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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Day 4 for me. Back to work after a week off. Hope I can find something tro wear that fits decently. Between Thanksgiving and leftovers and replacing alcohol with food, I don't think I"ve stopped eating for a week.

    I can relate to those of you in the early days like me who feel edgy and wish they didn't have to take so much time to focus on not drinking. I just take a lot of hope from those who have a lot more AF time behind them who say the constant cravings and thoughts about drinking fade away to a large extent. As I hit 7 days, two weeks, a month and more I hope I can see for myself that it gets easier.

    Best wishes to all the nesters as we head into Monday. I'll be back tonight to check in, and I'll do whatever it takes to be able to report that I'm still winning the war with alcohol.
    ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
    Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning LifeChange and IfDreams,

      It does get better. LifeChange - if you boost your Vitamin B's for the next few days - you might feel better. AL depletes the Vitamin B's - and they provide energy. Some of this may well be withdrawal/Weeks1-2 stuff - but some might be the B's.

      IfDreams - Magnesium is also often short in AL users and contributes to an inability to sleep. It soothes muscles and supposedly reduces tremors. You may well have that at home already - so taking one an hour before you want to go to bed won't hurt.

      If not, my friend swears my Natural Calm - a Magnesium in water prep before bed.
      He gave me a sample which I tried last night - when I couldn't sleep. I did get to sleep and slept like a a baby despite today being axe day. He did warn me that it would ensure "regularity" - and um - TRUE.

      I might buy a small bottle of powder to try - because sleeping in a regular way is getting better but still off. And my friend swears the calming effect builds over a week or two. I check reviews on Amazon - they echo his (I thought excessively) high praise - so like I said - small bottle - if it can help me sleep over the next two weeks with everything going on - yay - then I will wholeheartedly recommend to those in week 1/2.
      That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
      Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
      AF - August 20, 2012


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Irie - same thing - hang on for dear life until day 13/14 - it's when your body seems to turn a corner. Until then it's a dogfight with your body as it heals...

        Hugs to all of the newbies - weeks 1/2 stink. Just gut it out - it get's better. You will still crave - but your body will feel totally different the farther you get from AL.
        That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
        Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
        AF - August 20, 2012


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Nesters. I have not been here for a while. Thought I could do it alone. Bottom line - I can't and need all the help I can get.
          Found it really hard to come back and admit my latest fall from grace so I was trying to clock up a couple of weeks and then come back. Well, that didn't work out - didn't realise how much I need you all here.
          Enough said, Day One!
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Newbies Nest

            the heck with week 1 and 2 prairie, I'm on week 10 and I'm going to order some! :H

            That isn't meant to discourage anyone because overall, I am sleeping 99% better than I ever did while drinking - and I like my nerve tonic and calms forte and I already take magnesium to try to ward off migraines and joint aches, but I still have bouts of sleep mind races and with Christmas approaching it's only going to get worse.

            This healing process is not an overnight thing. The sleep issues may very well be a part of the healing process, but then again, I might always struggle a bit there. Either way, the amount and quality of sleep and the way I feel in the morning are a VAST improvement!!!

            I'm going to read back a little and see how everyone's doing since Thanksgiving...

            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


              Newbies Nest

              Daisy, honey - hi there and welcome home. :-)

              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters!

                It does get better so hang in there everyone!
                I will hit my 1000 AF days in December. I am happy & have no regrets so please hang in there so you can all experience this level of gratitude

                Here is something I received in my email this morning from TUT.....a Note from the Universe:

                Detours, challenges, and crisis, Lav, are simply covers for miracles that had no other way of reaching you.

                It's all good,
                The Universe

                Isn't it good to hear these things????

                Wishing everyone a terrific AF cyber Monday!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Welcome back, Daisy! It's funny how much we all have in common. I also toyed with the idea of getting a few weeks AF under my belt before coming back for help. Well, that was a disaster! So, I'm back and thankful to be on day 4. There's no place like MWO!
                  ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                  Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Well I started out good this morning, my Day 7. Then I noticed some terrible things that were put on Face Book about me from my sons girlfriend. It is enough to destroy anyone who is teetering. She told me my son does not care about me and to SHUT UP. All I did was tell my son the new baby was so sweet. She was born at 24 weeks and 2.2 lbs, she is home and around 5 lbs now. Very scary, I am not allowed to see her, because of the girl not AL. Unfortunetly I allowed the nurse to let me see the baby when the parents were not there. I had like 2 mins before visiting hours were over. She has had it in for me after that, 2 months ago. I know my son loves me. When you are dealing with living AF and all the emotions that go with it, negativity like that for the whole world to see, can take you down real fast. I felt I was making all kinds of head way, except for my sleeping pattern, still sucks. I am hoping putting my feelings in print will help remove my erge to drink. When things go wrong, pour a glass of wine, after all it makes us feel better, does it not. (NO IT DOES NOT) But that is how I feel and have been thinking for a long time now. I feel I have stepped back to Day 1 and I have not even taken a drink. It is the mind frame.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Daisy45! Welcome back and has LolaB said...welcome "home". In the past, if I stayed away from MWO, I ended up caving in to the important thing is that you are HERE...stick around this time, ok? We won't steer you wrong . Glad to have you back.

                      PF, best of luck today on the job front. Things work out for the best. I trully believe that but I know it's hard to think of it when life throws us lemons.

                      Minstar, great job on the 8 days! Keep it up! You're sounding so strong!

                      Kind of overslept this morning and haven't done that in a while. But I needed the rest after a busy weekend. Off to work in about a half hour so I gotta make sure I eat a good breakfast! I'll check in later but in the meantime, welcome to all the newbies and well done to everyone for keeping up the fight against AL. You WILL win and be all the better for it
                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Lilla, Australia, Patrice and Willowfrond, freefly ? I hope you were just busy over the weekend ? hope to see you around more!

                        Windy ? hey buddy ? how?s it going? I hope you had a great Thanksgiving !

                        Blondie ? I?ve been dealing with the same thing?tree trimming ? all kinds of things that are drinking triggers. Some of them I am seriously going WTF? But the beauty is that it?s quite easy now to not dwell on them.

                        Lav ? that IS a good one?.please tell the Universe thanks from me, OK?

                        Ifdreams ? lucky number 7 for you! I am still irritable at times. In fact yesterday I got really down on myself thinking that maybe it?s just natural that I?m bitchy and that alcohol took the edge off of it?LOL?a few minutes of rational thinking cured those crazy thoughts?the drinking me was so NOT calm, rational or fun?.I was sleepy, uncaring, and only half in the moment. I?m doing lots of exploring to figure out what is an illusion and what is reality. The illusion is that times were actually more fun when I was drinking. The reality is that I didn?t ?participate? in things, and I couldn?t wait for social events to be over with. So today even if I?m a bit irritable it?s sure better than not remembering the latter half of every evening?(or afternoon, too). Just read your new post?.I?m sorry for all of the terrible things that you are going through?Please keep thinking things through?and don?t use it as a reason to drink?you don?t want to go back and start over! You won?t be able to deal with this irrational behavior of this girl if you are drinking. Like you said you know your son loves you. Read Lav?s message from the Universe!

                        Nursie ? I?m praying that you?re just busy and that you didn?t jump back into the hamster wheel?if you did, it?s not too late to dive back out!

                        Irie That?s great that you were able to pass up the alcohol all around you! There are likely to be more tests in the upcoming weeks?yeah, just think realistically, none of us would be able to do this if those cravings and thoughts of alcohol persisted as strongly as they did the first couple of weeks?.it wouldn?t be possible.

                        Steadyhands ?And a little short tempered followed by "I am sorry" is better than the drunk mom that can't remeber when she put them to bed.? LOVE that statement?

                        Turnagain ? thank you so much for the congratulations ? and right back at ya - with an AF Thanksgiving under your belt!

                        Belle, I missed it and I don?t want to not acknowledge your 30 days because it?s a huge accomplishment and you just remember that you did it, and you can keep it going! just don?t use those sips as an excuse to keep going ? you know where that leads so I won?t hammer it in any more~

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Prairie, I?m thinking of you today ? gosh, either way after all this dragging it out ? it?s going to be better just to have it over with, isn?t it? You are so strong, you are going to be great, I know. Congratulations on 30 days!!! (sorry I?m late!) You?ve got great info on supplements and hypnosis and I thank you for sharing.

                          Congratulations unwasted on hitting that two week mark!

                          Hiya Mya ? :H and welcome back!

                          Hi minstar ? you jumped right back on ? I am so proud of you! That is not an easy thing to do. I haven?t picked up the book much lately, I will have to again b/c I know there are some valid points?

                          Herbie, no problem, it?s hard to keep track of everyone! And when someone (me) throws a quote into the middle of their post it makes it even more difficult?my apologies. So what do you think about the CD?s? I am very curious. Today is day 19??? And I read that part of JV?s book - but it didn?t really ?click? with me until you quoted it?I?m like that sometimes - LOL ? but thanks for repeating an important point. Now I can almost feel the anxiety slipping away when I remember taking a drink and that was entirely not possible as the first sip was just going down my throat. Mind games. Yep, anxiety and sleep problems?.where would AL be without them???

                          Pinecone?.a huge congratulations to you on your first AF Thanksgiving ? and you too Byrdie, and nollie!!!

                          Lav, I hope your delayed celebration was fantastic! I also did my turkey the next day as we went elsewhere to eat on Thursday?we NEEDED some turkey of our own!
                          Remind me of the date again please? Your celebration day?

                          Nollie, another 30 day celebration I missed!!! Woo hoo! You?re doing awesome. Super job dumping the leftover down the drain. I?m still on guard for those moments (and they do come!) where the AL thoughts pop out of nowhere.

                          Lifechange ? you?ve done a wonderful and difficult thing making it to 4 days! Just plant your feet firmly into your dedication to stay AF and soon, it will NOT be such an effort ? I get teary just thinking how ?worth it? it really is?Those first days are tough though?..just get through them and SEE what you can accomplish!

                          And hi again Daisy?

                          I?m still traveling on this journey - learning every day. I?m still very tired at the end of the day, sleep well, some nights, not so well other nights, sometimes I still forget about things I said the night before or I can?t remember if I dreamed something or if it really happened ? but now I know that that?s just ME?LOL?not the AL. I exercise when I can, but I am taking things slowly. I tend to go a little ?all or nothing? with things and then sometimes burn out. I?m just trying to do what I feel like doing for once?.and if that means spending an hour writing this post this morning rather than doing my workout, then that?s ok. It?s important for me to make this personal with all of you. I need to understand this journey and all it?s traps and pitfalls ? so I do have to spend a fair amount of time at this point trying to get to know everyone since our journeys ? while different ? are all very similar. I?ve discovered that immersing myself a little more completely here makes a big difference in my level of commitment. So sorry for the huge posts! It?s purely selfish of me?well, not purely, but kind of!

                          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning Nesters
                            We are all so lucky to have found is our place to be perfectly safe and there is no where else in the world where that can happen... Dreams remember that ... that girl is being awful.. but remember no one will remember her comments in a few days because they will be lost in all the facebook actvity and will soon be in the older post.. you should go in and block her post so you can't see them and don't go into her page to see what she is up to... Go look at LAVs Note for the universe... Lav it is spot on.

                            Steady Hands I think you will find the L Glut will help

                            Daisy welcome back in here and when ever you feel a trigger, ride the wave in here... you will be get the support and help to get through it from all your fellow nesters

                            LifeChange... Day 4 congrats... you are still getting the AL out of your system and it will get better.. are you taking in supps they help so much cause the AL has taken so much out of your system... they will help you rebalance

                            MinStar, I am reading the JV book too... agree with your comment as they say, take what you need and leave the rest...

                            Irie Congrats on day 4.. check out PFs post on supps, the L Glut will really help

                            PF... as always you offer so much... I have my reporters hat on and will keep you all posted on how the hypno CDs are working... so far I am not sure, but keeping an open mind, cause I really want the benefit that they offer... Going to order the natural Calm today cause sleep continues to be a big issue for me... but it has been for all of my adult life and predates my drinking

                            LoLAb... seems like sleeping is a big deal for all of us... going to try the Natural Calm

                            PF... we are all behind you today.. know what it like waiting for the news... the nest has its arms around you today

                            Everyone heres to the start of a new week AF!!!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Everyone,

                              It's been a few days since I wrote a post but all is good here. I am now on day 44 now and I'm delighted. It's not been easy but every day I'm delighted to not be drinking. I've had a tough few days, a fight with my hubby over him being at a party until very late Saturday night, I didn't go and I guess I was feeling very sorry for myself. It's ok now but god did I feel like a drink yesterday! I have a big family party next weekend that I wanted to avoid, I was gonna "come down" with a tummy bug at the last minute but my Mum already told the hosts (my bro and wife to be) that I may not make it there and they are not happy. So, now I have to go and I'm really pissed at my Mum, I told her in confidence why I'm avoiding these things and that I'm not going to announce it to my whole family(none of their business, no one knows I have a prob with al, they just think I love my wine like them). Sorry to go on but right now its easier for me to avoid these things and I feel railroaded into to going. I'm glad everyone is doing so well here, PF I'm thinking of you and WELL DONE on staying so very strong, you are an inspiration. Thanks for listening guys, I don't know where I'd be without you all xxxxxx


                                Newbies Nest

                                Wow, so much success going on here! Lolab...I think you now get why I am still here, in giving back, I get so much in return! And I think you do too. I'm so happy that you are active and posting ...making everyone feel so special.
                                This is a very special place and I owe my sobriety soley on this thread. There were plenty of days that it was 'just too hard' but I'd come in here and read and in no time, that feeling had passed. No drink (at this point) is going to make any of us feel better...that ship has sailed (nods to Greg). All a drink is going to do is make us go down a deep, dark hole. So stay vigilant. The only way to not drink is to not drink...nothing else will do!!! If I can do it, YOU can do it!!! MindPeace to all today...Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

