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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Half way through day 4 and I seem to be having a difficult time, I know it will take around 10 days for the cravings to stop. What I do not understand is, I got up this morning and everything was great, had the first good nites sleep in a long time, felt positive. I am still postive, but right now if I was offered a drink I would not turn it down. Strange how this devil can flip you on a dime. If the day was not still so young, I would retreat to my bedroom and stay there. If I continue to feel this way, I can also feel a bout of depression coming on, for I beginning to feel irritable. I gather this is normal, but I never had this before, but I was not drinking as much before. I guess I answered my own questions. Is anyone else as confused as I am?


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Dreams

      I haven't had many temptations since I stopped, but want to encourage you just to hang in there minute by minute...

      You will feel a lot better tomorrow if you don't drink!
      12-20-2012 AF
      Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


        Newbies Nest

        IfDreams....Holy Mood Swings! This is totally normal!!! If you are bored out of your mind today...see my very early posts....I was bouncing off the walls...I'd go from one minute in complete control to wanting to down a BOX of wine the next! Keep going, your mood will even out! (thank God, right?) Just hang in there!! It is nuts to go to such extremes....I mean one end of the scale to the other!

        I need to extend special congrats to WINDY AND LOLAB! The 60 Day Sistas!!! Look at you two!!!! I'm so proud of you both! Not only kicking down the days but also giving back to the nest....I think you've both done a fabulous job in every way. You make those of us who white knuckled it look like a bunch of rank amateurs!!! Well done!!!
        Blonde you are lining it up too! Give me a hug!!! Well done, all...I will never know how you go down the list of all the nesters...well, I do know how, you take the time to do should have your own talk make everyone feel like he/she's the only person in the world you are interested in.

        Made it thru my first sober Thanksgiving!! It was such a relief to not have to have/hide/drink/dispose of a stash of booze! And no one else drank!!! I always thought they did for some reason....we even went out to eat all 3 nights we were on the road with others that I would have sworn drank in years past...but we were all cheap dates just drinking water. It was not hard at all to make it fact it was 10 times easier, no make that 100 times easier than trying to sneak and drink the whole time.....
        I will go back and really read all the posts...I don't want to miss a thing. My heartiest congratulations to us all for making this our first sober Thanksgiving...(I'll drink to that!!! but make mine water! If you fell out, climb on back up here....and we'll pass you the butt velcro. Your bud, Byrd
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          windy;1214735 wrote: Hi Nesters,

          Made it though Thanksgiving and I am more than half way to my original goal of 100 days. Never, ever thought it was possible 3 months ago. Coming here and declaring my intentions for abstinence and being held accountable has made all the difference in the world to me.:thanks:

          I have a confession to make -- Last night I wanted a glass of wine with dinner (just one?) and seriously I almost caved, but remembering my commitment and all of you here, made me put that thought aside. I really don't want to disappoint any one here as strange as that sounds. I don't know how I would tell you something like that. My promise is just that -- a promise -- and It means a lot to me. And having you there for me means a lot too. THANKS!!!

          Which also reinforces how hard this is to control. Every day is a challenge -- Some are just easier than others and Thank goodness for the easier days.. Those are the days I get my arsenal ready for the bad days...So...for a while I guess it is definitely ODAT.

          Last night was difficult I will not lie, but I held the line and today I am up at 5:30 (a.m.); hungover free, and that is better than any buzz I have ever had. I have 60 consecutive AL free days and I feel like I am gaining more control every day. I still have a long way to go, there is no kidding my self there. Sometimes it is challenging. Yesterday was a big challenge and it was hour by hour. Towards the end of the evening I noticed a few people with heavy eyes and loud voices and I was VERY glad it was not me. That was a NEW feeling. I could see the progression from a short moment of joy in the beginning to loud and mixed thoughts at the end. I also don't think anyone who was drinking was any happier than I was...And I know I am happier this morning.

          I hope everyone here is happier today!!
          Awesome Windy. An inspiration, as always. :thanks:
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            Newbies Nest

            Windy and LolaB - wowee....60 days sistas! And, on the heels of a day where so many of us used as an excuse to REALLY public.

            You are inspirational proof that AF living truly gets better and better - thank you for sharing your journeys with us!
            Sober for the Revolution!
            AF & NF July 23, 2011


              Newbies Nest

              Having a tough evening here...nothing really bad happened, just feeling anxious and thought about how much a drink would calm me down and make me feel better.

              So I logged right in here...had to. It's probably the only thing between me and a bottle right now. I hope to now pull myself together and get the leftover turkey on the table FAST. Once I get there I should be OK.

              Happy 60 days to Windy and LolaB. You da bombs!

              Alcohol does me no favors.

              Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                Newbies Nest

                Hang in there, Belle. Get some food in you and it will be easier to resist a drink. Think how good you will feel tonight when you crawl into bed sober!
                ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                  Newbies Nest

                  CONGRATS Windy and LolaB!!!!! You ROCK!!!

                  BelleGirl - hang tough. You can do this. XOXO
                  That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                  Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                  AF - August 20, 2012


                    Newbies Nest

                    Yeah I am home...!!! Got through my Mom's surgery and T day AF.. thinking tonight driving home how nice a glass of wine would be tonight after traveling all day, but then remember i would not want just one... IDWH.... the supps help so much... the L Glutamine and the Calms Forte..... we have all gone from flying high to the depression around here, it is normal.. and feeling very emotional... when that starts to happen to me I log on and get strength from the Nesters
                    We are are so lucky (blessed) to have each other...I am still unpacking and getting settled back in and will catch up on all the post later tonight...Oh my CDs came while I was gone.... yeah again can't wait to start listening to them..


                      Newbies Nest

                      I worked on Thanksgiving so my family waited for me and we had it this evening. This was the first one in many years that was AF. I was tempted when I saw all the beer in the fridge, but it just isn't an option for me anymore. I always thought they drank more, too, like Byrdlady mentioned! I guess that was just my way of trying to remake my memories so I was not the only drunk! It feels good to have made it through, though.
                      "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                      AF 11/12/11


                        Newbies Nest

                        I am pooped from all the Thanksgiving Doings!!! I'm so tired I don't have the energy to nag Hubs to get the Christmas stuff out of the attic!!
                        So glad to see folks coming here when they need a kick in the shorts!! Don't take that drink no matter what or no matter who! It will NOT make you feel better, make you more relaxed, make you run faster or jump higher! All it will do is put you back to Day 1. Been there, done that....don't wanna do it again. At this point, 10 I still get the thoughts that a drink would be nice? Sure I do. But I dismiss it immediately and DO NOT DWELL on it. I am also happily married, when I see a handsome man, do I not sometimes think...ooh-la-la? Yes, but then I remember I am married....same thing here. I am married to being sober, and that, is that! I am tired of wastiing time thinking of all the what ifs....Being sober feels great! (and being married to a bottle sucks) Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters!

                          Spent most of the day prepping for tomorrow's Thanksgiving/Birthday gathering!
                          Had to postpone TG due to kid's schedules, today is my son's BD, Monday is my grandson's BD so everything is being celebrated tomorrow

                          Congrats to so many on an AF Thanksgiving
                          To those who fell out of the nest - welcome back, glad you are here. Just keep trying ~ you'll get there!

                          If horses - I was on an antidepressant for a fe years. It made me numb & didn't lessen my desire to drink! I finally ditched it & went on a good OTC called Amoryn. No side effects & great (quick) results. I stopped drinking altogether soon after starting on it. Take a look: AMORYN Mood Booster | Natural Antidepressant | Supplement for Depression & Anxiety
                          Dealing with RA is very difficult I know - my Mom had it as well. Don't know what meds you are taking but look into adding Amoryn - it really helped me.

                          Byrdie - our netsers are doing pretty well - aren't they???

                          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest. Buckle up & stay put

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            I am also happily married, when I see a handsome man, do I not sometimes think...ooh-la-la? Yes, but then I remember I am married.... haHA Byrdie - I LOVE it! So true!

                            And thanks also love the 60 day sistas...:-) I'm astonished really - at how strong everyone is hanging here!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!

                            OH and try opening a word document, and also this site and flip back and forth reading here and writing in word....then copy and paste? How will that work? IF anyone wants to address all. I haven't done it in a long time - but I need to -there are so many new wonderful people.

                            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              Today is 30 days.

                              In 30 days I have:
                              - *started frighted, desperate, & bereft
                              - *was unsure whether I had the strength to make this fight
                              - *Went through the first days like everyone else - on the roller coaster fighting cravings as the alien demanded continued access. *
                              ----- I sweat
                              ----- I didn't sleep
                              ----- I see-sawed between fine and hanging on for dear life
                              ----- I didn't want AA or some other program - I didn't thing I needed it
                              ----- I read Jason Vale (most of it) and thought - MWO is the right place to be
                              ----- I didn't tell a soul in my "real world" what I was doing. *Only here. *You were my only support - and I was shocked at how much I didn't want to let you •or• me - down. *Every time I wanted to cheat - I thought about disappointing you - disappointing me - and I stopped myself.
                              ----- After 13 days - I told my close family and friends - but only that I was on a detox diet.
                              ----- Each day gets easier - but at the same time the HABIT doesn't want to let go. *(at this point - I know it's habit - it has no physical hold on my anymore - the Alien just wants back in...) *It says - one little glass. *One little teeny taste. *

                              But I would be at Day Zero. *And I don't want to be at Day Zero again. *Day Zero - Day 13 are hard days. *You get through them but they are hard, sweaty, white knuckle work.*

                              If you are in your first two weeks - I promise it gets better. *Just believe - and stay strong...

                              The job situation has put a huge damper on celebrating.

                              But tonight - it hit me - the hell with the job sitch - today is something I didn't think I could do. *

                              I did it with L-Glut/GABA/Amino's plus B's/Calcium/D3/Magnesium.

                              I did it with Hypnos (TOTALLY worth it) which saved my sanity more than once.

                              I did it with the MWO and Jason Vale Books.

                              I did it with your support since I refused to go anywhere else or ask anyone else for help.

                              But I did it.

                              So - here is to the end of Day 30. *Done. *Dusted. *Today (and for the last 30 days) I have been stronger than AL.

                              Trust me week 1 - 2 nestlings - if I can do this - I promise - if you gut it out - you can too.
                              That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                              Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                              AF - August 20, 2012


                                Newbies Nest

                                Herbie, glad to hear you are home safe and resisted the tempation to drink upon return, travelling is stressful!

                                Prairie - all your insights are so helpful to me and am sure everyone else too. Well done to you, you go girl! 30 days is awesome, just sooooooo awesome!
                                45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                                New day 1- 9 January !
                                Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1

