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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    So - meet with one of the people who make decisions tomorrow - and he is in rare form. The other one is out but has scheduled a meeting for first thing Monday. Yay me - not looking good and dragging for days.


    The other stuff went into the crapper today too. But I was in my all time fave gourmet shop for Thanksgiving and I bypassed the BIG Holiday wine buy for the parties.

    Avoided those aisles like the devil himself would snatch me - and given how much money I've spent there - he would have.

    But I have been weepy enough tonight. Worst night for triggers so far but here we are -

    Day 27 - and today I was enough. Today I was stronger than AL.
    That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
    Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
    AF - August 20, 2012


      Newbies Nest

      Well done, are becoming stronger than AL every time you go tell him to pound someone else's mind. Take back your head and your wonderful life. Distract yourself in those grocery store something to give to someone else. It helps. You are doing just great. I am so proud of you....Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Morning all, Europe is waking up! Byrdie you post so many wise things. PF, stay strong, it would be so much harder to get through this drunk. Lilla, you made it through Day 1, keep it up, you can do this. Noal, I too love your ramblings, you remind me of me.

        I love looking at people's moods. How often they seem desperate and struggling in the early days of giving up alcohol and how many more 'Learning' "yeehaw' 'Joyful' 'Happy' 'Optimistic' Inspired' & 'Confidents' we see from those who've toughed it out.

        For what it's worth i don't think a hangover diary would have been much good for me because my body got so used to the alcohol that I suffered from a hangover. Although now I'm slowly getting it out of my system I feel a million times more alert than I have done for years, I'm only now realising how it was affecting me.
        AL free since 24 October 2011


          Newbies Nest


          Byrdie - Congrats on 10 months!!:goodjob: You are living proof that you can change your life in less than a year! I'm hanging on for day 13...

          Noal - good for 35 days and the BIG difference it makes in your family life. My dad was an alcoholic and very uninterested in us... it hurt like hell! Your kids will never forget what you do for them now.

          Blondie - I love the blond dog!! I have a labrador and shaved it last week, so it is very white right now!:H

          To the very new 2nd & 3rd dayers - hang in there!:l

          Have a good day!:h
          12-20-2012 AF
          Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


            Newbies Nest

            Morning Nesters!
            Day1 for me again. Did have some wine with a lovely dinner with my gals. 4 Bottle shared between 5 girls over 7 hours! Still feel crap for it though- very tired and groggy. However, I am glad to be waking up to a AL free day! I sooooo do not want to go back to the way I was. It is a weird feeling to have- knowing that AL is not going to control me- but knowing full well it can so easily.

            Did 13 days so onto 30 now! Bring on more AF days!
            Newbies- sorry not had a chance to go back and read. Got back late last night and busy with madam this morning. Welcome and make yourselves comfortable. This really is such a great place to be!

            well done to all those sticking to AF days! Inspirational and good work!



              Newbies Nest

              lilla;1212057 wrote: Can I join you again for my second attempt? Had a mixed week trying to deal with huge cravings and inconsistent self talk leading to downing a bottle and a half yesterday. The remainder has just gone down the sink and this my start day which will NOT involve AL. MinStar will you join me in day 1?

              Hey lilla- Come join- I'm on D1 again Aiming for more AF days in Nov than Al ones!


                Newbies Nest

                Steady Hands;1212330 wrote: Hi there!

                MinStar - you got me worried...Are you ok? I admire how you handle AF and baby + partner. I watched mine for 5 days in a row and thought I was going crazy!! Very happy to leave them with their dad for a few nights....
                Hey Steady hands! I am doing good. Really feel like I am in a different place with AL. even though I had three days of 'moderate' drinking. I know it can go down a long horrible road and don't want to go there. I am not even going to say I can moderate. I do not drink and this weekend was a slip up. I am still a NON- drinker.
                Looking forward to having NO AL today.
                Baby is really good- she is a gem! I am spending the day in PJ' and getting loads of cuddles. I look at her and remind myself I have to do this for her. like you said- I was happy to leave her with her Papa yesterday whilst I indulged! LOL.


                  Newbies Nest

                  MinStar, how lucky are you to have a baby to have all those glorious years ahead of you. I am at the other end, both now off at uni and OFF doing own thing .... So here I sit alone! Oh well, its about time I looked at myself and what I WANT from life rather than being all things to all people and using wine as my way to get through. Yes, I am just about to say goodnight to my third week of my new way of living (yes counting my AF days in November (nine) and seeing them as a huge improvement over my AF days in October whih were NIL) - what liberation. Good luck to you for today and everyone else too as you all settle in for your evening.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters!

                    Ha ha, Lolab, that is exactly the visual I had when I said the comment about Birds of a Feather stay together...all of us nestlings huddled together, securely fastened with nest straps and butt velcro. Now there's a visual!

                    Minstar, congrats on Day 1...hope you feel better soon sweetie. You'll be back to feeling good again once AL gets out of your system in a few days. Just remember how you feel right now the next time a craving hits

                    Steady, that is my dog...part jack russell, part beagle and part crazy. I guess you could call her blonde...she is mostly white with tan ears and tan patch on her back. She's a cutie. Hyper but cute. That's her "I'm a good doggie" pose. It's not always like that

                    PF-Sorry your news is getting dragged out through the weekend (about the job). Nothing like suspense in that major life category is there??? Hang in there and be strong. All things happen for a reason is what I've always believed. Even the most challenging ones...

                    Windy, 60 days on TG day? How cool! All the more reason not to give in.

                    Byrdie, what are you doing for TG? Cooking or being a guest? All I have to do is bring a dessert but I just emailed my SIL to see what desserts aren't already on the menu and I got the reply that they have an apple pie, a pumpkin pie and a pecan pie that are already spoken I guess I won't be bringing a! But, really, how many desserts do we need on the table for pete's sake? I was going to bring some cupcakes but those are a lot of work and may not even get eaten. Then there was an idea to bring my favorite crisp but with an apple pie on the table, I think that is overkill on the apple theme. I do have a nice Maine recipe for Blueberry Ginger crisp...that would be lighter and healthier for the cupcakes, but geez, Lavande, I was going to have a cupcake bake off with you for those cute turkey themed ones!!!

                    Hi to all the nice nesters checking in today. Make this day a safe, healthy and happy one!
                    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                    BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning nesters!

                      Yawn, getting a super sluggish start here today but I did have a good sleep for a change

                      MinStar, just wondering - do your GFs have young babies as well?
                      If not you just may want to consider changing the way you relate to those girls, the partying, etc. This sounds like it could be a continual source of trouble in your quit.
                      Changing habits & sometimes even friends is an important part of your plan ~ or should be. Wishing you well today!

                      Blondie, you pup is cute! Does she have a lot of room to run that energy off? That helps with a lot of dogs.

                      PF, thinking about you today as well!

                      Windy, looking at the big Six Oh this week, awesome :H

                      Byrdie, at 10 months AF I just know you feel like a completely different person ~ I sure did

                      OK, gotta get some work done!
                      Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello all,
                        Once again I have not had time to read back - I am starting to sound like a broken but my life is soooo busy at the moment, I have teeball everynight of the week apart from Fridays and this weekend is also full of teeball, but keeps me away from AL so I dont mind.
                        Tomorrow I will be 45 days A/F and I am soooo happy......I keep thinking that this happy bubble will burst one day!!!! that I cant really be this happy and for soo long and I thank giving up the booze for this happiness and all of you wonderful people here :l
                        Well im off to watch a bit of telly before I hit the sack
                        Hope you all have a wonderful day/night
                        :dancin: enguin:
                        starting over


                          Newbies Nest

                          Ok - meeting with the angry one this PM who is fighting with the one who could do the formal news. Meeting with the one who could do the bad formal news Monday. Meeting with the one who was supportive before - cancelled as of a few minutes ago.

                          yup - not looking good. Sighs.

                          Being pecked to death by ducks.
                          That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                          Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                          AF - August 20, 2012


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nesters,

                            It's been a couple of days since I last posted but I've been here, just reading away. All is great here, I'm on day 38!!!! VERY happy and feeling very hopeful and thankful. Of course I still get a bit sad thinking about the future e.g Christmas, new year etc.. but I get there and I try to remember odaat. My energy is definetely returning which is great. Ronnie, congats on your 45 days tom!!! Big achievement!! It's cold here in Ireland today but bright and crisp. I have a bday party on Saturday, I don't think I'll go, they are my hubbys friends and they are huge party people, they love to get buzzed on Everything, not just booze and I would feel under huge pressure to drink. I'm still unsure whether to go to my Mums for Christmas or have it in my own home with just me, hubby and kids. My kids want to go to my Mums, but it will be a huge piss up, I feel that the best thing for me to do is to take care of ME. this will be my first Christmas AF and I need to do what feels best for me. I'm not a selfish person by nature but I need to put me first at the moment. I might just go to my Mums for breakfast and come home then and have dinner here. If I have the turkey in the oven we'll have to come home!! I'm not thinking of modding at all now, I had thought about it up until a week ago. that modding book I had ordered arrived but I haven't bothered reading it, it might be too tempting. I see that as a HUGE improvement. Before I would have devoured it as I would have seen it as maybe being my lifeline to another drink. But NO, I'm doing too good and deep down I know this is the right choice. Having read so many posts about peoples struggles with modding, I just don't see the point, it seems too scary and I've tried before, it didn't work. The AL is usually more powerful than any resolve. I hope everyone in the US is keeping strong with Thanksgiving coming up, god, I'm so glad we don't have that celebratiion here, Christmas is enough!! But, if you can stay AF during TG you can for Christmas too !Have a great day everyone xxxx


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey just a quick one!
                              Lilla, Blondie and Lav thanks for your posts!
                              Lav- my friends are a mix of single, dating, married with kids over 10 and one who has a baby 4 month old. She was well behaved yesterday as she had to come back and drive the car so had just a glass. They are pretty supportive of my decision and have been good so far. I can't really blame them!
                              Lilla- It is a luxury to spend time for yourself! Enjoy!

                              Jason Vale arrived! Am looking forward to getting into it. I decided to travel over to my Mum's place. Rather than sit at home for the next few days alone (hubby working and then out in the evenings).

                              Hope everyone else is doing well!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all
                                PF best luck..I hate these situations.
                                All of you who are getting the days down...its so good seeing how great people feel after 30 days plus!
                                Day 3 coming up. Best get the kids off to school.
                                Will catch up later.

