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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning!
    Just a quick check in!! We have all kinds of crisis around here this morning...spring is in the air...fifth grade girls are in tears..."she told her I don't like him and her told him and now him broke up with me and I didn't even say that...((sniff)) I HATE THIS SCHOOL!!"
    Oh how I love the beginning hormonal stage!!

    Hobbies: Soccer practices & games, basebase practices & games, swim lessons, t-ball, golf lessons---I'm not sure I have anything I really do for myself that can't be good...I read sometimes...I do this website....I like to cook...I may have to work on this....
    Goota run!!
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



      Newbies Nest

      SD-I love your discription of "spring is in the air" Sounds like my home when I had 2 pre-teen girls. :H So much drama back then. Who would have thought that I would miss those days so much?
      AF since 7/26/2009

      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning all Nesters! Hope everyone is well today.

        Dill, so glad you are feeling better. I am afraid I am on the grumpy chain now. Great idea to have a hobby day! I love it!

        My hobbies, when I have time because I work full-time and go to college, are reading (both pleasure and for school), snowmobiling, and my new one is gardening (gonna need help here :H) and of course MWO and Facebook

        SD, you sound as busy as I was when my son was younger. I never had any hobbies except his sports!

        Rodeo, you do sound so upbeat. I hope I can get more cheerful as the day goes on!

        Lil, I love to go on a motorcycle, however I am scared of my boyfriend's so I haven't been on it!

        Hi Sweaty, hope things are good on your side of the pond.

        Brightlite, good to see you again. What is Zumba?

        Beginning, I am glad you are hanging in there. As for sleeping, I have a prescription sleep aid that I take occassionally. However, I have found that Melatonin works great!

        Hi Papa R! We will keep things going here and take good care of 'G'.

        Sorry if I missed any one. If I did, hello! Hello to all to come. Have a fantastic day! :l


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Choppersmom!!! I can't even imagine YOU being grumpy!!!


            Newbies Nest

            Aww thanks Rodeo! :l My boyfriend would beg to differ with you :H I think it is just because our weather went from sunny and 80 to cloudy and 59! It is Oregon, I should be used to it. Oh well...I will to my best to fight off the grumpiness!


              Newbies Nest

              Well, there are some pretty good hobbies out there! Hats off to you all! SD, you'll have time for hobbies later!
              Hey, PR, we have been having a "What're your hobbies?" day in the nest. Care to share?
              Twig time! Goodnight PR, G, and all nestlings. Thanks for your friendship and this warm and safe place.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Newbies Nest

                Morning morning!

                Lil-my Husband has a sports bike, but riding in Singers is no fun, I used to get on the back, but not for a while....

                School is interesting - I think I'm going to defer one of the units its really disorganised and I'm getting very inconsistent grades, the other unit is good though.

                Hot hot here at the min around 34/5 deg centigrade - have given in and joined a gym with aircon, it's on the 23rd floor though, so I'll have to peel myself off the walls to actually do any exercise - it's a double case of 'Feel the Fear and do it anyway'.

                Have a great day nesters, or a restful night.


                Hi to everyone else- I'm still waiting for my short term memory to improve!
                Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                  Newbies Nest

                  Just stopping by the nest to say hello! I am on my 7th day being AF...... not really sure where to go from here. Just really happy that I made it through a full week without any AL!!!! (Thanks to the help of some fellow nesters, choppersmom, rodeorose, and all my friends in the 4 day AF binge thread!) I may try to mod over the weekend.

                  Hobbies......hmmmm.... art, hiking, wild mushrooms, games, working on my house- well, that's a love/hate relationship, really. Thanks for letting me stop by the nest for a bit!



                    Newbies Nest

                    FMI2-- Way 2 GO on 1 week---that's great!!!! Stop in ANYTIME!!! Good luck with your plan this weekend!!!
                    SweEty--:goodjobn the whole exercise thing...I REALLY need to do SOMETHING!!! I just can't seem to get myself to do it...grrrr....even if I'd just go walking or something...anything~~I'll have to work on that...I know my son would love to ride his bike next to me while I walked---that way he could cross the street!!
                    Dill, Chopps, RR, Lil--You all sound good today--I'm beat...I'd say more (you know how I love to ramble) but I have to pack...we're leaving for Denver tomorrow after school for my nephew's baptism....won't be back until Monday evening...hopefully I can use a computer there!! So off I fly to find a suitcase and then a twig!!
                    PS--My son had another game---he caught the 'sorta' game saving 3rd out!!! The game ended 8-8!!!! He was PUMPED!!!! I couldn't believe it...I was cheering and screaming and then he looks up in the stands and I screamed...OMG...that was my kid!!!!! They all look alike out there...the inning b4 he was playing outfield center...this last inning he caught the ball on a pop fly on the third base line!!
                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      Newbies Nest


                      Hello there my little ones....SD, so glad to hear about your son's 'game saving play'.....don't underestimate those moments (which I know you're not) was my life as a kid....those memories remain today as I near 50 years of age.......carried those memories through the teen years and played College baseball for a couple years as well. Sports CAN play a huge roll in giving any child necessary tools to succeed in life (ie:self esteem, teamwork, confidence).....also SD, love your 'summary' on why you love the nest as you do....well said. Dill, great idea with your 'hobbies post'....for me, it's playing sports (no shock there), reading, hiking, and writing....I'm actually working on a book to help young people through their challenges.....I directed kids programs for almost 20 years, before now working in the Psych field, so figured I'd put some of my experience there on paper.....well, gotta get ready for my marathon days the next 2 otherwords, gotta give G some love and attention.....goodnight my cherubs.
                      Papa R....and G


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning peeps,

                        Finally :welcome: Congrats on 7 days. Drop by the nest anytime. There's always plenty of room here.

                        Chops-Did you sleep on the GT (grumpy twig) last night. I too, have a hard time imagining you being grumpy. You always seem so positive, even when you're having a rough time. Hope you're feeling better today.

                        Sweaty-I just reread your post. Do you really have to walk up 23 flights to get to your gym? That would be all the exercise I needed! You say it's always hot in Singers. Do you ever get any cool days? Or does the temp pretty much stay the same.

                        SD-You just might have a future baseball "hall of famour" on your hands. Both my girls played sports. But my youngest daughter played every sport she could. She still stays very active and runs in marathons. I think sports are just great for kids.

                        PR-You're writing a book? Wow! I'm impressed. Really! It sounds like you really like kids. I worked as a volunteer for the CASA program for a couple of years. Some of the situations those kids are in is so sad. I'll have my kitty's drop by to play with "G" while you're at work so he won't get too lonely.

                        Redeo-Hi!! I know you will be by shortly.

                        Dill-What a great idea about the hobbies. Gee we are all really interesting people! I think most of us have kids. So , who of us have kids, what kind and how many? I have 2 girls, ages 34 and 37. (Yes, I was a child bride! LOL!)
                        AF since 7/26/2009

                        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks Papa R for your kind words....I am thankful everyday for every moment that I get with Brayden...I keep thinking of his dad and feel so desperately sad for him on what he is missing out on...the best part is I know I get to enjoy all these memories again sitting back someday retelling these stories to HIS kids!! I love hearing how proud he is of himself..."Oh, I can't believe I did it mom!"....and looking in the mirror into the back seat of the car and seeing his face just beaming with this huge ear to ear smile!!! I LOVE IT!!!

                          Lil-I sometimes have to work with the CASA workers here in my town. Did you ever have to go into the schools or what was your role?

                          Kids: 1 son, age 7--would love more!!!
                          Hello to all those yet to come---MUST get to work---so much to do b4 the end of the day!! Happy Friday!!
                          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                            Newbies Nest

                            Happy Friday Nesters!

                            Lil, yes I slept on the GT (grumpy twig) last night. My BF sent me there early :H Feeling much better today. However, I am wondering how we went from 80 and sunny to me scraping ice this morning...ugh! I guess we all have to have our grumpy moments!

                            SD, I love to hear the stories of your son playing baseball. It brings back so many memories for me. My son's dad was the same way. Thank you for sharing.

                            Fin, it is good to see you in the next. You helped me tremendously on the AF Binge thread!!

                            Hi Dill and Rodeo! I hope you fly in soon to say hi.

                            Papa R, try to stay rested during your marathon days. 'G' will receive much love.

                            Betty, I think I did a work out just reading about yours!

                            Hello to all others to come. Have a great day everyone.

                            P/S Kids: I have a son who turns 20 in 2 weeks (had him when I was 15 years old!) and I have a grandson who is almost 16 months old!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Went to a hockey game and didn't even feel like a beer

                              That was huge for me...
                              Hubby ordered me one, I had a couple of sips, and he drank the rest. Didn't want it.
                              I did start on the l-Glut yesterday too... can't see it helping in just one day, but you never know...
                              Here's to technically day 1 AF...


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Going! :goodjob: I am taking the l-glut and kudzu faithfully now and it does seem to help. Welcome to the nest. Keep up the great work!

