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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    I am new here. I found this site while looking up Campral. Any way, hello!


      Newbies Nest

      Ughh The cravings and feelings of guilt and shame, How does anyone explain to others what actions you have done in the past from drinking? I know its the past but cant be changed, Glad that Baclofen also helps with anxiety.


        Newbies Nest

        Day one accomplished. I am not having the waves of sorrow over my dog like I have been having since Saturday. I am headed to bed--taking a couple Calms Forte to help me sleep (thanks for the recommendation lav) I might take some Ibupro PM bc I swam 30 laps after work, then went straight to the gym and ran a half mile on the treadmill while I reread more of Alan Carrs book. I am taking it easy getting back to exercising, gearing up slowly. But I know it's the only thing that will keep me sane.

        Good night fellow nesters....Piper


          Newbies Nest

          wow Piper... 30 laps then the gym and then the treadmill... you must be in good shape despite the drink!!! So sorry about your dog.. I lost my dog a couple of years ago and I was unconsolable. My hubby didn't know what to do with me so he got me a new dog.... she will never replace my beloved dog but I do love her so much... unfortunately I have raised her like an indulgent grandparent instead of a responsible adult and she beyond spoiled... she sleeps on my head

          No AirMan and AGUY you will find tons of support here... you are not alone... we have all been there and done that


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Nesters
            Sorry not time to read so just browsing and clocking in for day 9 today. I think I added on an extra day for myself in all my AF excitement! Hope everyone is bearing strong and hello newbies.

            Blondie- the book is good as it keeps a constant reminder as to why I am not drinking. Some of his points are in my opinion over stretched and a tad silly. But the point is there and I really liked the chapter on the government, advertising etc. Also I like reading it as it keeps my mind on my goal.

            not sure what will happen once I have finished the book. Anyone else finished it?

            Back to Madame! Hope everyone is tucked up sleeping safely in the nest of starting a lovely AF day!


              Newbies Nest

              ggrr, it's difficult, I'm going through my urge surf hour with a bit of difficulty tonight. It's a quiet time in the nest with so many of you sleeping - which doesn't help, but I am hanging on in there. Took L Glut for the first time tonight, doesn't seem to have made any difference or does it take a while to build up?


                Newbies Nest

                I promised myself I would check in no matter what. I'm ashamed to admit I didn't stick with my resolve and had 3 wines. I don't want to say any more right now. Too mad at myself. Not giving up though.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey Lilla, How's it going now? Keep thinking about the outcome if you have any alcohol -- exactly how bad you would feel in just a short time and the guilt and remorse you will feel when you wake up....and...the headache and the lost time feeling ickee...NOT GOOD....NOT GOOD AT ALL

                  Now ride out the urge; eat something (that always works for me); sip some tea anything...NOW imagine surfing through this urge feeling proud, confident and clear headed, and very important.... IN CONTROL... THIS is your life and you own it not some bastard names AL (the devil himself). The choice seems clear..One minute at a can do this. You want it more and more each passing day and it is achievable just say NO!! NO!! NO! and as Byrdie would say "HELL NO!!

                  Martie -- It's hard, isn't it??? But you can do it... If I can do it, you can do it.. Keep trying. Each time is a time to learn what works and what doesn't work. Come back soon and let us help you. The guilt sucks, but it does keep us determined.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters, today is Day 9, and I actually slept till 5 a.m. I went to bed at 7, for I could not keep my eyes open. The past few days were very emotional, and waking up anywhere from 1 - 3 a.m. was having its toll. I am getting more positive and feel stronger each day, I have however been keeping from all temptation. Staying away is easier than going and wanting, that day will come soon enough.

                    MiniStar, congrats on your Day 9 also.

                    Piper, I am so sorry about your dog, I had to put my friend down a few years ago, and like Herbie I was unconsolable. I was to start a new job that day and had to call in. They were dog lovers also and she got off the phone crying so I was told. My Reena was my best friend, had her since she was a pup, I picked her out before her eyes were open. I adopted a little spaniel who was 2 years old, she is sweet, but had alot of bad habits, and still does. She is a good companion, and I agree she is so spoiled, she sleeps on the spare pillow by my head. And I agree she will never be like Reena, but I love her dearly.

                    So back to why we are all here , congrats again to all who are celebrating milestones, I am looking forward to day 30 only 3 weeks to go, and so on, and so on. This time of year is going to be stressfull to all of us, and test our reserves, and find out how strong we are. Again I am so happy I found this site, I can jump on anytime day or nite and read, and post and walk side by side with all the good people on MWO.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Welcome martie!
                      45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                      New day 1- 9 January !
                      Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


                        Newbies Nest

                        Phew, I did it! The cravings have died down for tonight and I am going to have an early night.

                        Thank you Windy for your help and I did focus on the headache I would have tomorrow, I could even feel it when I thought of it! I also spent the time reading the Tools again as no one seemed to be around when I was most struggling. I will refer back to your post next time I need help too.

                        Martie, better luck tomorrow but it certainly is a process, as I have found over the last 25 days since starting (two bad days, so I am only on day 3 of consecutive days) and every little step of improvement is one in the right direction.

                        Dreams and MinStar congrats on day 9, over one full week.

                        Goodnight and hope you all enjoy an AF Wednesday, as I just did (hard as it was today).


                          Newbies Nest

                          Mornin' Nesters!

                          Lilla, I hope you resisted the urge last night...sorry it was quiet on MWO at your time of need. But it was great of you to post and let us know your thoughts. Like Windy said, eat something, have some tea or something non al to drink...go for a walk...anything to keep you from giving in. Most of us find that when the urge hits, it usually only lasts for up to an hour...just keep that in mind and get the hour done. You don't want to give in and deal with the guilt and feeling like crap the next day. Remember, "Straight forward to a hangover!".

                          Minstar-thanks for your input on the book. I do want to read it. Maybe I will buy it tomorrow to celebrate my 30 days AF! Yup, tomorrow is the day I get a hat or somethin'...right?

                          Sipping some great coffee and catching up on here, what a great way to start my sober day!

                          If Dreams-Well done on 9 days! You are almost to 2 digits, doesn't that feel grand? You too Minstar!

                          Hi to newbies Martie & Australia! Martie, put that bump in the road behind you and get back on the horse...NOW. I found in the past that if I slipped and stopped coming on MWO, I would slip even further. We all have rough starts, just learn from it and move on. Stick with us, ok?

                          For everyone here that mentioned that their doggie sleeps in their bed...I'll join that crowd! Not only does Coco (pictured in Avatar) sleep right between hubby and me (she makes sure she keeps us separated...she's a jealous wee thing), I also have 2 cats which usually pin me down, one on each side. We had to upgrade from a queen size bed to a king size one just to accomodate all of the spoiled

                          Have a lovely day nesters and make sure you use your nest straps and butt velcro, extra strength if needed!

                          Oh, Lolab-my stove is going to be electric. It's a GE, white with a charcoal grey speckled smooth ceramic cooktop...not the "coil" burner kind. So much easier to clean and I hear it's better at heating things up. Looking forward to getting it installed later today!

                          Bye for now all and have a great day!
                          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                          BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                            Newbies Nest

                            lilla;1217692 wrote: ggrr, it's difficult, I'm going through my urge surf hour with a bit of difficulty tonight. It's a quiet time in the nest with so many of you sleeping - which doesn't help, but I am hanging on in there. Took L Glut for the first time tonight, doesn't seem to have made any difference or does it take a while to build up?
                            Hi Lilla - L-Glut is dose dependent for how it helps. The dose on the side is maintenance. it's very safe to significantly up your dose in a craving to urge surf and I understand some rehab centers keep them in pockets do the capsules can be broken open and placed under the tongue in crisis.

                            I use the capsules as maintenance - ususually 2 between b'fast & lunch, 2 before leaving work to carry me through trigger time at the grocery store, and 2 in the eve between dinner and bed. See the nutritional thread on the max amounts you can take.

                            In true "Oh Shit - Ride the Wave" - my combo is 2 L-Glut chewies from GNC which are much higher potency - faster acting/2 GABA/2 Full Spectum Amino's. Give that half an hour and something to drink - seltzer or tea - and I am good to go.

                            When I was first two weeks - for pure anxiety and muscle tremors - it was GABA, Taurine, and Magnesium.

                            Overall recovery is massively helped by Vitamin b supplementation (since AL) wipes out the B's - but this should be done with meals and ususally only with b'Fast or Lunch unless you don't feel like sleeping. B's give a lot of energy - once they build up closer to normal. Get a B that includes Inosital as ?some? studies show it is helpful for anxiety and depression - you may as well stack the deck.
                            That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                            Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                            AF - August 20, 2012


                              Newbies Nest

                              A big WELL DONE to Lilla! xpost on my last entry...we must have been typing at the same time. So glad you withstood the cravings! It isn't easy (Lordy I know) but you DID IT! Rest well.
                              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                              BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning, everyone! So happy to wake up this morning knowing I triumphed over my demons yesteray. At the risk of sounding corny I've been on a natural high ever since I got home last night without the wine I thought I wanted so much.

                                This site is powerful. We are powerful. $&@! alcohol. I'm taking my life back!
                                ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                                Goal #1 - 7 days AF -

