eyes open for long....then if I wake up in the night..well,,,,WHEN I wake up during the night - LOL...I take a calms and usually canget back to sleep. can't do the tea because then i am up peeing all night! You're doing great!

                  Hi Lav....I'm decorating my corner of the nest for the holidays....I can't decide whether to go with quiet understated white twinkling lights? Or flashy bright colors and loud music - LOL!!! maybe I'll combine the music with the lights - ya know the way they coordinate them....hmmmm...yeah maybe Trans Siberian Orchestra with flashing lights.

                  Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                  Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                    Newbies Nest

                    Min and Herbie, you guys are doing great. Keep it up, and you will feel so much better and PROUD of yourselves.

                    Min, I can especially identify with the fear of having to go back to day 1. I think sometime in my second week I had a dream that I slugged down some AL, and the worst feeling was going back to day 1. That scared the bejesus out of me.

                    It is so nice, for the 4th Saturday in a row, to drive my daughter to gymnastics without a HANGOVER.

                    Nollie, reading your post about sneakiness really made me think. I did a lot of the same things. One of my breaking points was when my 8yr old daughter caught me pouring water into a pretty blue Bombay Gin bottle and asked me what I was doing. Already under the influence i made something up and told her to "mind her own business". Boy did I feel bad after that.

                    Now that I am nearing the 30 day mark (27 AF today) I am thinking, hey this hasn't been so bad. Maybe I did not have a problem after all. But then I read Nollie's sneakiness post and thought "what a bunch of insane things to do"...and realized how I did many of those things. When I find myself thinking about getting near that rabbit hole, I need to come back and read posts like that. My sneaky behavior totally disgusts me, now that I can see it for what it is. That behavior was just the AL brain in survival mode. I want to kill that brain and keep it where it belongs...OUT OF MY HEAD!

                    BTW, good morning everyone. Lav, Byrdie, are doing such a good job keeping the nest together. :thumbs:

                    Alcohol does me no favors.

                    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                      Newbies Nest

                      omg belle, you just made me remember a dream I had last night....I was smoking marlboro lights with my 13 year old son! WTF???? I haven't even had a thought of smoking since I got pregnant 14 years ago! Sheesh, my subconcious wants to be thinks...:H

                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters!!!

                        Was 2 days out of the Nest but didn' t get very silly..One day - 3 glasses of white wine, the next one - 1 bottle of white wine (and very slowly)...Bad, but at least i didn' t get sick.
                        This weekend was stressful because my boyfriend is having every second week his 7 old year son, who' s running around and driving me crazy..It' s just totally different understandings about education of kids for me and my partner and probably cultures too..
                        Yestarday was my Day 1, but i felt very well - went to meet my new friend - artist from Europe , had wonderful conversation, we watched new movie with Tilda Swinton, i came home and my dear boyfriend was already drunk and i smelled beer...i can say that i hate smell of beer especially when i'm sober..
                        I was so happy about my day that i didn' t have any intention to go and buy wine for me..

                        So, today Day 2, feel good. Perhaps my Zoloft starts working too and i' m thinking about plans for next week.
                        And i have nice new summer shoes I'm crazy about nice shoes...

                        Wishing everybody nice and peaceful Sunday!!!

                        The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                        /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                          Newbies Nest

                          Happy Sat. night nesters and I hope it's a safe and sober one for all of you!

                          I had a really great day at work was very busy but fun at the same time. Came home and hubs and I ate a hearty dinner and then now I'm off to watch a movie with him and be lazy on the sofa for a change. I'm in between novels right now but don't feel like starting one this evening. Tomorrow I'll be at work all day again but Sundays are nothing compared to Saturdays so it will be relaxed.

                          Have a great rest of the weekend everyone and stay strong!
                          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                          BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Happy to report a sober Saturday
                            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                              Newbies Nest

                              18 big Days Blondi!! Very well done. I was out and about a little bit today and people were crawling around like ants coming out the walls. Thought about you getting such an early start today and dealing with all those people. My hat is off to you!
                              So glad you are doing well, and it only gets better. Shine on! Quiet day in the nest, hope all is going well for everyone. Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                FF, I've never smoked, but I understand that is one heck of a habit to kick...I don't know how you are doing 2 things at was all I could do to give up AL!!! Whatever you are doing is obviously working so I will continue to be amazed. MindPeace to all, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

