Evening Nesters,
This thread has moved tons since this morning so I have only just whizzed through.
Herbie, LoLab, blondie- thanks for the hello!
Herbie- the book is still addictive! I cant wait to get into it every night. Just finished the Passive drinking chapter last night and looking forward to more.
I love reading and with all the drinking I was doing I passed out every night. I even went to the library today- to see what they had for babies and saw books I would like to read. I may start getting them out once I am done with JV. Any other inspiring books people can suggest please?
Congrats all on your milestones! And welcome oldies and newbies. I do believe the support here is second to none so welcome back and you are in a safe place.
Had the evil witching hour scare today. I am back home from my mums- which means I am am home alone with baby all day. She went to sleep after feed and bath. Dinner was mostly made and I thought of a glass of wine. I didnt act on it. Told myself to eat and eat. and then decide. Of course after eating it didn't cross my mind. However, i had a craving for chocolate- I NEVER crave it! I am a savoury loving person and unless pregnant (which there is NO chance I am) I do not crave choc. Well I had some and told myself it is better to crave that than alcohol.
Night night nesters, Stay safe. Stay strong