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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    No spammers in the nest = please

    PF, we are all breathing a collective sigh of relief you tonight. Get some rest :l

    Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning Nesters, today IS Day 8. I did not let that hiccup yesterday get me, it was close, good thing I had places to go. It is difficult when you are on your own to rationalize people like that. I know my son is trying to keep peace, as my Mom used to say, A DAUGHTER IS A DAUGHTER ALL HER LIFE, A SON IS A SON TILL HE TAKES A WIFE. He has to live with her.
      So I am still not sleeping, but oddly enough I feel rested. I am still yawning, but that could be from my Lung problem, and lack of oxygen, who knows.
      We are expecting extreme rainfalls, so I am house bound today, no excercise. I will take my dog for her duty walk and that is it. She is a spaniel and like a sponge with water.
      I am not eating as much as I did at the beginning, could be all the water I drink, I think if they checked Lake Huron they would find the levels are down.

      Martie I would like to say welcome, you will find alot of good friends here, along with advice from people who have been there done that and most have the T-Shirt.

      Steady Hands I want to say thankyou for your kind words, you are so right Children do have a way of bringing people together. I hope this little miracle does that, have my doubts about the mother, she is a foster child and has alot of issues, and guess what ( I happen to be one). Anyway, today is a new day, and I pat myself on my back that I did not allow her to be the excuse to go back to Day 1.

      Daisy Welcome back, I also was a member a few years back, and am so glad I decided to become AF. I am still new at this, but I did it before I can do it again. We all believe you can also.

      Blonde Your comment about Lemons reminded me of something I saw a while ago that always makes me laugh when I think about it. It goes like this ( IF LIFE THROWS US A LEMON, SQUIRT YOUR EMEMIES IN THE EYE) Sorry, it shows I have a very warped mind, but a good sense of humour.


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks to all who have welcomed me. This is my second post in the nest. I had 2 glasses of wine last night and am committing to being AF today. I have a ton of resolve this morning but it's what happens at 5 pm that scares me. I am afraid of failure..... Just by saying that I think I'm giving myself an "out", which I really don't want to do. I will hang in there and keep myself busy today. Good luck to all here and have a really great day.

        I hope I get to know you and your stories better as the days an weeks go on. Do people just generally read and post something here daily? How far back should I read? Just questions from a newbie. Thanks.


          Newbies Nest

          Morning Nesters. Relieved to find myself on Day 2. Soooo happy to be climbing on board again.
          I am back on vitamins, L-glut and will now start CDs again. I have ordered JV Kick the drink easily. Found it a great help before but when a friend got in touch in a bit of a state, I gave my book to her to help get her started. The fact that she came to me shows I must have done something right. I have been more AF than not over the past year. But I must make it stick; all the joyous benefits of being AF go right down the drain as soon as I drink again.
          I know if I can get a few weeks under my belt, it does get easier. I have taken on a project right now with the group I volunteer for that will use up all my time over the next 3 weeks.
          I found myself gradually getting into all the old habits and all I could see ahead was a drink fuelled holiday season. I know how much I don't want that so time to take the bull by the horns and beat this bugger once and for all.
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Newbies Nest

            Martie;1217136 wrote: Thanks to all who have welcomed me. This is my second post in the nest. I had 2 glasses of wine last night and am committing to being AF today. I have a ton of resolve this morning but it's what happens at 5 pm that scares me. I am afraid of failure..... Just by saying that I think I'm giving myself an "out", which I really don't want to do. I will hang in there and keep myself busy today. Good luck to all here and have a really great day.

            I hope I get to know you and your stories better as the days an weeks go on. Do people just generally read and post something here daily? How far back should I read? Just questions from a newbie. Thanks.
            Hi - generally it's easiest to grab a cup of coffee or tea - and go back 10-20 pages in the nest. That will catch you up on recent doings - the nest moves fast.

            Martie - do you have your plan that you drafted from the tool kit ready today? Or your supplements? The first few days are really hard - so having those ready to go will make a huge difference.

            All my best-
            That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
            Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
            AF - August 20, 2012


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Nesters!

              PF-Good for you for steering the cart in the other direction of the store. You are so much better for it today. 90 days is a good amount of time to find something in the job arena, best of luck! Meanwhile, you could take it easy through the holidays maybe? I hope you find something wonderful!

              Have a great day Nesters...Dec. 1st marks 30 days for me...I can see the goal is near!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                Newbies Nest

                once again,thanks everyone for your wisdom and support, I dont have a lot of wise stories at this stage but so much enjoy and grow from readin yours. I am Day 6 completed! Glad to see some newer newbies out there too, we can do it!
                45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                New day 1- 9 January !
                Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


                  Newbies Nest

                  Herbie, I?m so glad you?re in the nest. Always encouraging words..kind of like our beloved Lav...

                  Mrsg ? 44 days is wonderful?and you should be delighted. Keep MWO close by as you prepare for next weekend?and arm yourself with weapons ? take something to drink? isn?t it crazy how those cravings still can come on so strong? The great thing is that even though they still surprise me, I can usually count on them lasting a VERY short time. (but maybe that?s my incredibly short attention span???)

                  Hi Byrdie?yep ? in fact I didn?t believe it my first go round?.I was overwhelmed with ?getting to know people? ? and I didn?t want to do it. I still can?t look at the site as a ?social gathering? but I do need to try to know everyone?s (in the nest) story ? for whatever reason it helps me?.so yep ? now I get it! :l

                  Hey Belle, you didn?t have a huge fall from grace - I don?t know if that makes it easier or harder to jump back in ? but either way you?re doing it ? and you should be proud.

                  Awww?Windy? I?ve wondered that before?.I know I?m a very sensitive person ? did I use alcohol to avoid feeling things too deeply? Don?t stay away when you?re struggling ? even when it doesn?t seem to be an alcohol thing you?re struggling with?we know they?re all inter related and one can lead to the other?so don?t feel bad for sharing non uplifting feelings?that is the exact reason that we are here to listen and lift you up when you?re feeling down so it doesn?t progress to drinking. Mine is 13, so most likely I have lots of those days in store in the future.

                  Hi lifechange ? what a difference huh? I love the story of buying healthy food and playing with your girls rather than buying alcohol. I just don?t get it. The hold it has on us. It has me shaking my head thinking about some of the choices I made in the past regarding alcohol. Ugh.

                  Noal, I love it when you check in. Not only is it nice hearing the male/dad point of view but you just tell it like it is?you?re doing great at day 43 today!

                  Scottish lass, Piper and daisy ? I gotta say that having gone down the road that you were just traveling on, I am super impressed with you both. I know how hard it is to come back after being away for awhile ? and I know that the best way to succeed is to be 100% committed and jump in here with a giant cannonball into the pool ? post and post and read and read!

                  (piper I am so sorry about your friend?.I?m sending you hugs. I know someone who is all alone and just had to put her doggy down and she adopted a rescue pup last weekend?definitely helped even though she could never dream of replacing her other)

                  Steadyhands, nollie, just sayin HI!

                  Minstar, I?m the same ? even with quitting the al, I haven?t really fought the sugar cravings that most do?now a bag of chips? ? oh yeah!

                  Martie, welcome!!! Jump right in and throw your two cents in ? whether it?s asking for help, or offering an opinion ? it helps so much to just talk to others who understand. We?ve all been there and know the feelings of being totally committed in the morning only to change our minds later in the day. You need to decide that you?re 100% committed and come 5 o clock? Log in here and read or ask for help. Get a few days under your belt and you?ll gain some confidence. In the beginning you might want to post several times a day ? there are no rules?I skipped around lots when I first came here and then I got really confused about who was who ? LOL! But nobody?s going to mind....we understand and we aren?t some ?clique? that we?ve all been hanging around forever and know each other so well?just say whatever pops into your head!

                  Hi Audrey ? listen to Lav?you?re in a tough situation ? but you can do it providing you come up with a good plan.

                  Thanks Irie, that was one of those comments that when my fingers were typing it ? I was going ?Hah! That really makes sense!? LOL. It?s so true. If I felt the angst that I felt the first few days ? or probably even the first few weeks ? still? I most likely couldn?t have kept going. I do think yesterday I didn?t think at all about having a drink. And I had a bit of a stressful day. It?s funny, I can sit here and say I have identified my ?triggers? they are my mother?and stress. But then I dealt with both yesterday and didn?t crave AL. But then other days, my triggers are relaxation or watching a movie?.so for me, basically anything can be a trigger. I just have to be on the lookout all the time for that feeling to sneak up on me and know what I am going to do about it. Nice though that the feelings sneak up less and less.

                  Blondie have you tried the Lindt with a hint of sea salt? YUM! See? Even in my sweetness I need the savory?wow! 30 days on Thursday? I feel a party coming on!

                  Prairie. I?m sorry about your job ? but I am happy that the torture is over. Gawd ? the fact that they could drag it out like that says that you?ll be better off anyway?I?m proud of you for realizing that it wouldn?t make you feel better by drowning in wine.

                  Mya part of that awful feeling is the alcohol?you know how your spirits lift after a few days being AF?this is the hardest part ? hang in there honey?you can do anything!

                  Ifdreams, I?m soooo glad you hung in there and saw that things can look not quite so bad if you give them some time?.(sorry ? really bad sentence structure!) I love the lemon humor!

                  Australia?you have TONS to offer. You?re done with day 6 ? I consider you just emerging from the trenches ? LOL. You can offer a bird?s eye view for those who are on day 1 or 2 ? that there?s a light at the end of the tunnel!

                  I AM going downstair to get a workout in this morning ? I didn?t intend to write this much ? haha?..sorry for contributing to the lengthiness of this thread.

                  Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                  Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                    Newbies Nest

                    Audrey14;1216896 wrote: Hi Nesters!!!

                    I'm on my Day 1 again...had terrible "drinking week", lost my contactleanse (i have astigmatism, so i ordered them and have to wait), can' t see so much, didn' t go to exibition opening of my friend, was very bad hostess for my guests - my boyfr, afteriend's mum and husband etc. My boyfriend is drinking with me so i even don' t have to go out of home - he' s buying wine.. His mum knows that he' s alchoholic, now i think she knows that i am too:upset:
                    I desparately want to stop!!!
                    hi audrey. welcome! great news that you have decided to quit, i am in australia too, so we will be the ones posting at 'off' times. nice to meet you!:welcome:
                    45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                    New day 1- 9 January !
                    Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters!

                      Lola, you've just said everything I was going to say

                      I will add one more thing though.....
                      Martie - don't just wish for success today, make it happen!!
                      Get your plan written out
                      Dump the wine
                      Work up a strong commitment
                      Success doesn't come by accident ~ you need to put the work in. Remember that we've all had our day 1!

                      OK, will check in later!
                      Wishing a great AF Tuesday for everyone

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        It was a great tuesday for me and I hope it will be for all of you too.
                        Lolab thanks for noticing I had gone quiet, it was a busy weekend but I am sorry to say that one of the evenings was busy downing a bottle and the other day busy feeling lousy. That was my second blow out since starting early in November and I recognise the trigger - fear of how I was going to get through a social occasion my husband wanted me to go to, but where I felt insecure and out of it. Belle, like you the wine did nothing for me apart from make me feel sick and forget half of what went on, I realise now, and it has made me all the more determined not to even bother again. I had been going so well, so will get straight back on board and follow that path now.
                        Daisy , welcome back, I know how you feel about all the plus days and wanting that way of life to stick for good.
                        Marti - nice to meet you and I relate to you, am 52 and can remember drinking a bottle many or even most nights way back since I was in my 20s. I am fed up with it and tired of it to be honest
                        PF, have been reading the thread even though not posting and was thinking of you, your strengh is admirable and inspiring.
                        Hello to everyone else I haven't mentioned and all have a great day (or night for us in Aus!)


                          Newbies Nest

                          PF, Lavande, lolab.... I think I got those right? Anyway, I did take all one, lglut, and fish oil this morning. I plan to take l glut again this afternoon and maybe melotonin at night.

                          I am going for a walk this afternoon in the mall. It's raining, unfortunately. I have errands this evening. I will post again this afternoon during my witching hour. Still catching up on people's stories. Martie


                            Newbies Nest

                            Australia....look at you on BIG DAY 6! Did you ever think THAT could be done???? A couple words from my journey. Day 6 was a BITC___! I don't know why, but it was all I could DO to get thru it. Hang in there, because Day 7 is a turning point! You have conquered every single day of the week and there will be no surprises. Please let us know how your day 6 is....I will be curious is it was just me, or if it's a normal thing. You will be sooooo glad you got thru, and I am VERY proud of you. Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Happy Tuesday everyone.

                              I'm reading all the posts and catching up. It sounds like lots of nesters are making big progress!

                              And thanks Lav and Byrd for all your great advice and support! :thanks:

                              Audrey - it's nice to hear from you again!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Martie, may I refer you to a couple of post #'s to look back on...see up in the upper right there are post numbers...I don't navigate this site all that well, but even I can find a numbered post...there are other ways to do it, but I don't know them....please see if you can find my post #12,852 (this is my "I have a Plan" speech). Also try my post #12,878, (life in the very beginning). LifeTakeTwo has a beautiful post @ #12941 about moderating. You owe it to yourself to read Lolab's post #14,464...a lovely piece...and if you are really bored for something to do, my very first post #4745. When I first came here, I thought that the oldtimers just checked in to rub my nose in the fact that they had all this time built up, yadda, yadda, yadda....they just came in to post how many months and years, and hope all was well. That's very nice, but that wasn't why I was here. I came here in desperation, to find HOW the hell to quit drinking....something I had done in ernest since I was 18 (then, legal age) Now at 52, I feel like life has just begun. I'm 10 months sober, and yes, I AM bragging about that because I never thougtht I could go ONE night without it, let alone 10 months! Tonight will be a challenge, but come back here and read and read...distract yourself any way you can...just get thru the next 15 minutes. If you got thru the last 15, you can get thru the next. Really, if you are like me, there's just a couple/three hours each weeknight to get thru, and then you're home free? Right? Like from 5-8? In my case, it was getting around 2:30 in the after about 8. So just that little edge to get thru...not as overwhelming when you break it down. Stick close to us...WE UNDERSTAND! Read and post....every post matters, there is someone out there reading your posts and finding something to identify me on that. Welcome aboard, we are glad to have you! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

