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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Awe Byrdie -- I love what you say and how you say it ...Don't ever change. You have a unique style that is soooo very special. And what you say ALWAYS is extremely meaningful and we get so much out of it. You will never know just how much.:h Sunday mornings I have some extra time on my hands; I get up early before anyone else, so it gives me an opportunity to catch up, since I have be remiss lately. It doesn't happen every day.

    PF -- Glad you haven't died.

    Wicked -- No booze for me for over 54 days..And I have absolutely no illusions whatsoever about modding......WoooHooo. HOLDING STRONG.


      Newbies Nest

      The devil has me. Look forward to tomorrow and af. Hope everyone else managed to keep AL free. Xxx


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Nesters. Had a girls' night out at a hotel with my daughter to celebrate my Birthday. The shop in the hotel had beer and small bottles of wine, and I cannot say I was not tempted. But I made it through. We watched Kung Fu Panda 2, old episodes of Ren and Stimpy (remember them?), and spent time in the hotel pool and whirlpool. Didn't sleep that well, and was feeling very anxious as I am waiting to get blood work results from the physical I had on Friday. Been having weird physical symptoms, which in hindsight are the miracle that brought me to going AF.

        After we left the hotel, we went to a grocery store. Passing the wine shop I noticed that they were giving out free samples of Beaujolais Nouveau. Beaujolais Nouveau is special to me because it usually comes out on or near my birthday, and one year I was in Paris celebrating my birthday alone...but was happy it was Beaujolais Nouveau night! Anyway...and my cart was heading right to the free samples without even thinking. Luckily at the last minute I realized "what the heck am I doing" and made a quick left into the natural food section. Whew...that was a close one.

        Windy...I didn't think you drank a couple of glasses of wine. Not sure what I said that made you think that. Sorry Trying to catch up here at home (and helping with homework) since I was away for 24 hrs...funny how things don't get done when hubby and son are left on their own, so I haven't been able to go back to see what I said.

        Take care all...

        Alcohol does me no favors.

        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


          Newbies Nest

          Min, Don't give up. Come back tomorrow, read, read and post to let us know how you are doing.

          Alcohol does me no favors.

          Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


            Newbies Nest

            Hi there. I am brand new here...need a brand new attitude/way to deal with the drinking problem.
            Today is day 1 for me and I want it to be forever. I'm sick and tired of apologising to my sons and husband for my drinking. They hate it. I hate it. I've had enough. I have tried topamax before without the program..but it left my brain a bit foggy.

            Feeling just horrid today..getting through a day at work and counting down the hours until I go home.

            I'm looking for ward to meeting some of you.


              Newbies Nest

              sobafun;1212048 wrote: Hi there. I am brand new here...need a brand new attitude/way to deal with the drinking problem.
              Today is day 1 for me and I want it to be forever. I'm sick and tired of apologising to my sons and husband for my drinking. They hate it. I hate it. I've had enough. I have tried topamax before without the program..but it left my brain a bit foggy.

              Feeling just horrid today..getting through a day at work and counting down the hours until I go home.

              I'm looking for ward to meeting some of you.
              You have made a great decision, it will change your life(in short order) and in VERY positive ways. Stop in often, ask away, or just comment away.

              I wish you strength and luck in the journey we are all walking in........cuz need LOTS of both!!! :H
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                Newbies Nest

                Can I join you again for my second attempt? Had a mixed week trying to deal with huge cravings and inconsistent self talk leading to downing a bottle and a half yesterday. The remainder has just gone down the sink and this my start day which will NOT involve AL. MinStar will you join me in day 1?


                  Newbies Nest

                  Byrdlady;1211874 wrote: Ok, I've been in this nest for 2 dang years and I still can't figure out how you all name all the names! When I try to go back for reference, I lose my posts and that's maddening! Windy you just went right down the list, it was crazy good!! Everyone does it...HOW?? And Lolab, I've tried in ernest to do the window in window thing...alas, I am stupid. By the time I get to the end of a reading session, I am just hitting the high spots that strike a chord with me and that's no good. I try to write things down as I go, but I'm old. I need a course on this site! When I leave the nest I can't get back??? What's up with that? I will have some time over the holidays to work on these things, and I will. Well done to everyone!!! Each person here deserves a hat! We are ALL trying to do better and we ARE!! Happy, Sober Sunday everyone! (WHERE is Greg???) Byrdie
                  Byrdie, I've just checked in and wondering the exact same thing. Only been here a couple of months but it changes soooo quickly and I can't keep up with all the lovely peeps. How do they scroll back, check everyone and not lose their post?? I couldn't fathom that double window thing either - if anyone could try shed light again please? I also want to know how to "double quote" in a post???

                  Anyway, I think Windy asked me about the name change. Numerologywise, my life path is a 5 - the "constructive" use of freedom. The negative aspect is "sex, drugs & rock&roll" to excess. Done that, got t-shirt. Now I'm learning about true freedom. Freedom really is my thing and without all that crap, I feel like I'm flying. Funny thing is I don't have to do anything at all. It's what I don't do that sets me free :happyheart:
                  You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                    Newbies Nest

                    Don't you just hate it when your post disappears!!! Byrdie couldn't agree more...

                    Tried catching up and whole post gone bye bye so taking cue from that. See you tomorrow. Safe night all x
                    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                      Newbies Nest

                      I know how you feel and I will tell you something that helped me. I kept a journal of how I felt the times when I had a hangover and felt terrible for how I had acted or behaved when I was drinking. I also wrote down the way I felt at the time. Anxious, depressed etc. I looked at it when I was tempted to drink and it seemed to help me remember why I was trying to stay away from alcohol. It seems like as I would feel better after a few days and forget how terrible the alcohol made me feel. I wish you all the luck in the world-I need a little of it myself though.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thanks inthelight. Yes it's too easy to forget all those negatives. I have just read over my previos posts too, to remind myself of the positives I felt when not drinking. Good luck.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Hello & welcome to sobafun & inthe light!
                          Glad you found us
                          soba, I understand that the Topa can be hard to handle for some. I didn't take it or any other meds myself. What I did rely avily on was the Hypno CDs - they really did it for me! If you don't have them, think about getting them & use them as instructed. And don't forget to look in the for more great ideas on making a good plan

                          lilla, glad you are right back as well. You can do this too provided you are commited

                          Well, I still have work to do before the evening is over so I'll wish everyone a safe night in the nest

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi everyone -

                            I have to be honest - I am NEVER going to be as good as Windy at remember who said what by name in the nest. I'm not. I'd like to say I would but WHEW - that would be a fib and a half.

                            And I can't stay on super long tonight - I owe a ton of people back phone calls - BUT - I do want to tell my fellow nestlings that I missed you this weekend.

                            As we start a new work week - which in the States - is typically short and hectic as we get ready for a BIG stressful holiday with our families - this is a week that will tempt our US folks deeply.

                            So - everyone else that has strength -please be prepared to apply butt velcro and nest straps as necessary.

                            For the US folks - we just have to practice ODAT.
                            * Do you have your notebooks out to the pages where you wrote down what you wanted to achieve?
                            * Do you remember how crappy you felt letting everyone down - not the least of which was yourself?
                            * Do you remember how bad the first few weeks of your quit was?
                            * Do you have all your supplements lined up, in travel cases if you are going somewhere - ready to go with you?
                            * Do you have your "why aren't you drinking" response teed up?

                            And if you slip...are you ready and committed to coming back to the Nest? Because it's better you are here - than being being ashamed and hiding.

                            This is a tough week - get your L-Glutamine to the ready! :-)

                            Day 25. And today - I was stronger than AL.
                            That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                            Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                            AF - August 20, 2012


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Nesters!

                              PF, that is a great post with the list and all to get ready for TG as that seems to be a big concern I'm seeing around MWO as well as feeling it myself! Well stated in your post and the list is very smart.

                              sobafun-Welcome aboard, also Inthelight! Glad to see you in the Nest. The first few days are the hardest but it does get easier, I promise. Come on here as much as you can, especially when you feel weak. There are lots of supportive folks in the Nest to keep you on track!

                              Lilla and Minstar-Lav said it best, "you can do this provided you are committed". You have to want sobriety, you have to feel it. Visualize it for yourself. You can do it. You are stronger than AL. Good for you both for coming back to the Nest right away. Tomorrow is a new day and a chance to make it a sober one!

                              Byrd, I can't keep track of who said what and all the names with every post...but rest assured that I read them and I know you do too, and these folks are in our hearts and minds. I hope you all know that. The pace that this thread runs at is intense and it's so nice to see that there is always someone one here responding to another member who is in need or new or just wants to vent. Lots happens on here between my morning and evening check ins...I would check in mid-day but I don't sit at a computer at work...too busy running ragged on the sales floor.

                              Have a lovely Sober Sunday night all...just had a cup of delicious Gingerbread Spice tea (a new holiday flavor by CS). Herbal caffeine free too! Yummy! Off to bed so I'll say hello in the am. Night all!
                              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                              BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Everyone, I been absent for just one night, I think, and wow, this nest moves very quickly. I really enjoy reading about your thoughts and experiences and I know at some point here I will be ready to go AF. I did make chocolate cupcakes instead of cookies yesterday but ended up eating them with a few glasses of wine, that's sad I know, I was going to eat cookies instead of wine. I'm sure I am now just make an excuse and here it is, I'm going to get thru thanksgiving before tackling my first AF day, it's just too much for me to do it now. I really admire all of you, you are doing really well and I've never met so many kind souls before, Thank God for the Nest, it is drawing me in. I did start taking the Kudzu Rescue today, perhaps that will even help.

                                Peace and Love to All.

