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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Wow! Thanks belle. You've made me feel so welcome. I really appreciate that! What day are you on? And happy thanksgiving !
    45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
    New day 1- 9 January !
    Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Nesters! I have been out of pocket on here for about a day and a half and boy do you sure miss a lot when you aren't checking in here a few times a day! Well done on everyone sticking to their AF guns! Welcome Australia! Congrats on making it here and your sober time so far. Also to Nursie, MinStar, Steady, Herbie, Belle on her 30 days...whhoooohooo! That is wonderful! You are all doing so great and it's super to have you be settled into the nest!

      PF, have a wonderful time at your friend's party. I hope things will work out better for you; I know you have been down lately but at least you are not giving into the AL beast and you will be all the better for it, you know you will!

      ANNOUNCEMENT: This is my first sober Thanksgiving holiday in 20 years. And I am not even 40 yet so there you go. I am excited and nervous a little at the same time but I have an armload of my spiced pumpkin seltzer and excuses for not drinking tomorrow. And screw anyone who doesn't understand...this is MY LIFE. I don't want to wake up Friday morning with a tummy ache and hangover. I have 2 glorious days off in a row starting now (just came off a 6 day work stretch and it was fast paced every minute...that's why I haven't been on here that much this week...just to let you know!).

      Happy TG to all of my fellow Americans! Part of what I am thankful for this year is MWO and all of you wonderful, supportive members.

      PS, Timpin, well done on not having that glass of wine at the hotel bar...I used to travel a lot for work and drinking at night in hotels on the company dime was a big part of why I liked it so much. It's so tempting when you are in that setting and just want to unwind. You are strong for not giving in...well done!

      Well, I have to catch up on some other threads here so I'll close for now and be on tomorrow am to say hello before stuffing my face with turkey dinner...wwweeeeeee!!!! Oh, also on the agenda tomorrow morning after I sleep in a bit is to make a batch of spiced pumpkin cupcakes topped with maple buttercream frosting, which I am bringing to my SIL's for dessert. I can't wait to try that flavor combination!

      Eat well, be well, no AL!

      Goodnight nesters!
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        Newbies Nest

        Evening All

        I am exhausted from this week, traveling to Phoenix was a pain, flight delays etc, did not get to bed until 2 am and up by 6:30... it has been that way all week. Mom's surgery went well and she should be going home tomorrow.. I was planning on leaving Friday AM .. but pressure from family to stay longer and I am to my great down fall, a people pleaser.. it is hard for me to say no, impossible to put myself first.. so I told my mom I would stay through the 5th for her 80th BD... today.. when I got back to the house I just wanted to cry, I want to go home, I miss my dogs, my horses, my bed etc ... and I did not bring enough of my supps to stay that long... told my sister I spoke too soon and would not be able to stay after all... she goes, don't tell mom today she will be so disappointed..I feel so selfish...I want to go home, mom is going to be fine, (she has never come to stay with me when ever I have been in the hospital) but I feel so darn guilty ... how did I ever get to be this old and not stand up for myself?


          Newbies Nest

          Hey Aus, everybody made me feel so welcome when I first came here, and that meant the world to me. I haven't been around all that long. Today is Day 31 AF. I just went back to read my first post, and that seems so long ago. Hope you can hang around for a while. It is a great place to be!

          Alcohol does me no favors.

          Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


            Newbies Nest

            Awwwww - Herbie - hugs. Sending you love and support.
            That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
            Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
            AF - August 20, 2012


              Newbies Nest

              Herbie- at least you know your family loves you and wants to have your company ! That must be a nice feeling : )
              45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
              New day 1- 9 January !
              Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


                Newbies Nest

                That's great belle! Sounds like a long time to me, lol.
                45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                New day 1- 9 January !
                Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


                  Newbies Nest

                  Welcome Austrailia!
                  Blonde, how do ya make that seltzer, it sounds yummmm!
                  I cooked and cleaned all day. Did some food shopping. Thought About buying wine and decided I didn't want to start over on day one. Me and Soba and ? One other person are all day 4 today so I enjoy having that camaraderie.
                  I finally found some of that Tulsi tea...who told me about that?? It is DIVINE!!!
                  I am sober. I need to stay sober tomorrow when the wine is flowing!!
                  Day 1 again 11/5/19
                  Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                  Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                  Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                  11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                  12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                  One day at a time.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters!

                    Hello & welcome Australia
                    Glad you found the nest & decided to join us! Be sure you download the MWO book from the Health store here on the site. It has a lot of info about the program, supplements, hypno CDs, etc.

                    I am not celebrating Thanksgiving until Saturday but I want to wish everyone celebrating tomorrow a happy & healthy day. Think about yourself & your commitment before you grab a glass

                    Herbie, I'm sorry you are feeling pressured right now. Please stay in touch, keep checking in, OK?

                    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest. Use the nest belts & butt velcro if needed

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning all - I was too busy to post yesterday but how things have moved on!
                      Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in the US and Belle congrats on 30+ days, PF you are so nearly there too-sorry to hear it's a tough time for you but you have so much strength of spirit coming through your words.
                      Nursie - love your quote about never waking up and regretting not drinking, that was me this morning and I feel great. I'm on day 4 with you and soba and MinStar?? How are you going with the JV book Min. I got half way through and ground to a halt when I had my setback last week.
                      Lav, lolab , byrdie thank you for all the encouragement you give. Dreams - I hope your family situation improves but at least without you under the influence it will have a chance to repair.
                      Herbie best wishes for your Mum. And of course, wishing everyone another great day in control.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Well done everyone!! Everyone is sticking close and hanging in! Remember, you KNOW how the story ends if you stay strong...stay out of the rabbit hole. It's no good down there. Hope everyone has only good things to report...there is NO rational reason to drink for us. Just say NO, HELL NO! No matter what and no matter who. All my love, Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks Byrd- well said!
                          45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                          New day 1- 9 January !
                          Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


                            Newbies Nest

                            Happy Thanksgiving..Thanks for the moral boost Byrd.
                            Day 4 :done


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi all... I have a lot of catching up to do on the posts for the last week... I have calmed down and getting ready to doze off.. but just realized I am 15 days AF!!! I have been out to dinner with others drinking, I have been in the store and asked what kind of wine I want and turned it all down..these supps are wonderful and knowing you are all here to support and love.. This Thanksgiving I am thankful to you all... happy trukey day to all


                                Newbies Nest

                                Happy Turkey day fellow American Nesters.
                                Stay strong.

                                Welcome Australia

                                D3 begins here! Lilla- JV book is ok- about 100 pages into it. I can see where he is constantly drumming in the messages. I like that he is logical and rational in explaining what we really already knew. Hope you get back to the book. I am thinking I will be needing to keep it close and perhaps re- read snippets every so often. Though it does make me think about the government and how they are really such B?$5ar&s! Shocking how the stats are against alcohol influenced and related deaths compared to other drugs. And they still promote adverts and 24h availability! Once they do that there will be an uproar if they change. Once again- the big wigs really are lining their own pockets! grrrrhhh

                                Enough! Enjoy a AL free TG people

